We're the xmen ever good?

We're the xmen ever good?

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They are the most popular superhero team ever for a reason

X-Men been up and down, good and bad, running in cycles. Just like any other 50-80 year old franchise. You just have to take a little time and find the stuff at you personally like.

I liked them up until the mid '00s, they're unrecognizable now

I honestly never expected such positive replies

Most of the people that grew up in 90s and watched the cartoon and found the comics will always love the X-Men.

Their 90's costumes are over rated

The Phoenix saga was a mega hit in the 70's, 80's and they have been milking its success ever since

When the writers and artists move to image comics
This franchise started to slip and faluterd

Bendis put the final nail in the coffin

There's simply TOO much x-men to say if it's good or bad

Do you really think there's one person out there who's read EVERYTHING x men related?

> most popular
Cmon Justice League?

Thinks somebody ran a story time of Uncanny from beginning to end

Or maybe it was just Claremont