Chess in the park edition

Chess in the park edition

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Whats his endgame?

1st for best species in Star Wars

This should be an interesting match, since both Vader and Tarkin would use the same strategy: flip the board and attack their opponent directly.

We need more of these ships

Hopefully the Last Jedi will deliver

The full destruction of the First Order

10/10 edition

Fuck that is one sexy ship how come we only saw it like once

>just like an OT Star Destroyer, but less interesting!

New Republic*****
Boy am I tired

>its a fatter edgier version of a star destroyer

>Implying Any Star Destroyer isn't sexy

>Snoke created the First Order specifically so he could destroy it

The originals are, the FO versions are just uninspired

With a less distinctive profile, too. The venator at least stands out as having its own look, but this thing has the same problem as the acclamator- it's just a duller version of the classic design.

What the fuck are you contrarian faggots talking about? It looks just like a Imperial II without the big ball shaped shield generators on top.

It doesn't stand out, its literally just "a star destroyer but even more eviler"

JJ is a fucking hack, deal with it

acclamators looked pretty dumb

Oh goodie, another thread set to create constant bitching about getting the thread title wrong.

Oh its just a prequel babby nothing to see here.

That's our entire point. It's the same thing just duller. That's why we're saying it doesn't have a distinct look.

I do it on purpose to trigger people like you

Vader looks like a big guy in that pic


>Ursa Wren





>this ship looks dull its the old one with parts taken off
>what are you talking about its just the old one with parts taken off

N-no, it'll turn out she was just adopted! Satine will be revealed as her real mom, and Obi-Wan is her real dad! Y-you'll see!

Soon we will meet Rook Kast's real child, Jodo

>Nucanon Boba Fett isn't Mandalorian
>Nucanon Jodo Kast is
Can you imagine the salt?

If you're trying to convince us you're only pretending to be retarded you failed with your display of reading comprehension since so far there hasn't been any complaints about the title, only a complaint about the complaints last thread.

What;s the best lightsaber duel in the entirety of Star Wars?

>putting thread title as name



The first order meet an extremely advanced and powerful alien race while building up their fleet in the unknown regions. The first order teams up with this species to destroy the new republic and reform the galaxy. Snoke is the leader of this alien race.

What was his problem?

Someone will get it right one of these days

There it is

It's okay, he only does it to trigger you, he's not actually dense nor a motherfucker.

Now we're stuck with this shit thread for the episode

Who is your clonefu?

He knew he could never compete with this guy

Being a huge cunt.

You raise a fair point. Might be worth making a corrected thread for the new episode since people will likely be looking for /swco/ in the catalog but failing to find anything. I don't think we have to worry, though, since it's still hours away from the episode dropping which will be in the middle of the night anyway.


it's past your bedtime Orson

But the Grand Moff is best husbando

Where did you get such a high res Rogue One screenshot?

It's just not the same when you have to supply it yourself.

dad love me more

How long until the internet makes Tarkin/Krennic shipping a thing?

I'm actually pleasantly surprised it has not happened yet, but since we live in the worst timeline I'm sure it's inevitable.

Why don't they make Star Wars propaganda material, for posters and shit?

>just like an OT Star Destroyer

You niggas be blind

Don't you have a Sarlaac to be crawling out of?

There's a whole book of that.

There's a whole book out.

Oh user
My friend sent me this a week ago and we both wanted to die


>tfw there will never be an animated movie about the Siege of Mandalore

I can only blame myself for being so naive, really. Goddamnit.

God damnit.

he sure does

We went through that tag and had a good laff. Like, yeah, I have a weird crush on Peter cushing. but holy fuck are teenage girls weird

Here's the worst thing we have ever found

Crop off the tower and it's basically the same.

Indeed, because old man with (maybe) a blaster and a cyborg precog space-sorcerer with a plasma sword, starting within six feet of eachother would be a thrilling and drawn out duel of the ages.

>I understand you were being sarcastic, but am pretending not to, because it hurts my narrative.


Holy shit. Let's just put in EVERY FETISH. And EVERY CHARACTER we like. And also an OC.

I never thought I'd say this, but I prefer my porn to have a more logical plot.

I hate being a woman sometimes, because I get lumped in with people who write shit like this

Fanfiction is some scary shit

I'm watching Gendy Wars for the first time right now, why is everyone so OP?


If someone shopped a ship behind them it'd be perfect

>haha jokes on them i was only pretending to be retarded!
>hahaha I win!

I know that feel fellow femanon . I ditched and the like very early in my internet career and never looked back. I'm awkward enough without associating with that brand of crazy.

What are you talking about?

IIRC the explanation for the more...outlandish feats (namely Mace's) is exaggeration by the boy who shared his water to Mace after the battle on Dantooine.


I did write a character study on Orson, and why he was such a sad excuse of a person. But I will never understand people who write gratuitous sex and mischaracterizing people to make them fit their very specific fetish.

Darth Sidious vs Maul and Savage


Whats so OP about that? The Clone Wars clearly said a jedi was worth a thousand droids

True. But somehow these creepy fetish fics weird me out more than, say, SS-poster and that weird guy with his 'Ezra is a buttslut' thing.

Probably because this is Sup Forums and everything posted here is trolling or crap. But when someone writes a 10,000 piece on characters anal fisting, it's just a bit much.

Are you talking about that guy from episode 1 of TCW? I'm pretty sure he's not a reliable source.

Tell me, why does he wear the cape?

Plus Geonosis kind of showed that wasn't true

>listening to the audio book of A New Dawn
>it's boring as fuck so about 3 hours in I start listening to the audio book of Aftermath instead
>Ray Sloane is introduced

Yeah. I don't know how you squeeze a harry potter length novel out of this shit.

and I never post my shit so no one but me has to read it. I'm not that autistic that i need my echochamber telling me how progressive I am. though, come to think of it, they'd hate me. I write my characters as they are. Not as sad gay babies who just need the perfect (self insert) to save them from their evil ways

You hear the phrase "dress for the job you want, not the job you have"?

Because capes are the shit. Even Vader knows.

We never should have gotten rid of them in mainstream fashion.

new ILM vfx video for the Scarif space battle

>and I never post my shit so no one but me has to read it.

This should be the golden rule really.

Around the street sign, a perimeter, create.

It's the same reason I don't post my art. I think it's just teenage girls that want asspats because wow they fixed their favourite character! and they can like them now without being a shitty person!! I fucking hate tumblr

Good, good. Let the rage flow through you!


I keep it all internal, not a chance I'll let it get into the physical world in any form

>Sexy Sheev.jpg
Now I've seen everything

They should have used practial models like Abrams.

Except for that thrawn pic I drew I don't put it in the internet. I will keep my shame to myself. It's bad enough my phones lockscreen is a picture of Tarkin, and I've been asked if he's my grandfather.

You're very welcome.

Abrams didn't use a single practical model for ships.

You must be thinking of Lucas, for the prequels.

>and I've been asked if he's my grandfather.


>people not being able to recognize Peter Cushing

That's actually quite amazing. I mean I didn't care for SW for most of my life, but it's so iconic I still knew Tarkin was from a movie.