Why have none of Craig's Bond movies been nearly as good as Casino Royale was?
Why have none of Craig's Bond movies been nearly as good as Casino Royale was?
no eva green
It's easily got the best script.
The talent was there on-screen and behind the camera for Skyfall and Spectre at least, but their stories are much dumber
Casino > Spectre > Skyfall > QoS
Eva Green.
But Skyfall is absolute kino. It's better, not to mention Spectre which is almost as good. Honestly, Craig has had the second best tenure as Bond, right behind Sean Connery.
This. You have to be so insane to say Tomorrow Never Dies is better than Spectre.
Nah, Casino's better than Skyfall. Also Spectre's attempt to tie literally everything together falls flat on its face
>Also Spectre's attempt to tie literally everything together falls flat on its face
Film is an 8/10 before the 3rd act
The fuck? It honestly was. Spectre was such a paint by numbers Bond movie. At least Tomorrow Never Dies was something new.
TND is nothing but over the top action. Spectre is supreme in every way. Yes 3rd act is weak but leading up to it its a top notch Bond film and I would put it in my top 5 of Blofeld was better written and the ending wasn't rushed.
I personally prefer Brosnan over Craig so don't call me a Brosnan hater for not liking TND. I actually prefer DAD over that because it has a great dramatic first act.
>you remember the time that gay french guy hit you in the balls repeatedly?
>I told him to do that.
Play Bloodstone. It is canon and connects Skyfall and Spectre by having Blofeld at the end kill another woman in Bond's life. Well the killer is never mentioned but it is pretty obvious it's him.
>DAD over that because it has a great dramatic first act.
I actually love the first third of Die Another Day, there was something interesting and solid they were doing, and then the rest of the movie shit all over it.
M meeting Bond on the medic part of ship and telling him that he's fired and he goes to lie down, his heart rate slowly stopping as people come in to revive him was brilliant.
A shame the scene was spoiled with his quip "thanks for the kiss of life".
>waltz will never have another role as good as landa and will just keep doing these poorly written typecasts
Fuck this gay earth
He starred in a biopic recently directed by Tim Burton. That may be good
Always meant to check this game out. I really liked Everything or Nothing so I liked that they did another Bond game with an original story instead of adpating the movies. Sucks that licensed games are a dying breed these days so we don't get any more Bond games.
>Sucks that licensed games are a dying breed these days so we don't get any more Bond games.
I know. Bloodstone is OKAY in the sense that you don't get much to do apart from "shoot enemies and run" altho best levels are when you have to sneak around a casino and when you escape from a prison. Worth checking out.
A shame the game has no bots because the multiplayer looks fun but I will never be able to play it.
I hated that they felt it was necessary to tie Silva to SPECTRE when it seemed very clear that he was working alone in Skyfall. Sure, it's kind of weird that they seemed to be aiming for an overarching plot at first and then went off on this unrelated tangent (I figure that when they made Skyfall they were tired of the Quantum stuff and just wanted to do something else), but I prefer that to their decision to retcon its connection in with no real benefit to doing so.
>Why have none of Craig's Bond movies been nearly as good as Casino Royale was?
spoiler alert: casino royale wasn't particularly good either
Everyone I've talked to, including my friend who does not like Craig as bond agrees that Casino is a brilliant Bond film.
Skyfall was too tryhard and Spectre didn't try at all. Spectre felt like Quantum.
Eva Green as new bond?
Not getting Emily Blunt
Cara Delevingne
>tfw no emily blunt modesty blaise movie series
Say what you will about QoS, but at least it had a villain who yodeled like a madman.
The studio was under a lot of pressurre in a couple of ways: they had casted Craig many fans didn't like and the previous Brosnan Bond movies had been stupid as fuck.
So they didn't want to Lazenby the situation and did a traditional, Sean Connery style Bond, with more down to Earth feel.
They had a good script, good cast and a solid workhorse director that turned in exactly what the franchise needed. And that is why Casino works even now: it just looks anf feels like a classic Bond movie, kind of a movie that exists out side a specific time frame.
>Is forced to drink his own oil
The most cucked villain in the Bond franchise
>The most cucked villain in the Bond franchise
You realize there were numerous villains where Bond literally stole their girlfriend and had sex with them. You can apply the literal definition of cuckolding.
>opens trunk
>"It's time to fuck
>You realize there were numerous villains where Bond literally stole their girlfriend and had sex with them
Walken in A View To A Kill walking past the bedroom door and realizing Bond is in there with his black gf and walking out with an annoyed look on his face is priceless.
Spectre is ass crap. Shitty song, bloated meandering plot, Bond girl who you dont care about, boring action scenes, terrible ending.
Casino > Skyfall > Quantum > Spectre
Simple, the director from Casino Royale was the director from Goldeneye. They need to let him (or force him) to direct every Bond movie till he dies.
Best movies and most cock-throbbing Bond girls by far.
>Shitty song
I adore Spectre so much and I cannot stand the song at all so I agree with you on that.
The instrumental version however sounds so much better and I beg you PLEASE listen to this half way thru. It didn't make it in the movie and only the beginning of the track did but the orchestra really does sound amazing when it loudens up.
Just a shame we had the shitty Sam Smith version.
Bond girl squeezing Bond with her thighs again WHEN?
>tfw no Georgiafu here to crush my ribs and call me a bleearch
Not him but I just wish more Bond themes were upbeat and badass like the Casino Royale theme was. More often they just go with something that sounds like a slow love song. That instrumental version you linked still is pretty good though.
Best Bond theme was Die Another Day
chris cornell rip
>Only one based on an Ian Fleming book
gee, I wonder
Because Martin Campbell directed it then fucked off. Exact same thing with Brosnan. Campbell directed Goldeneye then fucked off and none of Brosnan's other Bonds were as good.
in the words of Martin Campbell, she's so beautiful it's INDECENT
top 5 bond girl of all time desu
also checked
I'd rather he do a good job and fuck off then be forced to return for money and make a shitty second Bond film like Skyfall & Spectre director Sam Mendes
He quit while he was ahead, unlike Mendes.
Skyfall isn't bad, I don't know why people hate it so much. It has some weak moments but is still very watchable. Spectre isn't. Neither are anywhere near as good as CR.
real answer: because casino royale is comfy and has the suave old bond feel
other craig movies are just boring action movies
Casino royal sucks
casino >>>> quantum >>> skyfall >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> spectre
search your hearts
Casino Royale is one of those rare movies where i literally can not find a single flaw
>Quantum > anything
personal opinion only ofc but i felt the movie flattened out too hard in the first part of the would-be third act, and this sabotages and nerfs the impact of the ending.. at least on first watch.
i can go with it more on rewatch, but i wish it would work as well for both. obviously the energy and pace has to go down, it just felt like it fell too much and got too.. comfortably bland and cliched.
yes, i am aware that this sort of maybe mirrors bonds emotional arc, and that might sort of be part of the point.
send help. someone lob me a liferaft
Dalton>everyone else
You know Skyfall is the most memorable of the Craig bond movies. The only thing I remember about Casino Royale is he gets his balls whipped by mads mikkelson and Eva green dies. Skyfall has so many great set pieces you don’t even know where to start.
Stop frogposting, it rots your brain.
Because it was a tighter, back-to-basics film.
Did you seriously screencap your own post instead of just saving it in a text document or something?
do people really think 'on her majesty's secret service' was good? literally the only bond film i couldn't watch all the way through.
>the only bond that breaks the formula and ends on a bad note
it's one of the most important bond films in the franchise faggot.
Yeah? I can't really think of anything wrong with it.
Side note, I wish more Bond films had an instrumental theme song.
I agree with your opinion on James Bond.
because the whole point of casino royale was to make a "not bond" movie to please the critics. It was during the time when bourne was popular as hell, not to mention couple of years ago the whole franchise was ridiculed by austin powers. Which is why Casino Royale became a reboot and we got a realistic, vulnerable bond
Even Le Chiffre seems forced. Blofeld would have been a much bigger problem than his fucking investors. Just like his original Soviet masters in the novel. Nothing about Blofeld and Spectre made sense.
>boring actions scenes
SPECTRE had some of the best action in the series. The opening helicopter fight was brilliant production wise. The plane chase in the alps. The boat chase down the Thames. There's plenty to criticize about the plot but the action was top notch.
They did it, because they COULD. Like, they could actually use the name spectre and blofeld. They couldn't use them before because of some retard holding the rights. That's why blofeld last appearance was in Diamonds Are Forever, and after that he disappeared from the franchise, along with the Spectre name. He was in opening scene of For Your Eyes Only but as a "bald man" and you couldn't see his face, again, because of the fucking rights. After Skyfall they got the rights, and that' how Spectre happened. And it sucked balls. What a disaster that was.
Does anyone else think this music sounds a lot like Bond music?
Not him but I found the action scenes so lifeless and uninspired. Like I'm not sure how to explain it, because obviously Bond is going to come out victorious no matter what so it's not like the other films are any different, in theory, but there was just no tension in this one. I distinctly remember being bored out of my skull as the helicopter went around in circles, like it felt like it was just dragging on way longer than it needed to, and I don't remember having this problem with the other ones. It's actually worse if they spent a lot of money and effort on those action scenes because it didn't pay off. I remember my mother told me her opinion on the film was that it could have used a few more action scenes and I thought to myself that was pretty much the opposite of the problem I had with it. I think Bond is at its best when it focuses more on the dialogue, provided the script is actually good. Or at least having him sneak around doing secret agent things instead of these bombastic action scenes.
definitely the only bond actor without any bad films (not counting lazenby)
If you're gonna count the guy with literally two films, why not count the guy with one film? You can't deny it's a perfect track record.
While Spectre wasn't a totally bad film per say I do agree that i was a tad let down that for a film called Spectre, the title organization appears very little and the only named member is Blofeld, who is criminally underused. I think part of this has to do with he fact Austin powers parodied James Bond to such a T that bringing back the classic SPECTRE might come across as corny to those not initiated in he Bond franchise.
his movies are as good as the scripts. he wouldn't have saved Spectre.
>and the only named member is Blofeld
Mr. Hinx seems to be a member and he has a name. Though he was just as underused as Blofeld.
On the bright side, both of them will be returning in the next one.
citation needed
I guess when I meant members I meant in the inner council. There was no Largo, Klebb, Dr. No type characters to show the cunning of the "top minds in criminality" as Spectre is supposed to be, just the boss and his enforcer have any sort of relevance. Also sauce on the two returning, I know Christoph Waltz is pretty much confirmed but it'd be interesting to see them fully utilize Dave Bautista's abilities this time around.
>I know Christoph Waltz is pretty much confirmed
He actually isn't.
>For those who don’t care to watch the video, when asked if he would return for the next sequel in the long-running franchise, Waltz said, “No, I’m sorry. I’m really sad, but that’s the tradition, that there is a new…name. Sorry. I would’ve liked to.” There are a few different ways that we could take his answer, so let’s think about this for a minute.
Batista needs a gimmick like Jaws did, he's so generic looking in Spectre. Maybe falling out of the train will have left him with a badass scar or something.
He had metal thumbs but they forgot about it after his first scene
I'm the other user and this is largely what I felt too. The helicopter was the worst part of that opening. A chase through the group wouldve been more thrilling and had more opportunities for originality. The plane chase was just asinine and didnt do it for me. Q evading henchmen was way more interesting. The exploding lair happened way too fast and was almost a sidenote. That in itself sounds like a funny idea but the execution and its context within this movie felt underwhelming. The boat chase was the worst of them all. John McClane shot at helicopters better in Die Hard 3.
Casino Royale is not a good movie, although it is the best Craig film.
I remember during the post-premier interviews for Spectre he more or less chance confirmed he was back? Does any user know if theres been a development since then?
That's silly that it describes Blofeld being replaced as a "tradition." No, they simply couldn't or didn't get the actor back and explained it as Blofeld having plastic surgery or some shit. Which would be stupid in this case because it's the one Bond film where he doesn't seemingly die. Maybe it's gonna be like The Dark Knight where Joker didn't reappear because he was captured and since Nolan Batman is realistic he simply never escaped from jail.
>because it's the one Bond film where he doesn't seemingly die.
He didn't die in OHMSS either.
In the novels he got plastic surgery between each book and looked drastically different so it kinda is
If you like any of Craig's Bond films you aren't a James Bond fan. You're a Bourne fan who got lost.
Craig is the Reddit Bond.
The last James Bond movie was Die Another Day. For all its faults, it's still better than any of Craig's boring shit.
Casino Royal was more like Bourne or Taken in nature. Plus Eva Green. Once it was successful they decided to go into full camp mode as if Roger Moore was back
this. really the only ranking desu
Are the writers working on th e new flash movie?
>Quantum of Solace
You utter brainlet. QoS is the unfunniest Bond film there is. Moore's Bond films are at least fun to watch.
Dalton is underrated.
Remember when James Bond went on missions, not because of some personal vendetta, but because he was a spy and it's his job?
Skyfall is almost that level, but Casino is a perfect movie.
All in the script really. Specter was horribly concocted underusing its villain, rambling around pointlessly at times, and having some things that just make no sense for plot convenience. And Quantum of Solace was so forgettable most people literally don't remember it even happened.
>Casino is a perfect movie
If they ended Casino Royale with Bond and Vespa flirting in the testicle-resting-center, then Casino Royale is a perfect movie. That sequel set-up at the end stretched it out, ruined the pacing and diluted an otherwise tight as fuck script.
When I saw this in theaters, the sound cut out at the very ending, so the final moment of the film was:
>"W-who are you?!"
>"...Bond. ________________"
Audience reaction was an unforgettable theater experience.
Casino = Skyfall > Spectre > Quantum
According to this, the next one will be KINO
>Casino = Skyfall
>the next one will be KINO
The next one will be dogshit, just like your taste.
Ironically it feels like a classic Bond movie. It has scenes in it that the old Bond would not have had, but overall it is very much a Bond movie. Which is good, as that classic atmosphere makes it work.
Le Chiffe in CR is just desperately trying to save his own ass. He has no grand plan for world domination, he's just trying to get the money he wasted back before Joseph Kony and his goons murder him. But then it turns out Blofield was behind it all? So he knew le Chiffe would waste all the money, throw a poker tournament that Bond would attend, torture Bond after losing and cause Bond to get heartbroken and jaded over Vesper along the way? He was the author of all his pain after all.
The Craig films remind me of MGS, where the later entries have to retroactively fuck with the early ones to shoehorn in a big conspiracy and main narrative that makes no sense.
The producers don't know what to do with the series and the character is too P R O B L E M A T I C for modern media space.
>Des Lynam