Even if you think Star Trek 2009 is the anti-Trek, you've gotta admit that JJ knows how to put together a-dare I say it- slick and engaging action movie.
So what the FUCK happened to The Force Awakens? It literally feels like he did not shoot that movie. It feels like someone poorly aping the guy who made Star Trek '09 mixed with a guy poorly aping Lucas's direction of A New Hope.
Lincoln Ross
>So what the FUCK happened to The Force Awakens? Disney
Michael Martinez
I liked the first few minutes of that movie until thor dies then it's
DAn it dan it on the plehhh nit
and it lost me
Nicholas Ramirez
It seems that way when you're watching them. But it doesn't stick in the mind or heart. A great action movie stays with you and compels further viewings.
All his work has this transient quality to it. It lacks some important aspect. Some understanding of primal storytelling. Some deeper semantic resonance.
There's a never that transcendent "Holy shit" moment. He just forever teases and baits that such a moment will appear, and it never does.
Christopher Watson
I actually think he achieves this with ST09. None of his other movies do though.
Jordan Cruz
I agree OP, and would even go as far to say that Star Trek 2009 is one of the best action flicks in the past ten years. The plot actually existed and wasn't terrible, there was a degree of character development, and above all it had charm.
TFA lacks all of the above. All it kept was the smooth veneer, and literally nothing else.
Logan Hall
>Star Trek 09 wasn't fucking terrible I wish this meme would end.
Caleb Hill
>abrams Star Kek was slick and engaging
Colton Fisher
I mean, the thing is that JJ's style of directing worked for the soft reboot of Trek. Trek as a show is usually slow-paced and takes time to explore characters, to develop character relationships, and to develop the plot. JJ's Trek 2009 was sort of a shot of adrenaline in the arm of the Trek movie franchise. He hyper charged a lot of things to make the movie "exciting" and able to appeal to a wider audience than just Trek nerds (like me).
Star Wars, in contrast, is already widely loved as a movie franchise and already packed with action, adventure, and romance. It didn't need JJ's trademark hypercharging to reboot it. Also, I'm sure it was Disney that made sure to include lots of nostalgic elements from sprinkled cheeky references to the overall plot structure and feel. Also Kathleen Kennedy is a cunt.
Easton Perry
Holy shit your right. I can't remember any scenes from that movie besides people falling down and some lense flare.