
How do you go from this

Other urls found in this thread:

to this

What did he mean

by this?

>movie about Christian faith and persecution

>movie about Jewish faith and persecution

This is Chrischan's half brother fyi


>Gore filled, disgusting, overly long religious torture porn
>Gore filled, disgusting, reasonably long, revenge-themed, enjoyable torture porn.
Pick one.

By being a dumb cunt who can't see merit in a film unless told to by liberal talking heads.

U need to make a collage i love these

>torture porn

Typical Jewish reductionism.

this actually offends me

>torture porn is fun when Jews are doing the killing!

Why aren't you faggots showing movies these reviews are for??

>it’s a great film, but.... fuck Christianity



All the negative reviews are Passion if the Christ

All of the positive reviewers are Inglorious Basterds

She didn't say anything even remotely like that. WTF is wrong with you? Are you sniffing paint or something?

Is this some weird Sup Forums meme?

>pretending to be an outraged christcuck

what did op mean by this

I watched that movie in a near-empty theater, in the front row, drinking wine with my girlfriend and laughing our asses off

Good times

You're either a kike or a braindead fedora. You're the reason our culture is an a cesspool.

>from a technical standpoint, the film was impressive
>from a narrative standpoint... muh violence
So it’s an incredibly well made film, but the story which is the most successful story of all time leaves her wanting?

And the horrible, terrible, awful violence... appalling. Then she praises Inglorious Basterds, the most violent film ever made.

>it's a thinly veiled Sup Forums thread

Let me guess.....something about you bitching about MUHHH JUDEN ?

No, it’s something I noticed and decided to post. Why is Sup Forums living in your head?

Cole won't send money to his retarded half brother who's about to chop ff his own dick

Talk about a bigot

If she doesn't like the story, she doesn't like the story. Really fuck off with your stupid shit.

>I have no arguments so I will call it Sup Forums and complain to mods
Not an argument

>Attacks on Gibson’s film had begun several months earlier, with The New Yorker’s smear campaign besmirching the filmmaker’s character. This tipped off the liberal press to torpedo the film’s upcoming release and alerted them that the film deserved no respect as a work of art or expression of faith. The Passion of the Christ was eventually a box-office success, primarily because churchgoers and Gibson fans defied the pundits and found value in the movie’s story and meaning. But a rift between secular media and spiritual moviegoers had opened up — evident, among other places, in reviews that loftily disparaged the film and questioned the principles on which it was based. Glib assessments of the story of Christ’s agony and its spiritual and historical basis used simplistic terms that dismissed any suggestion of divinity. The New Yorker’s David Denby stooped lowest, calling it “a snuff film,” a deliberate insult to Gibson’s professionalism and his Christianity. The sting of this affront was camouflaged by the disingenuous claim that the topic under consideration was “violence.” Such denigration, proffered by a venerable publication and followed by numerous negative articles in the newspaper of record, laid waste to civil discussion. Movie discourse has not been the same since. Blunt attacks on sensitive matters formed a pattern of intolerance from media normally expected to be cautious and respectful (even when not fair). Journalistic ethics were trashed, and formerly assumed rules of public dialogue and cautious conduct fell by the wayside. Even worse, reviewers’ hostility had a disturbing air of anti-religious bias; their snide rejections incited a mean collective contempt that deepened schisms in our ongoing culture war.


What point is being made here? Passion was so overwhelmingly violent , serious and grim that hordes of Amerifats were literally weeping in the theater. None of the other films featured in any of the reviews OP posted are even remotely similar. Inglorious was an action comedy for fucks sake, where the violence was presented in a manner which was lighthearted and goofy. It was similar to a cheesy slasher or a zombie flick.

>*teleports behind Mel Gibson
>nothin personal, kid

>a movie is only valid if it agrees with my politics
Well at least you’re man enough to admit it

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Passion of the Christ. The themes are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also God’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these psalms, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Passion of the Christ truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the subtlety in Jesus’s existential catchphrase “Love your enemies” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Passion of the Christ tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

It has literally nothing to do with politics and everything to do with tone. One was hours of LOOK AT THIS FUCKING TORTURE while the other was a fun, silly romp. Can't you comprehend how a person might prefer the latter over the former?

The point is that those posters (including OP) have severe autism



This guy

gets it

You just outed yourself as never having seen it. Go away.

Even though your meme is correct, you still need to kill yourself :)


What /our guy/ had to say about Inglorious Terds

>look it up
>it's real

fuck you I just ctrl+f'd through 14 pages and there was nothing

Who do you think is the worst reviewer? I can't stand the Toronto Star guy.

The Jew cries out while it strikes you

Anyone notice they all supported STD since its made by them?

While at the same time hating on seth for outing them for years for being child rapists?