Wel, Sup Forums, are you smart enough to appreciate this list???

Wel, Sup Forums, are you smart enough to appreciate this list???


>tfw didn't enjoy a single show that's in the top 25 of that list

seems to me every (shitty) tv show is on there

The only one of the 25 I genuinely like is House. Everything else is shit, and House isn't exactly intellectual; just comfy with enjoyable characters.

C'mon. Don't be like that.

>didn't enjoy the sopranos

>no rick and morty
low iq list


Sopranos is 32, which I did enjoy

It’s number 99/100. I guess hating R&M is now reddit

>not enjoying true detective
i wish I finished my degree in MS paint so I could make a wojack with a smaller head.


Twin Peaks
>Ranked 52
>Ranked 42

gtfo with this shit

t. brainlet

Big Bang Theory
>ranked 15

>t. brainlet

>Normies unironically made this list
Kill them all

>rank 13

this has got to be satirical or something, right?

People are actually that retarded, sons of anarchy 44th? Jesus christ. But on the other hand only people stupid enough to think shows like sherlock and soa are for smart people would participate in creating a list like this.

t. brainlet

>Walking Dead
>daily show with trevor noah
what the fuck

>TWD at 17
>AHS at 25

Based smartbro normies, triggering the low iq plebs ITT

Thanks I upvoted the John Oliver show to make Sup Forums butthurt

>the big bang theory
>game of normies
>no twin peeks

>reddit peaks

If only smart people like those shows, then why are they so popular?

I can see that you didnt saw westworld

>didnt saw
fucking foreigners

>7 out of the top 10 shows are trash, including one LITERAL children's show

isn't that the show whose last season was so shitty the fan base completely convinced itself there was going to be some secret finale and then when it didn't happen realized they all were just retarded. Also the show where half the fan base was only watching to ship sherlock and holmes only to realize once again that the writers did not intend that and they were retarded.

>ranked lists determined by Reddit upvote/downvote system

I think I saw this on an episode of The Orville.

fucking hell

>Breakfast Bad
>Doctor Who

Is 60-minutes stupid? I really enjoy it and the information they present and the research they do. I don't care how the other shows were ranked, I just really like this show, and for it to be ranked so low would mean it's canonically agreed it's not that good. Or is the list in its entirety wrong?

>frasier 77
>Seinfeld 80

pretty sure it's babbies first propaganda program

> a list based on democracy
cmoooon, we all knew it would be like it is