Are depression comics the epitome of humor?

are depression comics the epitome of humor?




These hit too close to home. There isn't even a joke.

While you're at this.
Anyone remembers the name of that one bee comic about social anxiety?

Wow I've never seen these comics before, but they feel like comics I've seen hundreds of times.

The first one reminded me that two days ago I broke my tooth and all the food on my fridge rotted
Life just becomes a game of waiting for the next horrible thing that you can't do anything about

I don't understand these comics. It's clear that the creator or whoever he's trying to portray dislikes his life. So why isn't he trying to change it?
Hell, if he really hates life this much, why doesn't he just kill himself?
What's the point of just saying that your life sucks and then just rolling with it without trying to change it

>Person is depressed
>lol man just change your life lol just change it

Where'd you get your psychology degree user?

Define "depression comics" and "epitome of humor".

If by "depression comics" you mean "look how sad i am about normal things lmao pay attention to me", then fucking no.
If you mean "hey, here's a comic that depressing, but also cathartic and leaves me in that sad-but-happy-but-sad mood" then yes.

More? Or source?

This guy gets it.


Looks like you do, too.

It's just a shame American artists rarely seem to get into depressing comics.
The French seem to get it more than most, but that comes down to cultural differences.

MMO does depression (and other classic life issues) better than the usual webcomic.

Probably because it's not just one character as a stand in for the author going "look how sad i am like and subscribe if u can relate to this thing everyone has felt at least once"

Megg, Mogg and Owl is fucking great.
Wouldn't mind getting a physical copy at some point.

>looks like you need some help
>good luck with that

America is too much about meeting a check list and isn't really about happiness or joy. Most other countries find our virgin loser shit really stupid because other western cultures don't equate success or happiness with a wet dick.

>Likes Nickleback


What I don't like is how he projects way to much into himself without the humor of other panels
In the first panel he hides some gags with the bad parts of the guy (Browns fan, likes Nickleback etc)
but with his self insert there are no gags, it's like he just wants to project "bloo bloo everything sucks" it's not like say Whomp where Ronnie's suffering had a actual gag/joke to it.

>you're technically an artist

They like reeiving pity and sympathy.

these are not very original

Why would they be?
It's all the same woe-is-me crap idiots seem to love.

I think he is just trying for pity pussy.

Yeah Megg actually feels like a real person, and that makes me interested in her as a character. There is so much more to her than her depression spells.

This is in stark opposition to 'generic character who has no qualities outside of being sad.'

>There is so much more to her than her depression spells.
Oh yeah, that's definitely the key to writing good comics like this.
Hell, everyone is MMO ha feels like a proper character, some worse than others.
I think you know who I'm talking about

>'generic character who has no qualities outside of being sad.'
My most hated character archetype ever.
It's so lazy, just pity seeking.
What makes it worse is that people make this "pity party" comics, get a patreon/equivalent and extract money from idiots who felt sad once.
Makes me sick.

everyone in MMO*. Fucking hell.

ITT: Depressed hipsters circlejerk over how much better their feel-bad comics are than others

Yes, and?

Just pointing it out.

Seems like a waste of time, but isn't that what we're all doing anyway?

>if he really hates life, why doesn't he kill himself
Not the artist but the only thing stopping me from killing myself is my mom and my aunt. I don't want to force them to bury another son/nephew.

Or maybe you plan it so that your food doesn't spoil. It isn't difficult you know

He's also a Browns fan, though. He's suffered enough.

>crippling loneliness

It's called solitude, you learn to deal with it. Bitching about it just makes you a bitch.

Ronnie's comics are great depression comics