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Television and Film #901
Television and Film
Ugh who cares if the main character is black. Can't we just enjoy the movie, user?
Bryan Cranston: 'There may be a way back for Weinstein'
Blade Runner 2049 General
Cast it
Y'all ready for black frodo
What the fuck was going on in this scene?
When does the review embargo lift?
Uh guys...we got to do something before its too late
Vice Principals
This is the first thing you see when entering someone's house
Why do dumb slutty roasties love this movie so much? I don't see the appeal
Who are some Gen Z actresses you find exciting, /tv
Was this talked about at all when it came out? Haven't heard anything about it...
If that's true, and you don't know who I am, then... maybe your best course of action... would be to tread lightly
Cast it
Cast them
Rumour: Ryan Gosling lined up to replace Ben Affleck as BATMAN
Wonder Woman?
What went wrong?
What did Mark Hamill, star actor of the upcoming Star Wars film, mean by this?
SW: Name female droid
Harvey Weinstein orders release of dirt on Louis CK
What are some good movies about writers...
Why didnt they just check the tracker as soon as they thought Indominus was missing...
How to ruin the whole season in one shot
Cast it. And no idris elba posting
What went wrong?
Where were you when Trump won?
It's time for a Nootkaman thread, Sup Forums
Hitman TV series from John Wick creator announced
Still the best zombie/survival movie
Are there any good movies about the trans struggle for acceptance?
The Age of Chad is over. The Time of the Cucked has come!
ITT celebrities who must be shitting themselves right now
Sell me this pen
Convince me this isn't utter garbage
Why was this show so successful?
Start a private site with your boyfriend
This is Sadie. Sadie deserves better threads on Sup Forums
First pic of Ryan Gosling as Neil Armstrong
Why no Fallout movie?
Most effective use of a flashback I've seen in years
Justice League Ending LEAKED
Lord of The Rings Amazon show draws closer to reality with Multi season deal
Her new videos once she left the doug gang are actually pretty good
Amazon closes deal for LOTR tv series
Gal Gadot is fighting for something already accomplished! So brave! Real life Wonder Woman!
Say what you want about him, but The Rock knows how to make it a comfy movie night
Any good Leak/Spoiler from The Last Jedi?
How much money do you make...
The kino that saved sony
*breathes in*
So why did The Soprano kill his own cousin?
He did nothing wrong
Underrated Brit TV shows
Star Trek /Discovery/ General
Drink barry's red cola
Could this be adapted to western cinema, who would have the balls to direct it?
They really deserve their own movie
What was her fucking problem? Insisting on mixing multiple candies with popcorn...
Why is the writing in Doctor Who so bad? I can't put my finger on why it's watchable while also knowing it's bad
Let us discuss Jodelle Ferland's career
Christian bales new look
She and Bresson developed a close relationship during the shooting of the film, although it was not consummated...
When did RoosterTeeth transform into the purest form of cancer?
Video player general
Character speaks mandarin and is considered a genius because of it
What's the deal here? two people don't just happen to look/sound this similar...
Will Ben Affleck stay on as Batman if Justice League gets shat on like BvS?
Why isn't there a single Asian-American A-list actor in Hollywood?
Who was in the wrong here?
So I just got around watching American Psycho but I am not getting the ending. Was it all a dream...
Why don't you take a seat over there
Classic Simpsons thread
1,130 days until Avatar 2
Let's play
Is this Kino? Because it was beautifully animated and touching
Everyone says it's kino
ITT: Movies that woke you to your fetishes
Future crazy people
Felicia Day joins the cast of The Magicians
We need to talk about the ones running Hollywood
The Plan:
Pic related might be playing Ivan Drago’s son
Stranger Things 80s Nostalgia
What are some movies with Lovecraftian themes/Eldritch creatures
Blockbuster movies have absolutely no right being this good
Do you store your pirated movies? how?
Corry says CK called her about two years ago to apologize to her for what he had done...
Being a male feminist is about empowering wome
Who is the best actress working today?
Why didn't Anakin switched his lightsaber to a red one after he turned to the dark side? Luke...
Reminder that Justice League and the entire DCEU will be rebooted from scratch over and over again until they "get it...
Who was in the wrong here?
Lol they were gay XD
What's are some kino sci-fi tv series?
When babyfaces age up - full uncanny valley. She's 36 now
*drugs and rapes you*
Why is Mel immune to the Weinstein effect?
*fires airsoft pellets at you*
What's next for his career?
Chloe Moretz
Doctor Who General /who/
Kills saviours
What is their endgame?
Is there any streaming service actually worth owning all the content is shit and they keep funding original series that...
I've watched Fury Road literally about 15 times since it came out. I'm obsessed with it...
ITT: Child Stars Who Grew Up Just Fine
Jews are mad lol
A tad too gory for my tastes
What player does Sup Forums use?
Fuck yes. You go, Marvel
DC Films: Road to Justice League --
Fuck yeah absolutely fucking based
What the fuck is the best version to watch?
ITT: Simpson's jokes you don't understand
The Client (2011)
Brad Pitt is good, but is there any character who's more beautiful than Francisco Lachowski...
Disney are at it again
Why is nobody watching the seventh season of American Horror Story?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General - I Think We're Finally Dead edition
I have a small dick and this is my favorite movie
How do you think Mike feels knowing that Damon Lindelof, Simon Pegg, Jim Norton...
Would this make a good movie?
What can we learn from this movie?
JUST League Cut Scenes
Stranger Things General - /stg/
Finding Frances
My friends call me MJ
Opening sequences
Netflix's The Punisher Receives Mixed Critical Reaction
Don't be a... TOMMY TEXTER
So what do you think James Cameron saw at the bottom of Mariana?
Why hasn't there been a biographical movie about the Beatles?
Let's help our boy immy Kimmel out and write his opening monlogue for the academy awards 2018 for which he will return...
How'd you cast
What was his problem
ITT: Films Liberals will never understand
ITT: scenes women will never understand
What's the most disturbing thing you've ever seen in a film?
The H8ful eight discussion
This guy was more interesting than 90% of the main cast
Hollow Man
Are we excited?
Will she be in the new X23 movie?
How does he keep getting away with it?
Why isn`t Sup Forums talking about this? it`s great
Brett Ratner "Outed" Ellen Page On X-Men: The Last Stand Set, Actress Says
What is it about her that makes Sup Forums so mad? Why do they hate her? It seems rather personal...
Leave the MCU to me
Cuck jokes brushed aside - is there anyone with a copy of this film (perhaps a cam)?
When family guy is the edgiest show on television that calls people out on their stupid bullshit
If Wakanda is so great why don't they help other African countries? I'm not talking about giving tech or weapon...
What is Tarantino's best film and why is it Kill Bill?
How come everyone is now more concerened with cancerous politics than actual art?
When did you realise your favourite director was a true patrician?
Who is next for the headsman's axe?
Why didn't Legolas attach the ring to an arrow and fire it directly into Mount Doom...
Why do women like him?
Trips decides RT score
Why are fight scenes getting worse?
Stranger poo
So we can all admit he's the greatest director of the 2000s right?
Fan theory
Guys can you recommend me some comfy kino k-dramas?
How would you rate this Emma? She's definitely a winner in the feet and butt department. But how's her acting?
Season 8
What do you call this haircut?
Is this guy basically discount Dwayne Johnson?
Are these the two greatest actresses of this generation?
Winona Ryder
Vice Principals General
What is the most patriotic film of all time Sup Forums?
Disney is trying to pretend the prequels don’t exi-
When did you realize that
As far back as I can remember, I always wanted to be a gangster
Justice League RT Predictions
From now on there will be 50 pushups each morning, 50 pullups
I see a ton of people who are nostalgic for EARLY 2000s movies. However...
What does Sup Forums think of PBS?
What are his most notable acting roles?
Who was a bigger asshole/bad guy?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
How do we make the Legend of Zelda into a movie?
Theater experiences?
Can you come up with a better live-action casting?
A studio will side with a shitty director over a woman who the public appear to like
Will it be good? :3
I'll NEVER drink Heineken!
Why does Ash sound like even more of a girl than he used to?
What's some kino your elementary school showed?
Based trump
Be VERY concerned about Justice League
"Intellectuals" claim that Starship Troopers is supposed to criticize the "dangers" of "fascism"
ITT: women who'd make a better WW than Gal Gadot
Seriously. What the fuck is this thing? Some CGI creature from a movie?
Have you watched Lady Dynamite Season 2 yet user?
What do actors do exactly between projects?
Nathan For You
Justice League
Heroes that lived long enough to see themselves become the villian
ITT: predict who's next for the chopping block
How did Kenan become one of the most successful SNL cast members while Kel got stuck with dead end shows and hosted...
This movie is so bad holy shit
So i told alexandra to do a silly walk she actually did it the absolute madwoman hahaha
Crunch crunch crunch
James's latest videos
Starting comedy
What can I watch to learn more about greek mythology?
No way this will top Wonder Woman, you just know it will be forced SJW bullshit
Star Trek Discovery General /STD/
Why do men (male actors in particular) seem to age better than women?
You are made casting director for the new LotR TV series
The Wire
ITT: Actors getting BTFO
ITT: younger actors with severe health problems
Who has had a better film career, Batista or The Rock?
Justice League confirmed for good
Why did the aliens need help in 3000 years?
90 Day Fiance
Was this really necessary?
What's his magnum opus?
So who do you think should replace her?
Be Jane Birkin's daughter
Doesn't this perfectly sum up the state of movies today?
This is Alyssa. Say something nice about her
Are the 2010s the worst decade of cinema in quite some time?
Does your favorite actress look cute without makeup?
Best story? Worst?
Regular Show
How is simpsons still on the air with this blatant racism?
Real italian is hated by the fake italian crew
Can you imagine the how fucking crazy the Oscars are going to be?
YAAAS Queen, she is a real queen and a real human been
Sausage Fest
Gun held up to your head; whats your favorite horror movie?
I love you
"Conan is /ourguy/" you said
White America is doomed. There's no saving it. Your ideology of markets, freedom...
What's the point of her character again?
Why does Sup Forums hate her so much?
The Problem with Apu
Who will play her in the inevitable bio pic?
Thoughts on how i met your kino
Decided to watch a classic last night
What went so wrong in this scene?
Could we just have a good discussion about Alien for once? No memeing, no waifuposting, just a good old Alien thread
Do you ever miss the late 2000s/early 2010s era (2008-2012), Sup Forums...
Curb Your Enthusiasm
ITT: Britbong comedy kino
She has a point
TALKING DEAD: cocaine and tiger blood edition
Asgard is multicultural
UgandaKino Thread
Have you ever considered masturbating to an animated television character?
The Mummy was the last innocent, pure movie Hollywood ever made
You now remember that this show exists
Can we please talk about Rooney Mara's career for a brief moment?
*breaths in*
THE WALKING DEAD - Game Thread #1
What are the best Jackie Chan movies?
Stranger Things General - /stg/
Will her career bounce back through some miracle project and make her a true A-lister again?
Is it okay if I enjoyed this?
ITT: We workshop a catchy title for this parade of celebrity allegations
Why is that movie so good?
Does Sup Forums like Xena?
This is Sapper Morton
Indisputable New Classics in Cinema
Blade Runner 2049
Daily reminder that Stranger Things season 2 and any seasons thereafter are not canon
George Take blames Russia for sex scandal story
Remember when black people lost their shit over this Vanity Fair cover?
Does anyone even remember this movie?
Why isn't Anna Popplewell more popular in America?
Thoughts on this guy?
So they turned him into a cuck huh? Should have expected it...
Cast it
Thor: Ragnarok passes Wonder Woman at the international box office
What did she mean by this...?
I want it to bomb hard, but I also want to get in early on the memes
Vice Principals Series Finale Thread
Waifu Cinematic Universe when?
What did Sup Forums think of a A Cure For Wellness? I never see this talked about on here
*blocks your puberty*
Serious question: how much shilling do you honestly believe takes place on Sup Forums and Sup Forums in general?
Which is better, Sup Forums, The Middle or Modern Family?
Nobody ever dies: The TV show
3 of these women accuse you of sexual assault. One will publically back you up and go to bat for you. Who do you choose?
Webm Thread
He's right you know
If you get raped by a pack of niggers, it will be your fault
Is it cult kino?
What are some more movies with this aesthetic
Name a more cancerous show
What a day, hmm?
Vin Diesel mailed The Rock smashed up DVDs of the first four Fast movies
In what world would a guy like Michael Cera impregnate a girl like Ellen Page?
And they said Fight Club doesn't stand the test of time
Was this the single greatest television episode in history?
*heavenly chorus sings*
The last movie you watched has its protagonist replaced with Chris Chan, how does it compare?
ITT: Directors who star in their own work
Unsolved Mysteries
How come nostalgic ironic bad movies have such a critical acclaim, even being considered cult classics on release...
Dont miss Seinfeld this Thursday
What was the worst movie you've seen this year?
Rewrite the star wars prequels
What makes Spider-Man the best superhero of all time pals?
2017: The Beginning of the Female Takeover of Hollywood
Those Chickens Are Up To Something
Why didn't he just simply kill himself? He didn't want to remember anything from real life anyway
"Babylon Berlin", TV show set in Weimar Republic
Weinstein on the verge of going to prison
Why do people hate this film?
Has anyone else watched it yet?
If the world was fair
Post anime kino
Nice of the princess to invite us over for dinner, aye Luigi?
WTF did I just watch??
Vice Principals General
/who/ - Doctor Who General
300 million dollar budget
Women can't fi-
Has there ever been a good movie based on an SNL skit?
Good Time
When you realize all the memes that will arise after BR2049 comes out on bluray
Finally saw this for the first time. You are literally a mentally ill retarded pleb if you think 2049 is better
TARS set shitposting up to 60
Why didnt this win more awards?
Play Salieri
What is the gayest film of all time?
Who should play him in the inevitable biopic?
ITT. Split
Movies women will never understand
Hop in, dude
Dude poop lmao
What is she praying for Sup Forums?
Is the Empty stronger than her?
Scene women cannot understand
TWD pre-game
"He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster."
Why do soyboys love these movies so much?
Wait, so who were the bad guys?
You're at a bar when some drunk asshole and his friends decide to pick a fight...
They actually did it
Gays stay in the closet but can you imagine how much worse it would be to be a hunky heart throb and have a thing for...
Why WB not paying George Miller's earnings from Fury Road?
Justice League Press Conference
The best character dies
He's the best actor in Hollywood and yet he was glorified furniture in season 2. Why?
Howard's End
Louis Theroux Transgender Kids
JUSTICE LEAGUE Post-Credits Scenes
What does Sup Forums think of Trailer Park Boys?
Caspere knew this
David Lynch
Bruh, look at this dood
Don't harass me, in the sexual manner
The Shade! Cyborg Literally throws Zack Snyder under the bus. Talk about BTFO
Honest question here chaps
Today is actress Anne Hathaway's birthday. Say something nice about her!
In light of all the scandals breaking in Hollywood along with Corey Feldman's campaign against pedophilia in the film...
You're allowed to greenlit one sequel to a HBO show of your choice, finished or cancelled...
El Demonio Siempre Negro
Give me the most KINO Joe podcasts
Are there any good movies made or set in Afghanistan?
Jesus Christ what a retarded movie
Itt: movies Sup Forums doesn't know about
Do women really do this?
ITT: Essential soyboy-core
Riverdale: Dark Betty edition
Is pic related the pinnacle of soyboy cinema?
You're given $50m to make a low budget (((art))) film with Anne Hathaway...
Hey guys I wrote a quick program to mirror images like in pic related
Thor: Ragnarok
Netflix Presents Married With Children Coming 2019
When you know you are about to experience some kino
Robot Wars thread
Is this accurate?
/stg/ - Stranger Things General
/goose/ general
What is some burger kino?
George Takei claims Russia forced him to rape underage bois
Stranger Things Season 3 Predictions?
Lembas Bread
The problem with apu
Omg so true xD
The perfect organism
BLUE PLANET Thread - Episode 3/7 - "Coral Reefs"
Will the day the HDRIP Of br2049 drops be a Sup Forums holiday?
ITT: shit that scared you growing up
Sophia Lillis
So what's the verdict?
How did Saruman managed to create such a corrupted race of orcs?
Are you going to see the black panther movie?
DC Pajeets are a myt-
Dude you have to journey into dominance hierarchy in the belly of the whale so you can save your father from the dragon...
The women who slept with him, did it for profit
Has no one else watched this? It's fucking quality...
ITT: media that deserves to be adapted into film not by capeshit studios but rather by actual independent directors
What do you think of tattoos on celebrities?
Will you cry when he dies?
Snyder v. Whedon: The Dawn of Red Filters
Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?
Was Simba the ultimate cuck? I mean...
Tropes you hate/
"She didn't even recognize my voice..."
Why is't he a meme like Black Science Man and White Science man?
Hes right you know. Better luck next time Dcbros
Is this the ultimate fast food equivalent of film? Seen by all, remembered by nobody
Guys thar are safe from the harassment storm
Into the Wild
Now that the dust has settled, what did Sup Forums think of this sappy piece of shit?
ITT: Terrible miscasts
Normies have stolen our words
Alien planet
This was pretty boring
What other sitcoms could they do this with?
I hate the world we live in now
Will this hurt her career?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
For you
Why did you forget me so soon Sup Forums?
Based trump producing pure tweetkino
One of the most expensive movies ever made is going to be a massive flop
Dr. Pavel, I'm CIA
Character with British accent pronounces fortune "four-choon"
Show gets popular with normalfags
Why is Hollywood pushing her so hard? It's so creepy
Am i the one of the rare fews who enjoyed BOTH films equally but for different reasons?
Can someone explain why everyone here calls this movie dishonest?
Is there any meme youtube film or tv series reviewer/commenter like Sup Forums has fantano?
What are some good patriotic movies?
Has a show ever experienced a sharper drop in quality?
A while ago we had a thread about manly movies and pretty much all the exemples posted where about war, crime, fighting...
The white phosphorus scene
How many millennials here have never seen classics like Die Hard, Terminator, Beverly hills cop, Robocop, Matrix etc
Young Han Solo First pictureHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
The difference between a pretentious filmmaker and a self aware filmmaker
Tell Me With Whom You Walk
H-hey user... c-can I m-masturbate in front of y-you?
What excuse you have for not watching Solaris 1972?
Was this the last good pokemon series?
What do you think of The Gifted?
1,132 days until Avatar 2
What's your favorite mean tweets edition and your favorite mean tweet?
Which one Sup Forums?
Gordon Ramsay
What are some movies that feature death metal in some scenes or its soundtrack?
So who IS Snoke?
Who was in the wrong here?
My wife
Sup Forumscharacters that are literally you
Take it easy man
So was this genuinely good then?
This wasn't a very good movie
Mfw I bought tickets to Thor Ragnarok a second time so I could watch Justice League on Friday without having to give my...
There is a new discord server for discussion of arthouse and experimental cinema, please join in you are interested
How do you feel about Bill Burr?
What the fuck?
This is the single most important piece of media created in the past 17 years
I have literally seen space ships my dude
Can tweets be kino?
Why didn't voldemort turn a leaf into a horcrux and put it in a random forest
Would it have been better if they had just recast Tarkin, and maybe used some prosthetics on the new guy?
Be called Wonder Woman
ITT: You're tasked with making the shittiest horror movie ever
What the FUCK was her major malfunction?
Its Afraid
Does this man have the greatest agent in all of Hollywood or what?
Someone give me a movie recommendation based on this image
What did you think of Chloe's November Criminals? Or did anyone actually see it?
Made over 150 million dollars from the Matrix franchise
Good films about dogs and friendship?
This movie's objectively perfect cinema entertainment
Post your first love
I'm beginning to to think adult film actresses aren't that smart
Is super a good show now?
He's vegan, why aren't you Sup Forums ?
Justice Legaue - Post Credits Ending
Hold UP
Was Homer a jock or a nerd?
Weak CGI but it's got "heart"
ITT: The next to fall
This man directs a prequel to the last movie you've seen. How fucked are we?
ITT: sport documentary kinos
Ohhh myyyy, is that an unattended drink I see over there? Well then...
Why is Demi getting away with this?
Supergirl drops most of the feminism shit and improves 100%
What is this facial expression attempting to convey?
Sexiest actress to ever be on television reporting in. Anyone who disagrees is a soyboy
In a few years he'll go on Marc Maron's podcast for a big sincere serious talk about his time in sex addiction rehab...
Haha this is just like an episode of seinfeld haha
Will it be kino? - Chaos Walking (2019)
What's even the point of this movie...
Poor Riley
Have their been any successful actors to transition from actor to musician?
Is Justice League a good movie?
This is, american radio
Just saw Justice League at my instillation, ask away
Which TV shows or movies show this happening?
Why does the media continue to promote Weed in their films?
/stg/ - Stranger Things General
Our generation needs more 80/90's style action heroes
Am I the only one who sees this when watch Stranger Things?
Gal Gadot
Wtf am i watching?
How did a back alley Tunisian knife fighter end up being a better comedian than any modern day professional comedian?
Star Trek /Discovery/ General
/his/torical kino
So Loki and the Grandmaster had sex
Which one would be the best to be roommates with?
Hahaha loooool
Rainy night scene in 80s new york
ITT: Scenes you did not understand as a kid
*high pitched screeching*
Try not to laugh
What's next for her career?
In this age of capeshit and reboots and prequels, can we all agree that this was kino?
This is margaret qualley say something nice about her
/rdg/ - Riverdale General
ITT: Good Guys of Hollywood
If every white boy was given one of these there would be no racism
Casting ideas? - Past & present
Why does this character hit so close to home?
The only difference is looks
Use twitter to openly cheer for slaughtering of children in Gaza
What did she mean by this?
What does Sup Forums think of The Wire?
Will she be the one to save the MCU?
Its a documentary about a guy who posts a beautiful black womans ass on a message board and in that exact moment all...
What are some movies retarded pieces of shit watch?
This is the true Snyder kino
Happy birthday, my beautiful princess!
Female pedos getting exposed
Pls don't notice I'm gay
Thoughts on her body of work?
Just rewatched the vvitch
The Thing
Is there anyone in fiction stronger than him?
I can help!
Jesus fucking christ
This is quite possibly the worst fucking movie ever made
Let's have a thread devoted to prime mankino, Sup Forums
Are there any good race-war movies?
Why is everyone acting like she is the hottest girl in school?
This is the worst film I've seen in a LONG time, Sup Forums loves it right?
Is this Sam Hyde's best sketch?
Thoughts on new justice league movie
What are some movies where the protagonist has just had enough?
New season of faggy Netflix original series starts
Give me movies that will get you laid
Do you think all Actresses have taken advantage of sexually on Hollywood?
When the movie isn't that good but it's about as good as it can be based on the source material
Whos the greatest AI in fiction?
How would Sup Forums improve this scene
Thoughts on Chuck?
Who else is excited for Justice League?
Write a movie with this cast
Was Zach Braff the first hipster ?
Murder On the Orient Express
Is the shit advertised on podcasts any good?
Doctor Who General /who/
Writers are rewriting season 6 so the show can continue without frank
What the hell was this thing?
So is there ever gonna be a way to see this, or does The Orchard have complete control over that since they bought it...
Which game from the GTA series would you most like to see adapted into a movie?
Literally who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
It gets established in the first Matrix movie that if you get hurt and bleed while in the simulation...
And the Oscar for Best Actress goes to
Do you think Joi ever gave him joi?
Thank fucken god this trilogy was made--the greatest cinematic masterpiece ever created
Thor: Ragnarok
ITT: Miss Anya
Trailer begins with the single keystroke of a piano
Who's behind the recently havoc in Hollywood?
ITT: Top tier kino actors/actresses
What did Dan mean by this?
Your popcorn & soda, sir
What went wrong?
Any movies about jealous virgins
Is Eobard Thawne the best capeshit villain of all time? Why did CW Flash shit the bed so hard after Season 1?
White America is doomed. There's no saving it. Your ideology of markets, freedom...
What is she up to these days?
Post you're horrorfu
Did joe have this guy on just to show not all ex band members are batshit crazy
It's okay to be white!
How does a man resist this face?
/lbg/ - Letterboxd General
Post a picture of you'reself and have user guess you're favorite movie
What's the appeal? I see him referenced by comedians all of the time, but he isn't funny...
When was the last time you been happy
Any single father and daughter kino?
What does Sup Forums think of The Eric Andre Show?
WEBM thread
Thoughts on this kino?
Wasn't she supposed to be the next big thing?
*blocks your load*
Emma Roberts Talks Body Image: ‘I Used to Have a Complex About Being Short’
Has a show's quality ever plummeted faster?
GODS I was strong then Sup Forums
Can we have a serious discussion about what went wrong here?
/stg/ - Stranger Things General
What's his power level?
Write a Monster of the Week episode
How would Sup Forums react if this was made today?
The Banepost:
I still haven't seen this movie, primarily because everyone has said it's not good. At the same time though...
Why do actresses age so poorly?
Movies that would have been okay or great but had one really shitty actor
HBO scrubbed their Louie CK library clean
Does children not understand what makes Winston the best ghostbuster?
Kino imitates art
I'm taking a film history class next semester at community college...
How come Luke never got laid?
Just got back from seeing it. Why the fuck did it take me so long to see it, lads? It was fucking incredible
What went wrong?
What's next for her career?
Ryan Gosling Birthday Celebration Thread
When does her show air?
Aubrey Plaza has a sex scene with Robert De Niro in new movie Dirty Grandpa and she has admitted that it was awkward...
It's true
Django Unchained
She has a point
Has a TV episode ever made you cry?
What’s next for her career?
Is he alright? The boy?
Is this one of the most overrated movies ever?
Is there a more Reddit flick in existence?
I never watched any episodes of "The Apprentice", was Trump always this savage?
The girl he likes, likes a black guy. Nobody wanted to danke with him. He truly is /ourguy/
Whats up Sup Forums, im smoking a joint and listening to O&A clips, what are your favorite moments/bits?
Got a big enough joint there, Rick?
How to get inspiration for film?
Holy shit this was enjoyable, cant believe I waited this long to watch it
What the fuck was her problem?
What's next for her career?
What are the best 1980's movies that take play in japan or japanese films?
Would you watch pic related if adult swim picked it up? Is that likely in the near future?
Does she? Really?
Saturday Night
Which version is better?
This is Jared Leto's home in Los Angeles. Notice anything?
ITT - Morally upstanding celebrities
13 year olds can't be ki-
SNL General
Is there anything she can't do?
Actors who you aren't sure if they're attractive or not
And dropped
Literally what the fuck did he mean by this?
Holy shit
What the actual fuck was her problem?
40 year old manchild who collect actions figures and loves superheros
The book was better
What is this expression trying to convey?
ITT dubs guesses who's next
I bypassed the compressor
Is Scarlett Johansson overrated?
The Wire
It's a "yet another hollywood libcuck turns out to be a rapist degenerate hypocrite" episode
HEY! You talkin' to my girl?
Its a medieval themed story
What the FUCK happened?
This is the new Doctor
Literally /ourguy/
ITT: the most awful garbage you've ever seen in a kinoplex
We need Dwayne Johnson but we're out of budget
Did Darth Vader lose the ability to have sex in the lava accident? Did he lose feeling in his entire lower body?
Why does x265 HEVC 2160p videos look so bright and washed out compared to x264 1080p rips...
What was the point of this character?
Daily reminder that the difference between being power abusing Hollywood male scum who sexually harasses women...
Tfw SJWs are turning on Rick And Morty
Just came back from watching thor ragnarok
He killed billions
Find a film
What does Sup Forums think of The Hateful Eight?
Good Free Streaming Sites????
What was the point of this character?
About to get stoned and watch this for the first time. What should I expect and what is your opinion on this movie?
The gods of your ancestors have been reduced to capeshit comedy and you pay money for it
Sean Hannity
How was this scene allowed in 2017?
What were his last thoughts?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Why is the media pretending these Hollywood whores who used their bodies to get ahead are innocent victims?
Why wasn't this a huge success?
Is there a more unbelievable accusation than this one?
Is falling for nostalgia porn literally the most mouth-breathing, shit-munching, plebian meme that you could fall for?
Why aren't you watching a movie right now?
Now that the dust has settled what is the consensus on HBO's Rome? Is it better than Spartacus?
What's the thought process behind "the prequels were shit but I liked The Force Awakens"?
What does the goose see in this beaner whore?
This will be considered an amazing reception by people obsessed with DC movies
Are you fuckin serious
Even if Whedon came in to write in a couple of quips...
/TheOrville/ General
ITT: Actors that will never face sexual assault allegations
Doesn't do drugs
Wow, such a powerful statement, it really made me think. Seriously...
Who was the bad guy of Fury Road?
Damn Thors new girlfriend look like *THAT*?
Blade Runner
Is this FotY? (Flick of the Year)
Movies with this aesthetic
This was the last funny comedy film
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...