Hey first time poster, but news of a possible marvel rebirth are coming, so take this however you want it but it's a perspective. I am a complete and utter casual when it comes to comics. I used to read them when I was a kid. Stopped cause didn't really care or understand what was going on. I recently got into comics after coming here and seeing a story time of all star superman, blue beetle (jaime), and hitman. Decided to read up on some stuff.
The first comic I bought physically was DC rebirth comics because it gave me an easy way to jump into comics and it felt like I wasn't missing much. Since then I've been buying 5 or 6 comics. I recently tried to get into marvel, cause I like the movies and also have friends who like marvel comics. It is simply very intimidating. I feel like shit is happening so fast with characters changing and acting differently all over the place. I feel lost and quite frankly don't enjoy it.
What would a marvel rebirth do for me exactly since what I've seen, I don't care for. what they show me that I should care about, is convuluted, and what they have been showing me is now going away. Why should I care? Marvels problems to me as an outsider and new person are simply that they are all over the place. DC is easy and I like that. I wanna read about a character I stick to their book. Occasionally I might see them in another book and when I do they act similar to their own book. Marvel is the opposite. Characters act strange and if I wanna read about a character I gotta read like 5 books. I don't wanna do that. Anyways that's just sorta my view. Who cares about marvel if they still make it convuluted?
tl;Dr I'm new and marvel rebirth is apparently happening, what does this mean and why should anyone care?