Still trying to pretend Superman was inspiring
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Bretty good motion poster if I am being genuine family
SO much better than Elfman's theme:
>Making Batman this tiny on the poster
farewell affleck
Hes literally the main character of the movie and brings together/leads the JL
Grr people being happy.
It's Batman bro, he doesn't need the advertising space.
True, but Bruce even admits in the latest clips it's Clark's humanity that keeps the team together.
>but Bruce even admits in the latest clips it's Clark's humanity that keeps the team together.
Always thought it was kind of clever how they swapped Batman and Luthor's thought process regarding Superman, in this case Batman after months of investigation doesn't even consider that Superman could have a secret identity while Luthor pretty much tapped a couple of keys, checked some birth records, geography, intersecting timelines and facial recognition and laughed his ass off at the results.
Of course Bats had a lot on his mind what with all the VENGEANCE going through his brain and how impotent he felt about preventing Metropolis from getting wrekt plus he too was dancing to Luthor's tune.
All of this is fucking retarded. Making the worlds greatest detective not realize Superman's humanity until he flat out tells him about his mother was so brain dead it hurts. In Man of Steel they make sure to give the audience the impression that his real parents are the ones who are right since Pa Kent did nothing but tell him not to save anyone because why. Superman's humanity is supposed to be from his parents but he actively goes against their judgement by fighting crime and saving people because his biological ALIEN dad tells him to.
I hope Cavill's hairline improves when he finally does show up.
It's not that Batman couldn't see the humanity in Superman. He absolutely could, but in his own cynical world view, being human only meant you could be corrupted. He spared Superman because he looked inside himself and knew he wasn't avenging his parents' death, but recreating it. Though Superman appeared good, there was a chance he could go down a dark path, because that's what Bruce had done. To kill Superman would be the kill the innocent child he once was, and even Joe Chill spared that.
Ask yourself how knowing Superman has an alter-ego would make Batman's mission any easier?
What was he gonna do? Kill Clark in Lois' apartment? Kidnap Martha Kent?
It was always easier to draw Superman out than to track him down.
I'll agree that it feels weird for everyone to be riding Superman's dick when the jump from Man of steel to BvS is so jarring, we see Clark at the end of Man of Steel smiling and happy and ready to do some good, then the next movie is WOW HE'S SO BROODING, THE WORLD JUST KEEPS GIVING HIM SHIT FOR SAVING PEOPLE BUT NOT CURING AIDS, PEOPLE THINK HE'S A GOD IS HE GONNA TURN ON US!?
Some of it is sure to be Luthor's doing of course but still, it's only after he dies do they appreciate what he actually did because why the fuck not, and now that's he dead crime and terrorism rises what, 110%?
There should have been a movie in between Man of Steel and BvS, and even some interviews with Russell Crowe make it seem like it was supposed to happen but some exec got scared and decided that Batman had to course correct everything.
I really like BvC UC but I really wanted another solo Superman movie first.
>All of this is fucking retarded. Making the worlds greatest detective not realize Superman's humanity
Like this nigga batman gonna comb his hair like hercule poirot and ask superman's neighbour if they've seen it on the night of the 4th
What the fuck are you on about you stupid bitch
Go watch Marvel it'll be easier on your brain
Ask yourself how knowing Superman has an alter-ego would make Batman's mission any easier?
You mean the way it made Luthor's mission easier? And maybe if he knew that Clark spent his time living as a human being and being in a relationship or doing a job that helps others and exposes criminals, or that he had an actual family that loved him he wouldn't have seen him as this potential alien threat.
>It was always easier to draw Superman out than to track him down.
Batman's entire fucking character is about being a detective and following leads and interpreting clues, it makes sense for him to do that than. And he doesn't even decide to draw him out after Luthor, who DOES know Clark is Superman manipulates him into doing that.
Did you also analyse character consistencies for the Thor movies?
Thought not faggot
yeah I bet those are your people
I don't know, but that bit about fear and courage gets me every time.
People do love Superman in BvS. Even before his death. When he arrives at the Capitol Building, half the people outside are protesters, but the other half are fans. When he saves the girl in Mexico, yes they worship him like a god, but they're nonetheless smiling and cheering, and Superman greets the girl's parents with a smile when he returns her to safety.
The point of the film is that he could never make everyone happy. Because the world simply doesn't work that way. But it is enough to make the people you care about happy, even if it means someone else won't like it.
>The point of the film is that he could never make everyone happy. Because the world simply doesn't work that way. But it is enough to make the people you care about happy, even if it means someone else won't like it.
Have to be honest, that sounds like bargain bin theology 101 crap.
>do good things and be happy :)
Is it supposed to come at the expense of weak characterization and what is an overbearingly negative atmosphere presented throughout the whole movie? Because there's these two negligibly positive parts we have to assume that's the overall viewpoint when everything else says otherwise?
You can do better than this.
Marvel does what makes sense for the characters, that's why they sort of swap Cap and Iron Man's part in the civil war conflict because the way it's done in the comics, even the conflict itself, does not make sense for the characters in the movies. DC wanted to focus on Superman's alien heritage but changed their mind and are not trying to flip it to be about his humanity. It's the problem with most of the DCEU, they need to pick a lane. They wanted to be darker and more serious but now they're going in retroactively adding jokes to make it lighter but not too light and dark but not too dark AAA.
Marvel does what they want and what makes sense within their narrative and universe, obviously this comes from the fact that they are the first ones to nail the modern cinematic universe, they might not have intended it to be this huge when they were building up towards the Avengers in phase 1 but they obviously did something right and they're sticking with it. WB obviously didn't nail it and now they have no idea where to go to succeed both financially and critically.
Still not better than this music! Fuck danny cuckman
>waaah why can't a person be universally loved! How dare a movie tell me that such a narcissistic fantasy is impossible!!!
>how dare this movie show a dark world with glimmers of hope! I want a light tone with low stakes!
Stop being such a pussy. The world can be cold and indifferent, but you don't need to be. Be the light you want to see, and everything around you will become brighter. Don't expect the world to fix itself like an entitled shit.
>doesn't understand the simple premise of Superman stories literally written for little kids
Holy shit. I bet you liked Thor3
fucking stop, everyone understands it
>total misreading of comic book movie in two rambling incohesive paragraphs
>how did you totally miss the point?
A template for you, me hardies.
>n Man of Steel they make sure to give the audience the impression that his real parents are the ones who are right since Pa Kent did nothing but tell him not to save anyone because why.
I thought MOS was mediocre/just okay, and I feel like Clark didn't make enough decisions for himself in the film, he always kept looking to his parents, both human, ghost, and alien, to tell him what to do. You have to wonder, if he never came across those soldiers at the bar(how convenient), would he have ever decided to be superman. Shit like that hurt his characterization for me. But this notion that Pa Kent didn't want him to be a hero and save ppl is blatantly false.
Now, the execution of how its portrayed in the movie is terrible so I understand why people make this mistake. It always comes off like Pa Kent didn't want Clark to use his powers because he believed mankind would reject someone that powerful. Clark even seems to believe this was the case for majority of the movie, but that wasn't what Pa Kent believed. Pa didn't fear how humans would react to Clark, he feared Clark not having the patience and maturity to endure the reaction from mankind which could result in a war between clark and man.
Pa Kent knew damn well there would never be a time were humanity would be okay with a powerful being just casually introducing himself to the world, therefore, he knew the burden fell solely on Clark to make the relationship work. That's why Pa told Clark not to save him during the tornado, he knew Clark wasn't mature enough to deal with such a task, thus, if he showed the world his power atm, the results would have been disasters for mankind.
That's Bro
Then why pretend that you don't understand it? Just to be obtuse and get (you)s ?
The point was that regardless of what Lex said, and I do so mean to everyone, was all either obfuscated truth or flat-out bullshit. He spends the whole film setting himself up to be humanity's "saint," but ends up making a deal with an almost literal demon before all is said and done. His "haloes" are indications of how the world perceives him and arguably even how he perceives himself.
He was orchestrating events to set up a new "alien menace" he could help save humanity from with his chosen "heroes" acting as his proxies. That threat could have been either Superman, Doomsday, or the New Gods. Lex really doesn't care, as to him, they're all just different roads to more power and prestige for Lex.
Superman' fight with his fellow Kryptonians was probably what put the idea in his head. It's not inconceivable that Bruce's tragedy inspired him to "orphan" himself, too.
Pic related.
what a dumpster fire
Superman' heroism and his sacrifice inspires people, so in essence, he takes that halo Lex sought to bestow upon himself and gave it back to all mankind.
>"If you seek his monument, look around you."
That ain't just talking about the city.
I'm glad you have no argument and just spew saccharine bullshit instead. You can't just tell me to imagine the movie actually showed Superman's presence in a positive light when it set out to do the opposite until the very end.
Stop rewriting the damn film to suit your nonsense
I'm scared bros...
That fucking amazing, made my hair stand on end
Say what you like about the movies WB marketing is top class
The entire film revolves around perceptions, even Superman's. The camera focuses on the things that trouble him - the extremes, the worshippers and the haters.
In pic related, before the camera closes in on the family of worshippers, there's another family in the background just waving like you would to anyone who'd come to help you.
In this one, the beta xenophobe gets the focus and the fan girls hot for his bod stay off to the side.
Reminder that Wonder Woman's review embargo was lifted on Monday May 29th at the same week her movie premiered which was when their marketing campaign kicks in. She was on all of the talk shows leading up to that premier. My guess is that they want to do the same with Justice League.
In the Ultimate Edition, we get shots of normal people watching people go apeshit on the news. We see the oil rig crew he rescued in Man of Steel, and just a little kid and his mom, all of them looking hurt and confused over how people could get so crazy over a guy who, like the talking head said, is "just a guy trying to do the right thing."
At the end, what you see isn't the whole world having a change of heart about him. It's the people he finally won over along with those who already recognized him for what he was - a hero.
Is that enough "saccharine bullshit" for you?