What does Sup Forums think about Teen Titans Go!, is it good?

What does Sup Forums think about Teen Titans Go!, is it good?

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this is just going be another "I FUCKING HATE THIS SHOW" thread, as usual.

IT'S moderately mediocre

No. Especially since other better shows have done the same style and genre with better animation and better writing.

Pic Related being one of them.

>Sonic Boo Boo Chris Chan happy hour
only slightly

Does it matter anymore? It's taken over CN because of how cheaply it can be made. A whole season of 20 episodes costs 10 dollars and a bag of chips to make.

I'll be honest, the show is getting more enjoyable to me as it goes on. Some episodes like Oregon Trail just absolutely nail it, Robin's VA in particular is fantastic with his expressions.

But like any show with a troubled past it's pretty much beyond redemption to Sup Forums it seems. Watch it for yourself and decide, but I'd highly recommend the more recent stuff.

The series can be rather hit or miss. There are some really good episodes, and some obvious stinkers.

I think the main issue against it is just how much Cartoon Network airs it.

not bad at all

also raven a cute

It just isn't funny, which is a problem when you're a comedy.