What went wrong?

What went wrong?



They did what CN is currently doing, fucking over all their other shows in favor this one show that was popular
Also their scheduling might just be on a higher level of dumbfuckery then CN simply because they've been on one season of Spongebob for several years and are now going to air their new season while the old one is still going through its backlog of episodes

Also their down to just one mediocre show, the Loud House, because Harvey Beaks creator talked shit about them and instead of proving him wrong, booted him to Nicktoons for a swift death

What about TMNT and the Fairly OddParents?

>Fairly Oddparents

booted to Nicktoons


fairly certain that was booted to Nicktoons too

and even then, characters keep resetting and we're back to status quo

Literally everything

So what does Nickelodeon have now besides SpongeBob SquarePants and the Loud House?

Live action shit

And that new Bunsen cartoon by Phil Hartman

Whatever the halfway-preschool-halfway-grade school flavor of the month is. Is Pig Goat Banana Cricket or whatever still running?