>times you saw a film solely because the lead was the cutest thing you have ever seen in your life
Times you saw a film solely because the lead was the cutest thing you have ever seen in your life
Nathan Torres
Tyler Stewart
Looks like Herman Munsters uglier sister hooked up on cocaine.
Kevin Davis
really bad taste
Landon Wilson
She looks like a male friend of mine. Not saying she isn't hot but I always see it.
Robert Walker
was he trying to eat her brain?
Jayden King
Who wouldn't
Matthew Russell
Top half is 12/10
Ian Evans
Bottom half is 7/10
Aiden Nguyen
Cara is only a thing because someone somewhere artificially made her a thing. I refuse to believe there are actual human beings who enjoy her acting, persona and/or looks.
Brody White
i watched "leap year" because of amy adams, and it was, without exaggeration, the worst thing in the history of the humankind
valerian was great.