Why do no cyberpunk TV series exist?
Why do no cyberpunk TV series exist?
because it's a genre only liked by weird sensitive losers.
Don't know
Enjoy your cop procedurals
there was a robocop show, and the closest thing to a recent cyberpunk show is Continuum, worth a watch even if they spend too much time in the present day world
Almost Human was alright, and there's going to be a Dredd tv show (which Almost Human should have just been)
Meme genre with only one good movie
Blade Runner, Robocop, Total Recall, or The Matrix?
the bullshit Hollywood call scifi is modern people with modern values in the future with future technology
real scifi is seeing how culture changes with technology
noone will do cyberpunk cause it will mainly deal with how culture changes with technology and the jews dont want people exploring anything outside their zeitgeists
thats why u keep getting dogshit like star trek the orville and the rest of shit holly call scifi which is just a war for the jewws to keep control
true scifi/cyberpunk explores how human relationships will change a good cyber punk that builds off current jew control world will show the destruction of male female relationships and things the jews dont want the proles to see
we dont want to follow a bullshit story in cyberpunk real cyberpunk is exploring the world and the culture of that world seeing how the culture got to be what it is not some shit about love or justice FUCK THE JEWS and the CIA NIGGERS for stifling creators
>braindead police procedural
>"cyberpunk" because of two neon establishing shots per episode
star watching this felt weird say ill go back to it when im not depress
>Cyberpunk and police procedurals are a bad thing.
Nigga thats the bread and butter of cyberpunk. Even Max Headroom was a detective show.
>cyberpunk with no budget
lol good luck
its expensive
Man, this guy needs to be in more stuff. Never seen Karl Urban in anything he wasn't great.
total recall 2070 is the show you're looking for
Yea a real good cyberpunk tv show would need an insane budget and no sane producer or network is willing to risk that much money on such a niche subgenre
Max Headroom
id watch a transmetropolitan cartoon
Yep, this show was great.
Max is essentially Tay before they killed her.
ayy i'm only a weird loser, pal
It's being worked on
because of them user, they hate that ish, look at how they put neg reviews on Blade runner for daring to have a white person.
((( dull and uninteresting )))
Cause it's expensive as all fuck
but anything that takes place in [current year] is cyberpunk.
Netflix is producing an Altered Carbon series. Should be out next year. Mite b cool.
that is what they say, we need to remove they.
>produced with a budget of 20 dollars and a half-eaten hamburger
Was it cyberpunk? Was it good?
I remember liking it very much when I was a kid, tried rewatching a few episodes couple of years ago and thought it's kinda trash
Because it's expensive as fuck to create all those props and scenery and visuals. The reason so many shows have "normal" settings like sitcoms of a bunch of 30-somethings in NYC or cop procedurals is because they're fucking cheap to film. The biggest budget you're going to get is Game of Thrones, and even that is relatively cheap
I dunno.
Altered Carbon feels like it would require a movie budget to pull off a lot of it, but needs to be a TV series to pull off what it wants to do.
Man, I want to believe, but I have serious doubts about this. For one, the posters look like shit. That font and logo looks like it belongs on a mcdonalds happy meal toy. And I can't see them properly doing Judge Dredd on a low budget. Great idea for a weekly serial though, I hope they can pull it off.
biopunk which is underrated compared to cyberpunk and steampunk and yeah it was great
But what about BR2049?