
>but Bruce even admits in the latest clips it's Clark's humanity that keeps the team together.
Always thought it was kind of clever how they swapped Batman and Luthor's thought process regarding Superman, in this case Batman after months of investigation doesn't even consider that Superman could have a secret identity while Luthor pretty much tapped a couple of keys, checked some birth records, geography, intersecting timelines and facial recognition and laughed his ass off at the results.
Of course Bats had a lot on his mind what with all the VENGEANCE going through his brain and how impotent he felt about preventing Metropolis from getting wrekt plus he too was dancing to Luthor's tune.

All of this is fucking retarded. Making the worlds greatest detective not realize Superman's humanity until he flat out tells him about his mother was so brain dead it hurts. In Man of Steel they make sure to give the audience the impression that his real parents are the ones who are right since Pa Kent did nothing but tell him not to save anyone because why. Superman's humanity is supposed to be from his parents but he actively goes against their judgement by fighting crime and saving people because his biological ALIEN dad tells him to.

I hope Cavill's hairline improves when he finally does show up.

It's not that Batman couldn't see the humanity in Superman. He absolutely could, but in his own cynical world view, being human only meant you could be corrupted. He spared Superman because he looked inside himself and knew he wasn't avenging his parents' death, but recreating it. Though Superman appeared good, there was a chance he could go down a dark path, because that's what Bruce had done. To kill Superman would be the kill the innocent child he once was, and even Joe Chill spared that.

Ask yourself how knowing Superman has an alter-ego would make Batman's mission any easier?

What was he gonna do? Kill Clark in Lois' apartment? Kidnap Martha Kent?

It was always easier to draw Superman out than to track him down.

I'll agree that it feels weird for everyone to be riding Superman's dick when the jump from Man of steel to BvS is so jarring, we see Clark at the end of Man of Steel smiling and happy and ready to do some good, then the next movie is WOW HE'S SO BROODING, THE WORLD JUST KEEPS GIVING HIM SHIT FOR SAVING PEOPLE BUT NOT CURING AIDS, PEOPLE THINK HE'S A GOD IS HE GONNA TURN ON US!?

Some of it is sure to be Luthor's doing of course but still, it's only after he dies do they appreciate what he actually did because why the fuck not, and now that's he dead crime and terrorism rises what, 110%?
There should have been a movie in between Man of Steel and BvS, and even some interviews with Russell Crowe make it seem like it was supposed to happen but some exec got scared and decided that Batman had to course correct everything.
I really like BvC UC but I really wanted another solo Superman movie first.

>All of this is fucking retarded. Making the worlds greatest detective not realize Superman's humanity
Like this nigga batman gonna comb his hair like hercule poirot and ask superman's neighbour if they've seen it on the night of the 4th
What the fuck are you on about you stupid bitch
Go watch Marvel it'll be easier on your brain

Ask yourself how knowing Superman has an alter-ego would make Batman's mission any easier?
You mean the way it made Luthor's mission easier? And maybe if he knew that Clark spent his time living as a human being and being in a relationship or doing a job that helps others and exposes criminals, or that he had an actual family that loved him he wouldn't have seen him as this potential alien threat.

>It was always easier to draw Superman out than to track him down.
Batman's entire fucking character is about being a detective and following leads and interpreting clues, it makes sense for him to do that than. And he doesn't even decide to draw him out after Luthor, who DOES know Clark is Superman manipulates him into doing that.

Did you also analyse character consistencies for the Thor movies?
Thought not faggot

yeah I bet those are your people