Today is the day faggots, Darlene will get blown the fuck out same for Angela.
What's going to do Elliot with all this shit?
Is Stage 2 what can fix all this mess?
Today is the day faggots, Darlene will get blown the fuck out same for Angela.
What's going to do Elliot with all this shit?
Is Stage 2 what can fix all this mess?
>he watches mr reddit.
i stopped watching after e2s2, does it get good again?
>Same retarded replies from drumptards every week
Drumpf can't keep getting away with hacking the ratings and silencing the voices of millions of Mr. Robot fans
If you kept watching this show after season 1, you are the retard
>0.5mil viewers
What the fuck this is worse than superhero CW shows
>Ruined the lives of literally millions of people through stage one and drove a lot of them to suicide and shit.
>Gets cold feet when it comes to stage two because a few people might die.
What the fuck is Elliot and Darlene's problem?
I wanna fuck Angela
is Tyrelliot dead guys?