Say something nice about Minerva

Say something nice about Minerva.

>Say something nice about Minerva.

Best hog-warts professor of all time.

I think she is qt.

I want to ejaculate inside of her and have her bear my children

I'd fug her in da butt.....that's about it.

Could have used her more.

Is it too much to ask for the return of animated sluts in kid's TV for comedic purposes?


She would make a nice sock for my third leg

>no tits
>no ass
nice try

OP's faggot meme spewing self aside, what makes Minerva attractive? I wanna hear what user has to say. I'm interested in deconstructing her down among others.

Blonde hair and blonde tail, obiously

>no hour glass body
>no seductive bedroom eyes
>unnecessarily bright
>shit taste

Did you not learn anything from cartoon girls from the 90's?

but that hair is masculine
star is cute and perfect. that's what i learned from 90s cartoon girls.. such as sailor moon

KIll yourself, faggot.

She gave me a lot of boners as a kid.


i like the drivers, lets dem games run good

Something nice about Minerva

I like her hair.

I like her everithing.

I know it's pleb as fuck but please, the name of this cartoon? If I can say anything in my defense, it's for ultimate science.

you newfags... I feel sorry for all the kids like you who missed the 90's, poor you

Animaniacs, dude. You must watch it. Go, with all due haste, and enjoy the wackiness!

Animaniacs. It's on Netflix. Watch it all. It holds up surprisingly well.

Also go to watch Tiny Toons

She's a very skilled semi-aquatic hunter that brutally is capable of hunting and killing many different prey species.


human boners are her most beloved prey

I don't think she has ever gone after a human guy in the comics or episodes. Might be due to the fact minks are known to violently mate for several hours a go. Fucking like minks is an old saying after all.

Wow, thismakes things even more exciting user...

Mistress Minerva...

>Fucking like minks is an old saying after all.
No the fuck it's not. I've never heard anyone say this.

Try looking it up. It's an old English saying. Could also try replacing fuck with shag since the Brits used it more.

I've heard it from time to time. I'm an old fart, though.

Too bad they never had a crossover.

He is her ideal body type and Johnny does have an advantage when in comes to nonhuman woman.

STFU, the Soviets are invading you now!!!


I miss animation

dat ass

>furries everywhere


I'd yank her tail.



wrong coloration for her tail.


>pure white

I'd rather lay on it



Too soft, you'll die from fluff suffocation.

God 90s stereotypes looked so lame.
>That japanese wannabe hairstyle
>That lollipop in his mouth
>That "edgy" black jacket.
>Those fucking pants

Not that this 2010s generation is any better with its fashion, but god 70s-90s were a corny time full of cheese.

cartoons used to have curves.

what happened?

The hairstyle is more a greaser thing. Even modern cartoons are full of references to trends/events/celebrities/etc that were popular when the creators were kids. That's why cartoons, modern and old, are full of references that the current children who would be watching them would not get due to being too young.

>the internet
>producers trying not to offend soccer mom/sjw types who don't even watch cartoons
>probably some bullshit way to save money
>censors being censors
Minerva/her jokes were was supposed to be even raunchier if old interviews are to be believed. There was also talk of how she was going to run around naked like other animal toons. If you also notice in screenshots she sort of has a uniboob due to censors making the animators get rid of her cleavage line.

what a time to be alive.

she was one of hottest animated characters ever.

and it was intentional!

Turns out cartoons target audience doesn't really care about this, so why bother. It's shitty of course, but what can you do, money talks.
Well it's not really about censorship and soccer moms, it's mostly about keeping jewy lawyers away. If you put PG-13 things in G rated show, someone will surely sue you.

attempts to cover up cleavage are not very effective on Minerva


>Japanese wannabe hairstyle

That style became popular in Japan because of American pop culture, it's a greaser thing from the fifties, sixties and seventies that became iconic of "tough guy" rebels.
The reason that character looks like that is because it's a reference for adults in the 90s, not the 90s kids.
Go watch some classic movies and fucking educate yourself, pleb.

>You must be 18 years old to post on Sup Forums.
Someone this young has never seen the James Dean stereotype. What a sad time we are entering.

>Japanese wannabe hairstyle
>This is an 18+ website

Have you even started school yet?

