Which big two cape has been around the longest without having died even once in their career?

Which big two cape has been around the longest without having died even once in their career?

Fake-outs where they were later revealed to have not actually died but were trapped in an alternate dimension/trapped in time/in hiding/visiting family in Tacoma count as deaths.


Jack Knight.


Earth-Two Catwoman died, if that counts.

Would Kraven's Last Hunt count towards a fake-out death? Cause Spider-Man is pretty much the only one to not suffer a true death until The Other bullshit during Civil War popped up.

I dunno, we got some fake deaths in the Clone Saga.


Does it count if they get shelved for a bit in multiversal crisis, like most of the JSA? Supergirl is another strong contender, but the lines are a bit blurry with Matrix sorta merging (if you count Matrix at all).

I only remember like one fake out to Peter being dead, with the fake dead body found in the chimney stack.

He got shot in the head after getting his body back. He doesn't count.

He wasn't active in his career as Deadman when he was shot in the head, so he'd still count.

He was still in his Deadman costume though.

OG Human Torch?

Plastic Man

Didn't he get torn in half?

Obsidian Age had a 'fake death' where he was in the ocean for 3000 years.

Jay Garrick and Alan Scott have never died, IIRC.

Does it horrify anyone else that there might be Big Two writers lurking in this very thread for ideas?

Sounds about right; I remember us talking about how the Flash family was one that comics had never tried to erase (Iris may have died and Linda may have miscarried, but they stuck by their men) and then nu52 happened and Jay is never married and Barry doesn't even know who Iris is.

Didn't he get boomeranged in brightest day?

Dick "died" in Forever Evil

It was a fake out but his heart did stop so technically he did die

No, but they were replaced with incredibly shitty and uninteresting alternate versions. A fate worse than death.

Seriously fuck this modern Earth-2 shit