Marvel rebirth?

Hey first time poster, but news of a possible marvel rebirth are coming, so take this however you want it but it's a perspective. I am a complete and utter casual when it comes to comics. I used to read them when I was a kid. Stopped cause didn't really care or understand what was going on. I recently got into comics after coming here and seeing a story time of all star superman, blue beetle (jaime), and hitman. Decided to read up on some stuff.

The first comic I bought physically was DC rebirth comics because it gave me an easy way to jump into comics and it felt like I wasn't missing much. Since then I've been buying 5 or 6 comics. I recently tried to get into marvel, cause I like the movies and also have friends who like marvel comics. It is simply very intimidating. I feel like shit is happening so fast with characters changing and acting differently all over the place. I feel lost and quite frankly don't enjoy it.

What would a marvel rebirth do for me exactly since what I've seen, I don't care for. what they show me that I should care about, is convuluted, and what they have been showing me is now going away. Why should I care? Marvels problems to me as an outsider and new person are simply that they are all over the place. DC is easy and I like that. I wanna read about a character I stick to their book. Occasionally I might see them in another book and when I do they act similar to their own book. Marvel is the opposite. Characters act strange and if I wanna read about a character I gotta read like 5 books. I don't wanna do that. Anyways that's just sorta my view. Who cares about marvel if they still make it convuluted?

tl;Dr I'm new and marvel rebirth is apparently happening, what does this mean and why should anyone care?

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I don't know what to say.

>what does this mean
Nothing beyond more attempts at nostalgia pandering in their marketing.

>why should anyone care?
You shouldn't.

I guess maybe something about marvel being a lost cause or something to hope on for the future?

They'll launch another wave of books. Some of it will be good, some of it will be bad, and most of it will be mediocre. Same as always.

That's somewhat oddly depressing to hear. Based on what little I know they should have a lot of good characters to line up

It's not à reboot, they are bringing back Classic hulk, Thor, etc.

From what I read on Sup Forums isn't hulk dead from cw2? Also that's underwhelming

Characters don't matter. It just comes down to creative teams, of which they have some good, some bad, and a lot of mediocre creators working for them. It's not like anything is really going to change quality-wise when it's mostly the same people working for them as have been working for them for years, with a handful of changes of varying success.

Ewing's books will continue being good. Bendis' books will continue being bad. All that changes is which book either of them is writing.

Basically every major comic book characters has died and came back more than once. Death is pretty much meaningless at this point.