Sunday Symbiote Thread

Is Mania considered a legacy character?

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No she's white.

As someone who likes these threads, don't bother reposting it if the last thread died. I don't think we need weekly threads, it just gets spammy and annoying for people. Bi weekly at the most

Sorry. It was just that it was posted at around 6 am and I assumed most people were asleep or not on Sup Forums during that time, which was why it died so quickly.

It got posted again too, I don't know why nobody cares about symbiotes today

Symbiotes is for kidos.

You can always storytime to keep it alive.

Kill yourself

Only if you help me. please

I finally got around to writing an issue of symbiote squad.
Let me know what you guys think. I don't consider myself a writer or anything, so some feedback would be nice