Movies you've dropped, and why

movies you've dropped, and why

That one where Will Ferrell plays an elf trying to get in touch with his human dad

I get that it was supposed to be ridiculous, but the humor just didn't strike me at all, it was just a bunch of crap

If you dropped Elf, good. My mom wants to watch it every christmas. But she only likes the first 3/4ths, she stops it before the finale, and that's our Charlie Brown Christmas I guess, our ritual every year

don't mess with the zohan, it was just shit; eraserhead, it was asinine bullshit; ironman, it was gay

kingdom of heaven, it was awful


I also, share that opinion

Tale of Tales

The old sisters were annoying the fuck out of me and then one of them gets naked and I was done. It was kind of dragging at that point anyways

Zoolander 2 is a film that no matter what day or time it randomly comes on i cannot make it through a few minutes of that movie or i start convulsing autistically.

Tropic Thunder. i was halfway drunk and it was too much to think of, so i quit it, got more drunk, and watched Dark City. it sucked