How are two humans able to breathe underwater, let alone live there permanently?

How are two humans able to breathe underwater, let alone live there permanently?

Other urls found in this thread:

they are sea humans

why are two humans both 4 inches tall?

There was an episode about their origin

Mermaid Man's magic starfish lets him live underwater, Barnacle Boy's lungs were replaced with barnacles.

His belt shrinks things. You can tell because it's set to "M" for "mini."

Because they aren't human.

Is this canon?

Maybe. That's the story MM and BB told of how they got their powers. The TV origin special Spongebob and Patrick wanted to watch said they got their powers from eating slightly overcooked popcorn that was left in the microwave too long. Either one could be true.

because they are superheroes with superpowers