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Comics #900
Pacifica thread
P. King Duckling
Just saw this, finally, because I'm slowpoke as fuck, and found it really average...
/sug/ Steven Universe General
Miss me yet?
Animated Music Videos
Scalie Schoolie
They couldn't even give her blonde pony tails
I'm almost finished with the 1st season. Are they supposed to be dating? It's kind of unclear
Name a more perfect animated waifu made within the last year
Sup Forums General Drawthread
Voltron: Legendary Defender
What's some good cartoons with mythic creatures?
Is this supposed to be Hilary Clinton or have I been listening from Sup Forums too much
Camp Camp or Camp Wedontwantcha?
Star Vs a placeholder villain
Stronger than Superman, weaker than Thor
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Did they finally kill the Drawthreads?
Man, Zach Galifinakis really blew it. He was the worst part of the movie
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Anyone else find new Big Bertha pretty hot?
Late night gargoyles thread
Mabel is shit
Daredevil Storytime (Part 10)
Catwoman thread
/doag/ - Dumbing of Age Group Therapy Session
What went wrong?
Subtly builds up a full invasion by Darkseid
ITT: Ships you hate and why you hate them
Donnie Yen expresses interest in Playing Namor
What do you think her vagina smells like?
Describe a cartoon badly
Leaks Inbound Edition
Hey, Sup Forums. I thought of something funnier than 24
IT HURTS!! 466: Heaven
Marco isn't trans
Is this show really this retarded?
Why is this not allowed and why is Iceman an Omega level mutant?
When will we be free of this shitty character?
R8 my Batman reclist
Injustice 2
Tell me a bedtime story, Sup Forums
Questionable Content
Why cant Captain Marvel and Ms Marvel have a teamup comic like Spidey & Deadpool do?
Powers Pt. 8
Random facts about cartoons/anime
Star vs All Belts Are Off
Molly hernandez
Legion thread? I just finished the X-Men Legacy story about him. The ending was fucking awful
ITT: Scenes with GOAT line delivery
Poor Nicole. She didn't deserve a son like this
Hey Sup Forums we lost 2 famous wrestlers this last week. To pay respects let's read Wrestling comics all week...
Why does DC have so many made up countries?
What's the consensus on this show? I remember seeing it on netflix and thought about giving it a watch
Endtown 2017-02-20
Villain is ridiculous and can be downright hilarious
Batfamily Attractivness
Catman no longer voiced by Adam West
Same VA Thread
Genie, I wish you to look exactly like Jasmine and be my wife
This is your date tonight
How would you fix Marvel Comic's reputation?
Name one, ONE...
/sug/ Steven Universe General
Spider-Girl Storytime part 6
Capeshow General: Brown Sugar Edition
If twelve forever doesn't get picked up in some way, shape...
What are your feelings on comic-con: Saudi Arabia?
The Final Solution
More funner designs then normal
To add to the list of TV shows based on movies Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs the series premieres tonight at 6:30
What do you think of this, Sup Forums?
If one only tells the truth and one only tells lies, why not just ask it "how many fingers am I holding up"?
Why didn't comic superheroes stop the Holocaust?
SpongeBob Squarepants: Goodbye Krabby Patty?
Endtown 20/02/17
First time a cartoon ever made you fap
Star vs StarFan13 Live
Clip from "Belle" from the live action adaptation of Disney's Beauty and the Beast
ITT: Best way to get into the Archie comics?
So have they ever stated that these guys would have to have been taken from 1996 yet or what...
Is it worth checking out or is it just a meme?
Are depression comics the epitome of humor?
Astro City
Why did this bomb Sup Forums
Thoughts on Elric?
Is it pretty much established that this is an unhealthy relationship?
Has Marvel ever done stories where they most beloved and popular heroes turn into evil dictators?
Rock Dog
Stinz Storytime
Invincible Storytime Part 29: Family Ties
Princess Peach
This thread
What went wrong
What else doesn't exist in SU?
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Pink Hair Edition
So who here actually reads comics and doesnt enjoy comic movies and doesnt like the movie only shitters
What are the requirements for something to be considered Tumblr art?
Rick and Morty Season 3 opening scene
Happy Blorthog to you, friends and Anons!
Elena of Avalor was renewed for a third season (season one hasn't finished airing yet)...
...I thought mecha maid had no CK shit
Over void/ The source
Buy my comic please!
...How is this possible?
Star vs the four-suits of butterflies
Amber is superior to Sofia in every single way
/bcb/ Bittersweet CandyBowl
Thicc or fatty?
Who is your waifu/husbando, and how much do you love them?
Who's your favorite Lilo and Stitch experiment, Sup Forums?
Do they know?
What's the general opinion on this?
Huh, really makes you think
What will Captain Marvel's stance be in Secret Empire?
Avatar: Aang and Korra
Sup Forums humor thread
Are there any movie scenes that have made you cry?
Would you agree with this statement?
Why, I do believe it's time for some early Silver Age!
/non gay/
Why do creators hate Sup Forums so much?
South Park Season 21 episode ideas
What if a fascist, autocratic President took over the United States? And what if that President lost California...
Are there any comics with fascist aesthetics?
Dirty hoe
First Three Secret Empire Tie-Ins Revealed
Okay, I know the superman vs goku fight Screwattack released is super old...
He will survive Marvel's "rebirth"
ITT: When writers fail to learn the source material
What scene or action(s) really tells you Aku is as evil as he boasts and not a villain always played for laughs?
Why doesn't Marvel/DC make "What if" comics any more
Alright, it's official. Kris Anka is trying to kill me with this delicious Star-Lord art
The Little Mermaid Thread
We're the xmen ever good?
Come along with Me
What should be included in the Captain Marvel movie?
Image Week 4 Storytime: Saga
Come up with an episode where the Gems go to Australia
Star vs the forces of third wheeling
January 2017 Comic Book Sales Report - Top 300+'s
Here's your daily reminder that more people would rather watch Fifty Shades Darker then Lego Batman
Characters that are never coming back
USAvengers Dissassembled
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Named Gadget Hackwrench
Do we like her or what?
ITT post characters that have the same name as you
Alright Sup Forums, time to get this started
Defend this
Find a flaw
What does Sup Forums think about Moomins?
My Problems with Steven Universe's Alternate History
Tfw Sup Forums don't know about russian comics
What do you think of the new DC rebirth
Gunnerkrigg Court
Is My Gym Partner's a Monkey an allegory to early 20th-century America where children were segregated to different...
This was more creative than South Park has been in its whole lifespan
Can you guys post examples how new simpsons animation is shitty?
Who's your favorite Disney princess, Sup Forums? Not the one you'd most like to fuck...
So why hasn't Rebirth redeemed Darkseid yet? Why is he a rapebaby and his own grandfather/grandson?
Underrated qt, yes or no
Which was the bigger jump-the-shark moment for Rugrats?
Para-Ten Storytime (Ending)
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Why is this show so overrated by autistic people?
Reaction thread cause fucking why not
Bleeding Cool Bestseller List – 19th February 2017 – DC Has 6, Image Has 3, Marvel Has 1
This show really was shit...
Does co/ still play DCUO? I haven't touched it in ages. Fucked around in it a little today. It's still an ok game
Awful costume/character designs
Star vs Heinous
It finally happened, my dudes
I will only watch this if she im gets sexualized somehow
Cartoon for children
Who else actually felt sorry for villains who constantly lose?
What's his Power Level, Sup Forums
What are some of your favorite animated music videos...
Why is thor so unpopular?
/sug/ Steven Universe General
Only characters voiced by Dan Castellaneta actually talk
Questionable Sup Forumsntent General #888
Voltron: Legendary Defender
What COMIC is the worst offender for bolding/putting emphasis ON the wrong WORDS?
What BS powers would you deploy in your dreams to beat Super Freddy?
ITT: Post best versions of characters
"I hugged you!"
T h i c c
Took me forever to get around to it, but I finally saw Fantastic Planet...
Just watched the documentary (it was free on demand)
I've never seen Cats don't dance but after seeing a few clips I decide to watch it. This is surprisingly good...
If Hank's family was taken hostage and to free them he had to kill one of these three with his bare hands...
What came first, Sup Forums, ranch or cool ranch?
Time for Sup Forums wallpapers
Young Justice
Be honest Sup Forums, should we change the South Park flag?
Wubba lubba dub dub
I want to live in a zoo
February 20th is Hal Jordan's birthday! Say something nice about him
Is Pendleton Ward going to make Adventure Time movie? If AT team is unsure if it's going to happen...
What would have happened if Coraline had let the Other Mother sew the buttons?
Art thread
How long will Parker Industries last?
What does Sup Forums think of DHX?
Para-Ten Storytime (webcomic)
HTTYD/ Race to the edge
What was so wrong about this?
Could it be broken by the Lance of Longinus?
If you could give Superman one new power, no matter how outlandish, what would it be?
Official Win-O'-Thread #3
Name Cartoons so obscure the Pan dose not know about them
Powers Pt. 7
Which one Sup Forums?
So, if they care about infinity stones...
Spider-Girl Storytime Part 5
So why the Justice League didn't help him in the end?
Who are your Sexiest mcu actresses?
Left or right?
What does Sup Forums think of this show? Is it a worthy successor to Phineas and Ferb?
We haven't had a big girls thread in a while. What happened Sup Forums? Did you all stop loving you giants?
ITT-"villains" who did nothing wrong
This is the best adaptation of the series, it's even better than the anime version
Gunnerkrigg court
Would you watch a cartoon based on Pepe the Frog?
Comic versions of Green Arrow, Flash, and Supergirl are my favorite comic characters
Who's the best dressed/co/ character?
Aladdin was just on TV
MJ gets RYV
Did you cried?
Is he a fire bender?
Sunday Symbiote Thread
Kamala Khan just got her first statue, and it's Cute! Cute!
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Why woukd people want Ben Reilly back in todays spider-man? When he was brought into the 90's...
Is there any way to fix his design to make him a bit more recognizable and interesting...
Animation Domination General #1: It's NOT an "Asshole Peter" Episode? Edition
Are there any comics that address this?
Stinz Storytime
Star vs Heinous
Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase 4 leaks
What is Sup Forumss opinion on the worst OC?
Riverdale Thread
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics and Cartoons
Will it be good?
When did Spider-Man comics stop being good?
Didn't you gay faggots say ares was gonna be a cloud?
Cute cartoon-children being cute
Is Jon too young to co-star in the LOSH book? Are they going to go with Supergirl and LOSH again?
Hey Sup Forums, I'm looking for some really cool examples of page layout and sequential narrative...
Ah geez Lois, this is even worse than that time I appeared in a Jack Chick comic
I wish SNL brought back TV Funhouse, they were some of their best skits back in the day
WONDER WOMAN Test-Screening Spoilers
Mighty Magiswords thread
"Are you ready?"
One night, Penguin caught a man cheating at cards and tortured him in front of the crowd...
Animation is a medium that allows much more than live action, even to this day
What does Sup Forums think of Tales of Alethrion?
Does this take place in the same universe as the Avengers?
Was Meatwad a child or just stupid?
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Does this mean Ben is turning good again?
Image Week 3 Storytime: Godland
How are two humans able to breathe underwater, let alone live there permanently?
Latchkey kingdom Storytime Part 3
Share your best/weirdest Simpson pics
Was this show any good Sup Forums?
TMNT thread
SU references Anime
What is each Bat rogue's best story?
ITT: Abominations
Should this character comeback for Rebirth?. If sho how?
It's a time travel episode
Is he really a good guy? or he is faking it all?
ITT: things no one has ever said honestly
HYW/How's Your Webcomic? #349
You will NEVER be a CalArts student
French / Euro comics storytime
Sup Forumsco/'s Bizarre Adventure
ITT: Mistakes in the history of comics
Was this supposed to be Disney's next Frozen?
Dredd Thread
Recently I've developed an obsessive subconscious fear that I may be becoming an anti semitic nazi sympathizer...
We talk about fusion a bit on here, but who are some characters you'd like to see separated?
Should strength-based heroines be drawn as ripped? skinnystrong? as justa nother model-shaped lady?
The voice acting in this scene is terrible
Why does mars have the best girls?
Spider-Man Homecoming Shocker Leaked?
Post Poochie-tier characters:
Camp Camp
Soul stone theory
January 2017 Comic Book Sales Report - Top 100's
Says ed edd n' eddy is one of the worst shows he ever seen
Has it happened to you yet?
Do you prefer when superheroes date
Sup Forums Battle of the Bands
What's your favourite Generic Groundbreaking Progressive Magic Cartoon Lesbian Relationship™ (GGPMCLR), Sup Forums?
Raven thread
Where were you when Splinter died?
Jumba just wanted to make Pokemon real for the galactic community to enjoy, but they threw him into jail
ITT post the best animated film of their respective years
There will never be another Rick and Morty episode ever again
Wonder Woman Test Screening Was Today
What are your favourite Garth Ennis moments?
What should be the last cartoon i watch before i kill myself?
Is anyone else hyped for Season 2 of Miraculous Ladybug
Why wasn't he just honest about the roast?
Is edgy counter-culture dying?
How come there's so many daddy issues laden women (and men) out there that think they're Harley Quinn...
/CTG/ Channel-tans General
So I finally got around to watching Frozen (I know, ultimate fucking slowpoke)...
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
How will they explain Loki not being able to do inception magic and mirror dimension bullshit?
Star vs 24 Hours
What are some other canon ugly characters who are made to look super attractive in fanart?
Why are tamaraneans so qt?
No one talks about the episode where Homer picks up smoking pot
The stupid character is painfully aware of the fact that they're stupid
Why do people praise this garbage?
Lego Buttman
How can DCEU even compete?
Toonami General #7
Translation: solicit changed as per usual, Rich makes believes a reasoning behind it as clickbait
Why is the Steven Universe crew filled with weebs who rip off scenes from anime?
How does Sup Forums like the new Greenies?
Look into your heart and know it to be true
Behold, the JL Batmobile
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Toonami General #6
Listen up Sup Forums! You now have the same powers as the Hulk, meaning that you will transform into a giant, green...
This statue
This is your date tonight
What does Sup Forums think about Generator Rex?
Welcome to atop the fourth wall where bad comics burn and today we are talking about the comics and cartoons board on...
Bets on who survived Clone Conspiracy?
Toonami General #5
This episode glorifies blind following
What does Sup Forums think about Teen Titans Go!, is it good?
You wouldn't a dog, would you?
Toonami General #4
Late to the party, but let's discuss S2 of Voltron
Show pairs the two minorities together
Daredevil Storytime (Part 9)
Tell me about your fetishes, Sup Forums
/sug/ Steven Universe General
Toonami General #3
Find a merit in the Avatar Expanded Universe
/doag/ - Dumbing of Age Group Therapy Session
Alex Hirsch's Twitter
How do you feel about AUs in general?
Say something nice about Minerva
Villain kills civilian
Girls who you'd love to be friends with, but don't want to date
Powers Pt. 6
Toonami General #2
Improved characters thread
Is there any other Batman villain so unfairly maligned as Scarecrow? I've only seen him truly done justice in B:tAS...
I just saw Gravity Falls for the first time
Is there any other Sup Forums character that got cucked as hard as Dale?
Would you accept Galactus's offer to become his new herald if it means leaving Earth...
Who was in the wrong here?
Which big two cape has been around the longest without having died even once in their career?
Cartoons you hated, even as a kid
Why do you think normies don't like Tom King's Run? I mean, Sup Forums doesn't like it because, that's what we do...
How the fuck did they get KANYE WEST to appear on the fucking Cleveland show?
Futures End Badly
The show that only you like
How to train your dragon
Devil Edition
What other shows deserves a revival?
Sausage Party thread
Multiplicity Arc
What went wrong?
Preschool Animation
Why won't Disney make this?
What happened to animation blocks?
Name 1 robot better than Jenny
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
Toonami General #1
So now Jason is the cutest robin, wtf!?
Anybody going?
Marvel Studios Phase 3 Sneak Peak
Is Jack Nicholson the biggest Hollywood actor to have ever played a major role in a comic book movie?
Even if you are not a huge fan of the show...
Who prefers Otto over Peter?
ITT : Scenes that made you cry
So there's literally no timeline where Bruce doesn't eventually sex Barbara, huh?
Left or right?
This is going to bomb in the US, isn't it?
They're Not Like Us Storytime
Winnie the Pooh Strips
New Iron Man armor from Spider-Man
Star vs a Bear
Comic babies BTFO
Saban Entertainment
We're forcing on The Batman but don't forget that Wonder Woman sucks
The other day there was a Lovecraft thread where some user said "wouldn't it be cool if there was a comic where...
Ask someone who has read about 3/4 of a rough draft of The Batman script anything
Spider-man (1967) Night of the Villains
What would be some good comics to read for someone who liked Sandman, Hellblazer, Swamp Thing, Hellboy, Fables, etc.?
Injustice 2spooky Edition
Its a "Roast the Fandom or Fandoms in general" episode
Powerful stuff
What is it about Starfire that makes her so prone to playing den mother?
Who's going to replace RDJ when he gets bored of being Iron Man?
I randomly rediscovered Marko Djurdjevic's redesigns for the x-men from like over a decade ago
Mom! Phineas and ferb are
Monsters Unleashed Ancillary Storytime: Monster Hunters
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Spider-Girl Storytime Part 4
ITT: Characters that should have never existed
We will be adored
Post things that trigger Sup Forums
We got a real release date mi boyos
Sama-Ray Jack
Critter Coven Thread
Make an island prison for all the villains of the Disneyverse
Why are Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy old while their villains have stayed young?
Ruby Gloom Thread
Captain Carrot
Whelp, mutants aren't going back to Marvel anytime soon now
Stinz Storytime
Was "The Snow Queen" the pinnacle of Russian animation?
Cheer me up, Sup Forums
Why the fuck are villains with actual powers AFRAID of the Joker?
I hope the new Megaman cartoon doesn't make Roll look like shit
New Littlest Pet Shop Series coming in 2018 with digital shorts coming in Fall 2017
Meanwhile, in Rule 63 Sup Forums
Who have better world building? DC or Marvel?
Image Week 3 Storytime: Elephantmen
DeMatties Spidey
Blames a completely unrelated superhero for the death of her son
Spider-Girl Storytime part 3
ITT: Lesbians
Dr. EDD, I'm E.D.I
What does Sup Forums think of Ann Nocenti?
It's a celebrity-guest episode
Who agrees with me that this show is sjw propaganda and tumblr pandering
Protagonists that got cucked in their own show
Sup Forums! Hey Sup Forums!
Are the Mighty Magiswords writers on crack...
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
What would you say the appeal of ghost girls is?
Weekend Sup Forums creation thread
The series has received mostly negative reviews. Hugh Armitage of Digital Spy said that the series is an old concept...
Obscure Simpsons women thread
Sup Forums General Drawthread
Once one of the most famous Marvel heroes
Spider-Girl Storytime Part 2
What do you assume about someone if they tell you their favourite super hero is Superman or Batman?
Still reading capeshit past the age of 14
Everything ahsoka thread
Penny is for ______
Can we agree that this is the most accurate chart on which Act and Protagonist are the best in Homestuck?
ITT : non Marvel or DC capeshit you'd read a comic of if it went on release
Star vs 1,051,920 Valentine's Days
The Archer's Quest
Hello, relatively young Sup Forumsmarades, you know Nedroid, right?
Raven/Starfire/Jinx thread:
Jesus was black ronald reagan was the devil and the government is lying to you about 9/11
Who's your favorite X-Man?
Does anyone unironically like this
Could never have existed without The Hub
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
"I'm a whaaaale!"
The Pee Pee dance
/CTG/ Channel-tans General
Matt Reeves drops out of Batman
Marvel rebirth?
Admit it
/swco/ - Star Wars Comics & Cartoons
What the fuck are they supposed to be anyway?
ITT: Sup Forums in 1986
Fusion Thread
Today marks the 1 Week Anniversary of this Failure
We are Siamese if you please
What the actual fuck
Why so many people here hate this ship? It's not bad at all
Creates animations over half a decade, building up a fanbase
If you were to assemble a team of 7 from across the omniverse to save the omniverse, who would you select and why?
Does anyone remember this show?
Lego Cinematic Universe
Wolverine Thread
Heathcliff wears a hat
ITT : the moment we knew it was time to flip to either Nick, Disney, or CN for bit
Scalie Schoolie page 114
Star Wars Comics & Cartoons:
What does Sup Forums think about Jetix?
Did he ever pay those back taxes?
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Daredevil Storytime (Part 8)
You now remember Cartoon Fridays
Mantra thread
Remember when Cartoon Network invaded Nickelodeon?
Does this really warrant the hate that it gets...
I am Moot
Water bendings special ability is Blood bending
*blocks your path*
/doag/ - Dumbing of Age - Gynandrous Edition
Am I the only person who thought that Trigon's evil Starfire was fucking hot as hell?
Please give me more hekapoo
Holy shit, this was actually really good. So much like the film but retains all the cooler sci fi and lore aspects...
Supergirl dating/married to Lex Luthor's son
Star vs Endless Suffering
Spider-Girl Storytime part 1
Now that the re-releases are finally on a sale and not $40 fucking dollars a pop, are they worth it...
Mel Gibson in Talks to Direct Genocide Squad
Why didn't they just use Superboy?
ITT: Confusing boners that never got not confusing
Poppy O'Possum Update
Are there any come Industries like DC and Marvel, but they never get rebooted their time line just keeps going...
Be honest, how would you feel if you found out that The Simpsons was ending?
Best of Sup Forums
What tropes do you hate in animated shows or shows in general
Yeah, the problem is we don't live in the future, Ed, we live in the present...
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Donald Glover as Simba, James Earl Jones as Mufasa in Live Action Lion King Movie
Spider-Man The Clone Saga Storytime
Where were you when they made a good wolverine movie
The Joker shouldn't be this moe
Thought this would be a shitty cash-in show
Powers Pt. 5
Voltron Legendary Defender
Top notch manga artist keeps up with a 40 page per month serialization she is writing the story for while also doing...
JSA Storytime: Wildcats 3.0
TellTale's Batman
Deathstroke #13 Preview
Got the character in mind? You sure you want that one?
Penguin Portrayals
As the only heroes from New Jersey would they get along?
No one likes mighty magiswords anymore
Gravity Falls: Remember the falls marathon
Why does Sup Forums hate this?
'Batman' Negotiations Break Down With Director Matt Reeves
Is this movie really that bad? Sans SUV ad
/sug/ - steven universe general
What does Sup Forums think about Yin Yang Yo!
What's the name of that cartoon with those two bird like characters who look like plague doctors...
Is iceman gay
Thoughts on Invader Zim?
Why would a 68 year old be in a retirement home?
Sonic Boom
Saw it. Ask me anything. It's a legitimate 8.5-9/10 movie. Far better than any recent X-Men movies...
How does Sup Forums feel about giantesses?
How does one watch Wakfu without having to pause every 5 mins for screencaps? It's really time consuming
FOP / Bunsen is a Beast Crossover coming
Let's have a Sup Forums related iceberg thread
Have you ever found a character attractive exclusively because of their voice actor?
Is Thor the least popular avenger? Is he "cool"?
Chess in the park edition
Who is going tomorrow to wizard world in Portland? Ill be going for the first time what should I expect?
Camp Camp thread
Would you watch this, Sup Forums?
What was his fucking problem?
Why is "filler" the only criticism people can give nowadays? Filler has a very clear meaning...
Endtown 2017-02-17
David F. Sandberg in Talks to Direct ‘Shazam’ For New Line
/sug/ - Steven Universe General
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...