Why aren't you watching a movie right now?

Why aren't you watching a movie right now?

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I am.

At work.

Can't concentrate on movies when I'm drunk.

I'm watching anime.

Movies just kinda suck nowadays

i just watched Jacob's Ladder, and it wasn't as good as I hoped, so I don't want to watch another one today


because i keep rewatching films i've already seen
i've watched return of the living dead 16 times already this year, silence 4 times in a row, the first 2 episode of last man on earth countless times and now i'm gonna watch fucking 28 days later for the 100+ time


>the first 2 episode of last man on earth countless times

movies take too long
I'd rather watch something that doesn't require me to sit on my ass for 2 hours

I can't decide whether to re-watch A Serious Man or to watch Jurassic Park with the RLM commentary track.

Catching up on the Vietnam documentary. Pretty biased but still informative

I'm watching Casino Royale (1967) right now.

Couldn't decide what the fuck to watch so I'm getting pissed listening to metal instead.

Well I did just finish watching Avatar, because it was on sale on google play for 0.99 sense and I had an urge for some cameronkino

Kill yourself ban-evading Argentinian (Barneyfag).

Watching a WWI doc instead.

I really wish you would fucking die

Why didn't Eazy-E just come out of the closet?

>ha-ha, I totally got this disease that's almost completely confined to the gay community and heroin addicts from fucking black thots, even though no other black celebrity except Magic "no homo" Johnson got AIDS, I'm totally straight, come on

I really want to fucking smash your goddamn skull in

I want you flat out fucking dead

I really hope your life ends painfully and slowly, you literal fucking subhuman

If I could smash your face in with my bare fists right now, you can be sure that I fucking would.

I'm watching 3 movies at the same time right now.
I'll keep you guys up to date on my thoughts.

I'm not even kidding, you need to fucking die horribly

I'm listening to music right now.

The world would actually be better off if you would kill yourself right now

I just want you fucking dead and to fucking die horribly

I am I am watching coherence