> Dead People And shit Porn WHere the shit porn at im missing out
AHS Gender war Edition
>humps television.
Remember when lana winters escapes briarcliff and then immediately comes across a homicidal/suicidal misogynist? Yeah, Ryan Murphy is fucked.
She deserved that slap tbqh.
>Anonymous in the name field
The fuck are you Americans doing? Who wrote that shit and is this propaganda?
This is so cringe
I feel violated
>guy criticizes Hillary
>says she has early Parkinson's disease
>doesn't mention the emails that jeopardized national security
>doesn't mention Hillary bleach bitting the emails after being told not to delete them
>doesn't mention how she killed Chris Stevens
>doesn't mention that when asked about if she felt sorry for killing Chris Stevens she said "what difference does it make?"
>doesn't mention how Google is trying to hide any connection between Hillary and Chris Stevens
do you think the libtards who write AHS are trying to strawman their Trump supporter, or do you think they seriously don't know about these things?
This. That was just stupid. If Sup Forums did anything it was bitch about the emails.
They left that part out on purpouse to make it even more cringe.
Is there any horror this season ? Or it's just a political commentary ?
Hillary should hang
Do people actually talk like that to each other? life is not the internet, most would walk away from the argument instead of turning it into a shit story they never live down. also where is the follow up, trump did get elected
For most people, the Drumpf presidency is a horror.
They were literally just sockpuppeting how they perceive the 'alt-right' to be
They still think it's about a lack of vagina - rather than too many vaginas.
>people tolerate the black guy but nobody wants a woman president
they still dont get it.
never watched this show before but that was some seriosuly cringy as shit right there
Holy shit is this real? Glad I dropped this shitshow after the Emma season.
At least they went with "dead people and shit porn" instead of "dead people and child porn"
That's a positive step up in our public image.
well to be fear its been a while since cp went un removed on 4chins.
Normies dont know anything about our history beyond the trumpening
>strawman their Trump supporter
is it a strawman? I mean statistics showed that women voted trump and he was right about the dedication of his voters. he is not going to talk about shit these hos have no idea about
They're both right
more on the nose than mr robot
Women always vote left. There was no "gender-divide" or anything like that this election.
Actually here is a good advice for all liberals to get a better understanding for the world: forget about racism and forget about sexism!
Those two things play no role WHATSOFUCKINGEVER in the daily lives and political decisionmaking of regular people. The only ones that care are you.
I remember back 11+ years ago when it was a joke about how long it took mods to delete it.
Yeah, the political slant of the writers is clear, but overall the show is pretty funny. Kinda light on the horror.
wtf im a registered democrat now
get your tiki torches
Pepe doesn't deserve this shit, he's just a dumb reaction image. At least Wojak is safe.
Seriously, what the fuck were they thinking?
>Sprudo will never be molested by H*llywood
so what board is this?
he's in a thread with no OP picture. the only board without OP pics is /f/, right?
That was pretty accurate tbqh.
>american television
Are you new or just retarded? The OP and the post after that have been hidden.
the formatting is wrong and its not a blue board. pol was the target
i've never hidden a thread before so i don't know what it looks like.
im not some pussy who gets triggered by threads i dont like.
What even is American Horror Story? I haven't seen any episodes, just a few clips here and there and that that one about the interracial (bmwf of course) couple. Is it like a parody of something? It looks like some self aware comedy.
>Hey jews let's vertically integrate our understanding of Sup Forums into this fictional show, thereby creating some real hype for our show through Sup Forums, which is so cool and popular with the younger audiences these days, especially young white males who have lots of disposable income because they actually aren't unemployed reddit neets, so our advertisers will love us if we can secure this demographic.
>But we still need to demonize them because our big audience of suburban autists from reddit are still going to be crying about clinton for the next decade and we can't put them off side
>So we'll do a 'wink wink' we totally understand you guys, you're our bros, we're jews but we like you, we're globalist corporate america but we dig what you're about, but we still need to make you look retarded, sorry bros, please watch our show though!