Okay, I know the superman vs goku fight Screwattack released is super old, but I just don't like how they portrayed goku as just this fight hungry idiot that only spares his enemies because he "wants them to get stronger so he can fight them again"
They clearly either didn't do that much research or were just kind of biased towards Goku. Now don't get me wrong, I don't think Goku could ever hope of defeating Superman in a no holds barred fight, but to completely misrepresent his character just triggers my autism.
youtube.com/watch?v=ERvrC1r1ako Here you can clearly see that Goku says that he spared Frieza hoping he would change from his evil ways, not because he wanted to fucking fight him again in the future. Okay rant over.
Theyre superman fanboys, they just need to stop posting videos about it because theyre going to use a superman that doesnt exist to prove their point. Its just like the scout vs tacer video, except with more fanboyism.
Jaxson Lewis
People just don't understand Superman is the original overpowered OC. It's not that Goku isn't immensely strong, it's that Superman is unfairly OP and can only be beaten by green rocks.
Jack Wilson
Goku risked earth to fight beerus.
Nathan Bailey
Im pretty sure unless beerus was stopped by someone, he was going to destroy the earth any way.
Isaac Watson
He didnt risk earth to fight him, earth was at risk because beerus showed up and didnt get what he wanted.
Jaxson Evans
I wish there were more to goku but sadly that's pretty much it. I'm not sure how the original dub portrayed him but this is how the west gave goku a layer of humanity. Honestly it's kinda cool how they handled his character.Sadly that's not the original vision for goku so a fight crazy maniac it shall be i guess.
Levi Gray
Superman didn't became overpowered until the silver age when they started giving him new powers in every single issue. Golden age Superman only had super strength until the Fleischer cartoon gave him flight and a significant boost in strength.
Camden Perez
Goku is a fucking dumbass, he put 12 universes in risk just so he can feed his ego