So slow the fuck down again, how is steppwolf even a threat, doomsday was way stronger, right and they dealt with him, didn't wonder woman shit on a god in her movie, why can't wonderslut just push his shit in.
Justice league
They weakened Doomsday by making him Zod's zombie.
Haven't watched WW yet but is Ares really dead in the end? If so then there's no stopping WW from kicking Steppenwolfs butt.
Literally who?
pretty much zapped a hole straight through him and turned him to dust.
Steppenwolf is Thanos uncle right? He should be pretty strong
Are you fucking dense?
Steppenwolf is a threat because Supes is 'dead', he even says that's the reason they can take earth in the trailer
Also WW was designed to kill the old god's, not the new who are a magnitude more powerful
Apparently, he defeated Doomsday when he invaded Krypton in the past and in Justice League, he kills one of the Green Lanterns with his own hands (in History Lesson). Guess that'd make him pretty powerful.
>Also WW was designed to kill the old god's, not the new who are a magnitude more powerful
Source: your ass
Zeus is as powerful as Highfather, and Steppenwolf is a little shit. Even in the movies Ares will probably look more powerful than him.
Saw the upcoming movies shown at my local cinema listing this as Justice League Part 1.
There's gonna be two part now? Fuck that.
Also, hated how they stick with the Marvel formula with them all fighting against one big baddie with thousands of expendable minions.
Would've preferred the big baddie with a couple of competent generals where each of them face off against one another.
>Would've preferred the big baddie with a couple of competent generals where each of them face off against one another.
To some extent that’s how Marvel is doing it. Thanos will have like 4(?) General type characters under him but there will probably be thousands of expendable minions as well.