Is there any other Batman villain so unfairly maligned as Scarecrow? I've only seen him truly done justice in B:tAS...

Is there any other Batman villain so unfairly maligned as Scarecrow? I've only seen him truly done justice in B:tAS, the Arkham series and Batman Begins.

There's very few options for Scarecrow stories. His motives are too simplistic.

I was irrationally angry when I found out he was going to be the villain in Begins, really dont like most stories with him.

He's pretty shit honestly. Every Scarecrow story is the same.

>He breaks out of Arkham
>NEW AND IMPROVED fear gas this time >runs into Batman
>"Taste of your own medicine doctor?"
>back at Arkham
The end.

Also sometimes he makes a gas that *SHOCK* takes away your fear instead.


There are like only two good stories of him since the first Crisis.

>Batman Begins
He was worthless and shit in that movie.

I've been meaning to go back and try to find the best hidden Scarecrow stories throughout all of his history. I did that with the Penguin and I absolutely don't regret it.

>Pain and Prejudice

The Villain's Month and Joker's Asylum issues are both great.

The arc where he decides he's grown too dependent on fear gas was cool.

Killing Peck
Penguin Affair

Scarecrow is weird.

He isn't crazy. But he uses the costume, has the gimmick, and gets in Arkham rotation like the other Batman crazies. But he isn't actually crazy, just an asshole fascinated by fear.

Which could be interesting, mind you, but every goddamn writer just uses his fear gas and that's that. Even the DCAU had to make three completely different version before they found one that stuck, and that one only worked because it was Jeffery Combs voicing a weird, fucked-up version of the character.

And Jeph Loeb is convinced Scarecrow only talks in nursery rhymes.

And Scarebeast was a thing., fuck this character.

Scarecrow is indeed one of the worst A/B list Batman villains.

Top 3 at least.

>they stole the plot of Batman Begins from the BTAS episode Dreams in Darkness

fucking Goyer


Fuck you. I'd blocked that from my memory until you mentioned it.

penguin has become pretty popular with the normies because of Gotham at least

Mr Freeze

he was a meme until Heart of Ice and then Arnie made him a meme again and then Snyder thought he could make a better back story then Dini which failed

>Mr Freeze

Are there any worse A/B list Batman villains than this?

Maybe Manbat, but that's more because he's never made sense as a 'villain.' Like, what part of being a mad scientist who turns into a bat makes him villainous when the regular guy isn't villainous in any way.

Hugo Strange did his gimmick better in every way in that zombie episode of The Batman

Manbat was a hero at first wasn't he?

He stopped a museum heist or something and made Bats shit himself

I've got intensely mixed feelings about Scarecrow. He's so bland but he's always struck me as having really high potential. I've always hated his costumes, but his Arkham Knight design is fantastic (which will never be used again).

He should be doing way, way more than just flinging New And Improved™ fear gas at people. Hell, Joker's laughing gas is fucking infinitely worse and that's only supposed to be a minor part of his arsenal.

I'd consider him more C list but yeah Manbat sucks too

Though it was neat how they used him in name only in the Gods and Monsters movie

i just remembered that hush was a person desu

Yeah, but it's somewhere between "You shouldn't have started taking it AGAIN!" or "Maybe you should just destroy this formula and NOT remake it again?"

He's one of those bland characters that make everything worse when they show up yet the writers keep pushing

I like that Hush's entire origin is "He REALLY doesn't like Bruce Wayne" for shitty reasons. I mean, as a VILLAIN, he's done at least decent stuff like Heart of Hush & borrowing his face, but his origins were just Conduit 2: Lost in Gotham City.

I hate to tell you this but if a character is bad the vast majority of the time that means it is a bad character a few good stories are the exception that proves the rule.

>Jeph Loeb is convinced Scarecrow only talks in nursery rhymes.
Jesus christ don't fucking remind me about that shit.
Fucking a decades worth of my cringing everytime he'd show up because that hack ruined what little bit of a character he had.