The stupid character is painfully aware of the fact that they're stupid

>the stupid character is painfully aware of the fact that they're stupid

>the loser does everything right
>Still lose

Should Miss. Krandle have pushed Bart ahead to fifth grade when he was so obviously unprepared for it. I definitely sympathize with Bart and his plight, but how was his situation not made worse by pushing him along to a grade he wasn't prepared for?

>You could be this character but don't see it

>the smart confident character is revealed to not be nearly as confident or in control and is faking to keep the rest of the team's spirits up.

aka Peter Parker

>Overprotective character is reveled to only be so worried about the other characters because they already lost someone.

>the loser does everything wrong
>Still win

Reminds me of "Bart gets an F". Sucks to see something like that, worse that the show just eventually ran with the idea that he's just gonna be a failure in life.


He deserved to win against Marik.

I liked the one version of the future where Bart was pretty happy and successful doing blue collar wrecking crew work

>character gives up and dies because they lost all hope.
>Rescue arrives a few moments later.

>nigger character is trusted on the good side
>gets coaxed into doing something niggerish and it escalates and fucks his rep up

That movie was a bit too preachy; not surprising considering the writer, but still.

Ending was still pretty sad.

>hadn't seen the movie
>friend tells me it's totally my things and I'd love it
>she casually spoilers the ending while explaining why I'd like it
>even after waiting several months before watching it, still remember the spoiler, never got to experience it raw
fuck you Catie.

>Group dummy risks his life for his family
>Puts up a good fight

I don't get how people disliked best boy I really don't.

>character gives his life to block villain's attack from harming his friends
>buys just enough time for reinforcements to arrive

>manages to only slightly wound the big bad after giving it their all
>but that small wound ends up being the pivotal chink in the big bad's armor that allows their friends to beat him

Because he's a mary sue

Yugo is the mary suest. Groovy is great.


>villain genuinely tries to reform
>heroes don't believe them and tell them to fuck off
>they go back to villainy out of rejection

If you're reading this it's pretty much confirmed


why is megatron an autobot teacher

Ollianius Pious is a true hero of the Imperium

The war's been over for a bit now and Megatron had a change of heart after seeing Bumblebee die while they were saving the universe from shenanigans. The teaching is just a side thing while they're on a quest, in this continuity Megatron started out by writing books and manifestos.

>OP makes the exact same thread twice in one week


Man, I love that movie, but the ending always felt off to me. Not exactly by how it ended, but because of how quickly the soldiers show up in comparison to what just happened. The suddenness of it makes it feel like I just watched the end of a Twilight Zone episode and Rod Sterling is about to walk out of the mist and make a short speech.

Admittedly I'm not sure how I would improve on that though, at least a couple more minutes between the previous scene and the soldiers seems warranted, but the movie's already pretty long as it is and those minutes would need to have some kind of significance other than just assisting narrative flow.

It sounds interesting. I'd get into it more if the writing didn't look so sophomoric. Also I really hate the block artstyle only weird Japanese artists can make it look good.

the thing that feels more off to me is that this is presumably a search and rescue team but they almost completely ignore the survivor standing right in front of them. You'd think they'd at least have some medical staff wanting to provide first aid and people to escort him to an evac site

Didn't the writers say that Bart is going to have a series of failures in life before finally picking up slack and becoming a District Attorney?

It was a clearance team. You see them burning things.

>Leaves from the vine starts playing

Bart actually mentions that he's still working towards becoming a chief judge in that episode. The biggest reason that I hate new Simpsons is how they shot on Bart's character and future.

i recall an instance in this book where steven king had to write "'"' into his book. at no moment did he stop and think "maybe too many people are just talking at this point."

what does that even indicate?

I think you've missed a detail; the point was they were driving AWAY from advancing aid the whole time, which is why it catches up to them so soon after they have to stop. If they'd never taken the car they'd have been rescued ages before.

>Character realizes they have no chance with the person they are in love with

huh, you're right I never caught that

Would it be better to be retarded and not know it, or be retarded and know there's nothing you can do to change it?

Don't the soldiers actually approach him after they spot him? I'm pretty sure I recall them approaching him when he started crying in despair.

I used to hate reciprocated love stories
then I fell in love with my straight best friend and realized I really am happy just being able to interact with them so often. and for bonus points, since it means getting my emotional fulfillment from one source and my sexual fulfillment from other sources it means I really don't care when things fall through with whoever my current fuckbuddy might be and I never have to worry about getting too clingy with them

>If they'd never taken the car they'd have been rescued ages before

Actually, they'd be dead. Remember that just before leaving, one of them shot that old religious nutbag lady because she wanted to sacrifice the main character's son to the monsters "to appease God". Her mob was shocked at the moment, but indignant and would probably kill the protagonists if they stayed any longer than they did.

>tfw that character is me

a character is talking about a character, quoting said character within his dialogue. the character which he is talking about is talking about another character, who quotes said character. THAT character is then quoting another character within their dialogue. it was only for one line, but christ it irritated me.

>people have fun with it and contribute
Getting pissy over nothing there, boyo

>Might Guy vs Madara

At that point, he was basically one of the only good characters.

See The "canon" future (as in, the one they've been focusing on most) has Bart become a divorced loser and deadbeat dad.

On the plus side, Barthood (the most recent future ep) seems to be in a different continuity, where Bart becomes an artist and owns a bike customization shop.

>Character realizes they have no chance with the person they are in love with
>They still fight for her happiness despite that

>Character has modest hopes and dreams.
>It's clear to everyone but the character that they'll never achieve them.

What movie is this?

The pain, it's back.

Read the filename.

>character never retaliates
>fucks up people who hurt their friends/ family

moar megatron sensei

Not cartoon related but...
>"Is... Is he smart or is he li-like"
>Gestures at himself

Fucking kills me every time

>"Painfully aware"
>Inferior to "Aware but okay with it because its not worth thinking about"
Truly Best Boy

>my girlfriend wants to go into animation very badly
>suffers from schizophrenia and can't handle stress well enough to make it through a semester without having an episode and either failing classes or being forced to drop out
>cognitive abilities getting worse and worse as time has gone on
>after 5 years she still wants to be an animator
>know in my heart it's impossible but still work every day to pay for schooling and support her because if she gave up she'll probably kill herself

I can't handle this trope in media, too personal now

If it's any consolidation, the season after that has him putting on a robot suit and beating the crap out an Australian guy who is also in a robot suit.

>Animeonly filler

Well it's his last good moment in the show. And yes I think the duel with Valon was more impressive than him beating fucking Grandpa. After that he loses to Siegfried and that's it for Joey.

Man that duel was bullshit. Joey had that won (quite literally) but "lol pass out from pain can't have the side character take out the main villain in the arc like that"

that's rough man, hope it works out somehow.

Have you ever told her to just yo animation on her own at her own pace on YouTube or something


Basically normal footsoldier standing face to face with probably the scariest mother fucker in the galaxy powered by all the chaos gods and he still makes a difference

That's not a thing anymore if you actually want to make a living. We went over this in yesterday's Egoraptor thread.

>It's a literally me thread

Is it really about making a living at this point?

>Villain realizes how much of a prick they were. and can't do anything about it

I hate they never give bart hidden talents anymore.

>the calm and collected character has actually lost more than the angry guy throwing his loss in everyone's face

That doesn't make any fucking sense and you should just get your crash to crash your feelings already so you can stop being a fucking dick to all those who're using


Thanks for the kind words

We've talked about it, I've also tried to get her to work on a webcomic with me to give her something to do all day. Her mother just died so we're just taking every day 1 at a time right now.

>that scene at the beginning when Nelson talks shit to Laambo
>when Red makes the decision to protect the civilians instead of going after him even though Blue wants to
>tfw Reason with Blue, with your fists!

>so you can stop being a fucking dick to all those who're using
Being a fucking dick is the maximum extent of a relationship with a fuckbuddy

he would've been best boy if he accomplished more than one thing in the entire series

>Character tried their hardest
>It still wasn't enough

>Keep on trying their hardest
>Has to bump heads with hero
>Get called a villain

>not realizing that him trying to do good but actually making things worse only makes his moment of triumph in the final fight all the more important

>>Keep on trying their hardest
>>Has to bump heads with hero
>>Get called a villain
Jeez, what's this you're referencing?

>he later died of a cold


Marik was a fucking shitter, he literally lost every duel but still won because >lol Ra has a million effects also magic xD

get out of the internet Doom

go to bed chuck

Dory annoys me a little bit, because I hate having to repeat myself, but when she was trying to explain that she needs help because she knows she'll fuck it up alone, it really got to me.

Spoiler Image?

That opening was painful nearly brought me to tears

who was the writer?

when has that happened?

>when has that happened?
In real life... my life.

It's "The Mist"
The ending is pretty bleak.

I miss barcode kanojo

Bitch, he should have lost against Odion. Everyone forgets about that.

Me too user

man i don't know about you guys but i thought this was hilarious. i'm not trying to be edgy here but the army arrives, killing all the monsters, AND with that lady who wander off to find her kids at the beginning of the movie, like 5 seconds after he killed his kid and friends? that shit was so absurdly dark, i just can't help but laugh