Why does DC have so many made up countries?

Why does DC have so many made up countries?

Made-up countries are useful because you can do whatever you want to them without pissing anybody off.

Yeah but

Marvel's got a bunch too

But are also convenient real life counterparts.

I wonder if DC knew Santa Prisca is already the name of a church in Rome before making it a tiny island with the worlds most infamous prison on it.

And that is one of the most mocked sections of an otherwise good comic.

if there's a thing named after a saint, there is 50 things named after that saint.

plus the fact that the audience doesnt know the country, where it is, anything about it, is in-character for countries like that who are like 20 years old max

I wish DC had more made up cities and countries

Marvel having less makes Doom cry about the Twin Towers

Is that Jordan and Iraq

Because then the writer can just make shit up rather than have to learn about different countries and cultures.

Jordan is like 1/4 the size of Iraq but the shapes are similar, good eye.

That's exactly what the made-up countries are supposed to circumvent.

Who Kasnia here?

aren't we literally expecting a Marvel movie set in the fictional African country of Wakanda this year?

Yeah, but it was funny.
Wasn't that the point?

Nice try Puerto Rico and/ or Cuba, get your edgy OC nation out of here.

I'm fucking dying

t. Balkan

>inb4 argument over what the Joker's sense of humor should be

Yeah, but wakanda isn't a mock up of an existing country. You need it to tell panthers story.

So Latveria and Genosha are real?


It's analogous to Aquaman's Atlantis


Real answer: Because it's an easy way to go vaguely "middle eastern" or vaguely "north African" with less risk of offending someone or getting -too- political; and because in some cases, it allows you to shape a region as belonging to a specific hero or villain, in the vein of Doom's Latveria, Batman's Gotham, or BP's Wakanda.

Lore-friendly answer: Because DC's Earth is canonically, physically larger than the real-life Earth.

Yes, and let me tell you, the internet in Latveria is shit

Iraq and Libya, respectively.

look p similar desu

Why the fuck did you post Taxco and not Rome?

It's Syria and Iraq. lrn2geography.

dat flag tho

Isnt the DC Earth ten percent bigger than our Earth?

>He doesn't remember Carbombya

It's not just DC. Even Transformers has made up countries.

>car bomb ya city

That looks like a dangerous place for an Autobot to go to.

Same logic as fake cities. Allows you to characterize them to suit the narrative rather than being stuck with existing history and culture and shit.

Thats the stuff that made Casey Kasum (however you spell his name) quit VAing for TF too.

Still one of the best episodes. And they still reference the place even today.

>Live in Vlatava
>Have your nation be a laughing stock because your monarch and God appointed king likes to fuck around with a Robin Hood prick
>A violent civil war breaks out and an American plant-bitch is mind controlling your king
>Eventually the Spectre just comes in and burns the entire country to the ground

Being Vlatavian is suffering

It also allows you to stay with the times, in a way. Gotham will always have the same feel as Gotham, but the Hell's Kitchen of the 70's is very different than the Hell's Kitchen of today.

Shouldn't you be overthrowing your king or something???

"Suka bliya!" the country.

>4000 people
>10000 camels
I kek'd