Why woukd people want Ben Reilly back in todays spider-man? When he was brought into the 90's...

Why woukd people want Ben Reilly back in todays spider-man? When he was brought into the 90's, people liked hom because he was the classic down on his luck spider man compared to the spider-man who was married and very different from what he was. But now, how is he any diffrent from peter today?

For one thing, isn't Peter Tony Stark right now....last I checked current Pete is nothing like classic Pete

Also, why was he blonde if he was a clone anyway

>how is he any diffrent from peter today?
He's blond

He wouldn't be written by Slott


Most comic and wrestling fans are contrarians.

Dyed his hair so people could tell them apart. Ben and Peter claimed they were cousins.

Dyed it to not get confused for Peter.

I'd take Ben and Kaine's mystical misadventures (ft. R. Kelly... I mean Aracelly)

And I'd sacrifice Miles to get them

This is what I would want Ben as - a much more reflexive self-deprecating optimist (in actions) version of himself... and Peter.

I haven't been keeping up with Spider-Shenanigans since the end of Spider-Verse. Wasn't there an implication that Kaine wasn't actually dead? What happened there?