You're my present this year.
You're my present this year
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tfw no sister gf
This commercial is actually a lot more understandable if you imagine it takes placed during World War III. Think about it; America is several years into a war that is no longer sustainable. The Powers That Be are so desperate for soldiers that men are being kept in the war zone for years at a time without getting to see their families or go on leave. This poor boy has been fighting on the West African Front for so long and hasn't seen his family in all that time. Look at the way he asks "Is this the wrong house?" and she responds "Sister!" as if he hasn't seen her in years, as if the last time he saw her, she was just a tiny little girl tearfully waving goodbye as he stepped on the plane to join the battle and he doesn't even recognise her anymore. Meanwhile the world's economy has suffered a massive blow, and even in this relatively affluent suburban neighbourhood, things like coffee have become a luxury, never mind seeing it on the front lines. When the soldiers do get it, it's so degraded and watered down, that even cheap supermarket-value Folgers tastes like "real coffee" by comparison. And did you notice how the mother said "He's here" just as she smelled the coffee? Is coffee such a rarity, that this is their last can and they were saving it for when their son finally got home from war? So when the sister puts the bow on her brother, and hugs him lie that, and looks at him lie he's the most important thing in the world to her, it's not because she's in love with him, it's not questionable; it's the fact that she hasn't seen him in years, and every day, she's worried that he's been shot, or blown up, or infected with some incurable African disease; her gift isn't just that he's home for the holidays, her gift is just the fact that he's still alive. And after going through literal Hell, the family celebrates with the only small bit of comfort they can find in a world ravaged by ceaseless, senseless violence; a cup of Folgers coffee on a sunny winter's morning
what the fuck
americans are fucked up
Incest is so hot, I'm upset its getting more mainstream though.
That's fucking hot.
it takes away from the taboo factor