>Producers hire unqualified black woman because of SJW criticisms
>She crashes and dies
>No discussion about the importance of hiring the most qualified people
>No discussion about less qualified people getting work because of SJW's
>No discussion about SJW's creating an atmosphere that's directly responsible for this woman's death
Producers hire unqualified black woman because of SJW criticisms
>1 person
the body count will be in the millions before anything changes
Was she unqualified? That's ridiculous if true.
>>Producers hire unqualified black woman because of SJW criticisms
Find me one article complaining about the lack of POC stunt actors in Deadpool 1, and I will agree to leave Sup Forums forever.
Pretty sure the stunt double has to be the same color as the actor.
>>Producers hire unqualified black woman because of SJW criticisms
prove it
SJW's have complained about white stun people being hired for black actors.
Post more pics of her big chocolate milkers
There are interviews where stunt coordinate says he didn't think she was ready for the scene, google it faggot. As for proofs that SJWs push for the diversification of heroes, do you really need that? Is the fact that the character was colorswapped not proof?