What the actual fuck

What the actual fuck

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Yea, I suddenly got this as a recommendation. I showed up after I watched a episoded of rebel taxi. Weird. Didn't watch it thru though.

>so you like to go into children's homes and make a mess?
>well I'm gonna tell you something...
>I'm gonna come into your home...
>and I'm gonna make a mess

I love this series

Been a while since I've seen this.
While Rick and Morty designs are straight from his Doc and Mharti sketch, this mini series probably has the most similarities in tone and humor to Rick and Morty.


wait wouldn't Mr. Sprinkles have survived, given that the bomb only kills real things?

fuck yeah

i've been searching for the last couples eps in decent quality for years

>still shit quality

literally nothing to see here

So who's the real mastermind, Justin or Dan?

Justin, dans an sjw hack

Not sure he would survive burning in orbit.

yeah i think its more justin's show with dan's influence. if it was pure justin it would be more depraved. if it was pure dan it would be more up its own ass with heady concepts. they're a good mesh

Ryan, as always.

Pretty great cartoon. There aren't many cartoons (maybe Monkey Dust) who use depressing realism as a source of humor.

None of them. The cancel out each others flaws.

>This isn't funny at all! It's so heavy handed!


you havent seen anything yet

Holy shit thats alot of rape

>haven't watched the stuff from Roiland's site back in the first season run
Young'uns, all of you

Christopher Nolan, you fucking hack!

male prison rape terrifies me but also never fails to give me a chub


that speech at the end was one of the realest things ever.

What are the chances of Mr Sprinkles making a cameo in Season 3?


This isn't the proper response to terror.


SCUD's REAL Mharti!

Probably because it's made by Justin

So is Doc and Mharti.

>ranting about the middle east

this show is gold

>he let that go


He only visits kids


Justin Roiland really only has about 2 voices. Good thing they are pretty good voices.

>Sup Forumsmblr doesn't know Roiland's work before Rick And Morty until Pan Pizza mentions it.

And then she grew up.

Maybe Justin should be uploading more of this shit himself.

His shit wasn't made for YouTube, it was made for C101, which I'm making a series for right now but whatever

>implying I didn't watch acceptable tv every week
>implying I still don't go back and watch channel 101 every few years to watch the old shows


Well, it suits Youtube too.

Best of luck with your series though, user.

>tfw learning that House of Cosbys of was made by them

>Best of luck with your series though, user.
I put up the casting poster for the two remaining parts I need over a week ago and haven't gotten any emails.

Keep looking. Maybe offer it to a few folks directly.

casting for what

Really? Justin is responsible for a lot of weird flash series I loved as a kid.

Knowing Justin's sense of humor, I thought that was a literal statement.

>Your trial was a mockery.
>Farty McSimmons certainly didn't help.


You need voice work done? I have a decent mic and some nights like off.

It's not animated, but thanks though.

>Harmon Asylum
>Is close friends to Dan Harmon

think it was a stab or accidental?

Probably a tongue-in-cheek thing.

On a semi-related note, I was walking through the neighboring uni last fall while it was presumably being used for a movie, and one of the buildings got a fake sign calling it "Harmon Hall." I wonder if it was related to Dan. Naming a fake college building after yourself just sounds like such a Dan Harmon thing to do.


The Psychiatrist at the beginning was also Dr. Harmon.

Don't let this thread end up in the dump. Here, have a whole-hearted bump.

Ron Howard should be forced to make this feature length as an apology

It's sorta weird how immediately recognizable Sprinkles' voice was. In a "he REALLY likes to use this voice, huh" way.

Never heard of a fear boner?

I remember seeing this on tv a long time ago, and I always had a very vague memory of it. I always thought it was something I made up in my head

I remember this appearing on a VH1 show where they voted on which shorts would continue playing. Had no idea it was Justin Roiland

I remember this in a Sup Forums thread earlier today on Sup Forums. I was convinced the burrito I ate off the street fermented it inside my head bone.

Its pretty tame compared to Roiland's other C101 cartoon

Did you try using Casting Call Club? It's very active

An actress I already have is professional and recommended I use Breakdown Express. But it looks like I'd have to pay for that, also a lot more big-time than what I'm looking for. I'll look into it, thanks.

>Not me
>Not me


If you've seen anything by Justin that isn't Rick and Morty, you'd know this is his sort of thing

i'll do it

Mr. Sprinkles is a really quality series, glad to see some more people found it.

I remember enjoying this when Acceptable TV was airing, and then getting interested in Rick and Morty when I learned that Justin Roiland also did that.

Fuck, though, I loved Acceptable TV.

>I gotta fight coming up. Who's gonna train me?
>Yo, Murder He Rapped!
>Cirque Du Solei CSI

Same, I'm glad I'm not the only one. I was pushing people to watch it back when Rick and Morty first started airing. A lot of people watched the Channel 101 stuff but no one really seemed to be interested in Mr. Sprinkles.

This could have run twice as long
> alternate universe:
> this needed to be half as long

> "No, Farty McSimmons is fine."

Wait how did it hurt him? Wasnt the bomb only supposed to destroy real things?

He was high in the air in a flimsy vehicle at point blank, how the fuck do you think it hurt him?

but the vehicle was also imaginary

And flimsy. Holding a bomb of ANY variety.

The vehicle was shown falling apart just before the bomb blew up. Unless the arms of the machine are somehow less imaginary than the chassis?

that could have been because arms aren't meant to hold anything heavier than a child. actually i always interpreted his death as the result of all the adult shit he had to go though, he became some level of "real"


I'm soggy now

>all these juvenile violence

>arms aren't meant to hold anything heavier than a child

Fuck, man

I can do voices well. What do you need.

Harmon (and Schrab) created the show it was featured on soooo

>arms aren't meant to hold anything heavier than a child
so he wasn't on top when he was impregnating tits mcgee, or he was a pedophile hitting a fertile 12 year old

Well to bad for him my homes already a mess.

>or he was a pedophile
Keep in mind he only visits children. He stopped visiting her BECAUSE she grew up.

It's symbolic. He sacrificed himself for his family, thus becoming the realest nigga.

Not as real as SCUD.

Ooohhhh noooo. It's real