Who is going tomorrow to wizard world in Portland? Ill be going for the first time what should I expect?
Who is going tomorrow to wizard world in Portland? Ill be going for the first time what should I expect?
Matthew Evans
James Edwards
>Vera Bambi
Patrician taste my friend
Eli Brown
An almost permanent desire to take a shower and a massive self-esteem boost
Brayden Baker
But there will be grills like pic related. right?
Aiden Bell
> only going to see cosplayer's tit
kill yourself.
Luis Gonzalez
>not going to see cosplayer tits
Naw Ill be going to just check it out I never been to one looks fun better than being home browsing Sup Forums or Sup Forums.
Elijah Sanchez
Jokes on you m8 I'm going not for the tits but for the butts.
Aaron Martin
No. She's gross. Drenched in ugly tattoos.
Thomas Powell
Name a hotter cosplayer.
I wait.
Cameron Perry
fap bait has name?