I had never seen a Star Wars film in my life and after years of my friends pestering me about this franchise, I decided to watch every Star Wars movie that isn't some weird TV special in order. So I watched 4-6,1-3,7-R1.
Having done this, I can confirm that you guys are just being nostalgia fags about TFA. The best three movies by far are 4,5, and 7. Everything else is either mediocre or straight shitty.
Also, Rogue One was ludicrously overrated, can someone explain to me a single thing that is noteworthy about this movie? It was obvious that they wanted to do a more grounded and (((((((darker))))))) take on the universe, but instead of creating new plot elements to facilitate this premise, they just took every thing inherent to a Star Wars movie and made it duller to try to convince you that it was more mature because "WOAH EVERY1 DDIE WOOWW". I was expecting a small scale, claustrophobic suicide mission set in the Star Wars universe, but all I got was a Star Wars movie that was just as dumb as a main franchise film while also having half the personality.
The prequels are definitely the weakest films, but not as bad as people make them out to be. They have a certain charm to them that made them very watchable to me, like a certain level of melodrama that made it feel like watching one of those modernized Shakespeare movies. Not sure if that was intentional or not though.
In conclusion, 5, 4, and 7 are the best ones so far, R1 is a sand trap for plebs, the prequels aren't the pure visual cancer they are made out to be.
>The best three movies by far are 4,5, and 7. >7 You have to go back.
Easton Peterson
Oldfag here, I only rewatch the unaltered versions of ESB and ROTJ. Prequels make me cringe, and the new trilogy is fanfic tier.
Easton Price
>and 7 I see...
Thomas Howard
6 is much better fan service than 7. The throne room with The Emperor, Vader, and Luke is pure Star Wars. 7 has absolutely zero redeeming value.
Sebastian Garcia
I can look past nostalgia, and even though i used to be a big star wars nerd when i was younger, i personally find them to be the most overrated movies of all time. That in mind, i liked 7 because the characters were actually enjoyable. My favorite is 4. I havent seen 5 in years but when i was younger i hated it for being boring, even though 6 has some of my favorite characters introduced its very weak. The prequals are shit but ive grown up to the point i can laugh at them and enjoy them in an ironic way. I remember most everything about them so i still enjoy them. Rogue one was utter shit and that was the first star wars movie i ever left the theater feeling like garbage. Atleast when i saw the prequals i was a child. This was boring cancer with unnecesary emphasis on the directors mary sue protag. Literally the only interesting part was with the imperial admiral and his dynamic with tarkin.
Jace Allen
>I can confirm that you guys are just being nostalgia fags about TFA realizing a rehashed plot makes a story drop in quality isn't nostalgia ya mong
Luis Edwards
stealth shill thread detected, Reminder that anyone who mentions 7 as anything but mediocre is a blatant shill troll or under the age of 23.