Why has this show become so laughably bad?
What happened to the comfiness and survivalist aspect of Season 1?
Why has this show become so laughably bad?
What happened to the comfiness and survivalist aspect of Season 1?
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it tried doing something the comic does and failed horribly, honestly the show will prob be good again when the whisper war starts but that won't happen for like 2 years so don't even bother watching.
End yourself
Because there is no survival anymore, there isn't an us vs them, it's just a bunch of communities unable to get along because their leaders are fucking retarded.
Now it's all stuck in fucking towns where people can have radios and lamps on all night because "muh solar" which is bullshit.
Writers changed after the first season, i think. To be honest, it's not like the first season was that great to begin with, but it was setting up a lot of expectations that, one by one, got cancelled or fucked with.
I'm still watching it, in the hopes that there will be a meaningful end to this show, but by now i highly doubt it. It only works on this on this "who's gonna die this week" level.
Negan is a pretty good vilain on paper, but they only use him once in a while for shock effect.
I was watching some of season 3 lately and it honestly was fucking jarring how much better it was then. It was actually shot well, writing was decent, Daryl was likable, characters spoke like real people, Governor was a realistic villain, zombies felt like a real threat.
Why didn't they just keep the season 3 showrunner instead of the the hack Gimple?
terrible writing, terrible acting
season 1 was the only one worth watching
urgh... we had terrible characters before, but this shit is just ridiculous
forgot pic
i actually miss hating lori. that's how bad this show is now.