British Stacey gets sexually harassed by Ethnic Minorities after Standing One hour on the street

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OP was raised by poor people who had to compete with minorities and immigrants for low-skill jobs.

>fat chick

>that is a Stacey in Britain



>fake """"""social experiments""""""

>this is a 10 in england

Coal burner slag detected

What a fucking landwhale, jesus christ. I mean, I would, but in 10 years she is going to be fucking gross.

Muslims might have a point lol

geez, not a single white man in london

Londoner here. That's fake as fuck.

>this is the "thicc" meme people buy into

This is soo fake lmao

I guess its fine once it fits ur narrative and preconceived biases though.



Are you even allowed to make these types of videos anymore or is it all fake for legal reasons like radio prank calls?

god i wish that were me

People that think this is real are the same people that think Bang Bus is real.

I prefer the ass on this one

Looking at girl's ass is a crime? Convict me lol I don't give a fuck. Nice yoga pants you silly whore.

>not a single white man in london

OI, M8! U AVIN A LAUGH? I'LL BASH YE FOOKING EAD IN M8. Wait there while I ask this big arsed bird for her TV license

In this episode stupid faggots getting triggered because they dont understand its staged as fuck

Look at that bitch, she's fucking loving the attention

she deserves to be raped desu senpai

Do white people not live in london anymore?

yep... sad as shit too because it's because of women like this we have actual assholes and fuckfaces molesting women in the subway/on the street
im not even that good looking, just tall, and ive lost count of how many women have groped me on the metro, or done something similar i.e. literally grinding their backs against my crotch (very subtly obviously), then turning around and smiling
shit is fucked up. society is fucked because of women