Which seasons of spongebob are essential?

Which seasons of spongebob are essential?

I'm about to take some acid and want to remember my childhood

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Smegma literally only happens if you do not take care of your dick at all, whatsoever. Enjoy needing an entire bottle of lotion to masturbate, cutpleb.


I say all the ones before that one guy left the staff

I'm cut but don't need lotion to fap. Plus, it's a hygienic thing, even the Greeks knew this. Read Herodotus.


Rock Bottom. Also the one where Squidward gets a time machine, pic related.

Watch survival of the idiots

I always thought that episode was one of the best

literal niggerjew thread
I liked blacked better

>it's a hygienic thing
literally all you'd have to do is wash your dick
I'm cut as well, but it's not hard to realize that it's something we really don't need to be doing, and is one of those weird American and Jewish "traditions" that's weird to take the choice away from men