Name Cartoons so obscure the Pan dose not know about them


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user, you are to give me the name. Faint memories of this have mocked and haunted me for as long as I can remember because I couldn't put a name to it.
Before I pass from this earth I must know the name!

Not him but it's the "groovinians" I believe. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Much obliged
I'm happy you took time to screenshot this. Luv you fampai.

>the groovonians
Is the Annotation Station still a thing

Pan if this is you, this shit is rad as fuck.

The Groovenians. I remember it because it had both Dennis Hopper and the B-52s but still managed to somehow be unwatchable.

I'm pretty sure Cartoon Network tried to push it for both the main lineup and Adult Swim but it flopped in the ratings every time.

I like her design..

I'll have to draw hr sometime.

shorts about toys in the back of a car. boring at best.