Americans will defend this

>americans will defend this

What the fuck is this?

what show is this

is this a movie? I cant imagine this would be a allowed on anything other than premium cable if it was a show, but I think I would have heard of it if it was on HBO or Starz or some shit

plz respond


Ginger Snaps?

it's canadian though

watching people pretend to jack off is cringe as fuck

Where do you think Canada is, numbnuts?

It borders America to the North

I like being american and a lot of americans are good people, but the media and the government are satan incarnate.

>jack off

Silly child.
Girls don't jack off.

I fail to see what's wrong with this in the first place.


Yes, just like that.

this is fucking hot

>americans will defend this


The worst part is that every American can explain why it's wrong, and why the excuses and exceptions are always bullshit.

Then they make an exception for boys. And they use the same excuses and exceptions that they just explained were bullshit.

>*canadian media

holy shit is this what i was put in as a baby? my parents are fucking assholes lmao

it increases the likelihood of autism and transgenderism. it's for a noble cause.

It literally kills babies.

>tie him up,we are making it for his own good.
oy vey having to wash your dick once a month is traumatizing,we have to save you from that.

I'm an amerifag and still have mine. Feels good

but what are the downsides?

As an American, you're completely right and I just don't fucking get the logic behind some of these people. It usually boils down to "it looks prettier" which baffles me. How can anyone defend cutting the skin off a baby's dick? But then again, I've seen horrible people defend transitioning 3-year olds into another gender also.

>transitioning a 3-year old

Doesn't happen. They might be allowed to live as another gender, they might get hormone blockers when they get closer to puberty.

Circumcision is never controversial when it's medically necessary, neither should transitioning be. They should't be controversial when they're just for cosmetic or ritual reasons, or when performed on someone who cannot consent, because we should all be against that.

what sho tho

ginger snaps 2

Most remove too much or too little. It is more dangerous and traumatic on a child than on an adult. But adults complain more about the pain. One of the arguments in favor of circumcision is 'the child does not remember it'. Which we don't accept as a mitigating factor in most circumcisions.

transitioning is not medically necessary, its cosmetic

>male director and/or screenwriter
How can anyone look at shit like this and not realize it's just sexual fulfillment?

>medically necessary

maybe if you knew what the first film was about

god I hate asians so much, what the fuck is wrong with those "people"

So...if I diddle a bay nothing bad will happen with it... right?


Point being, they don't do it to infants.

I'd bet you're both certain it's bad for a child to be raised in the wrong gender. The only possibly reason for this is that their brain is already a gender and you cannot do anything about it with clothes or pronouns, all you could do is traumatize a child by insisting on the wrong one. Sometimes organs, including the brain, do not match up with the outside appearance.

If you believe there is any noticeable difference between a 10 year old male and a 10 year old female, then it's possible to tell if one is transsexual by that age. That's young enough to do something about it, and old enough to be sure.

That's the pro-circumcision argument.

Do girls really do this?