Can tweets be kino?

Can tweets be kino?


fucking yikes

>the absolute state of America

My sides, it's like a 13 year old girl

I hate him and people like him. I detest them. Rich, fat, overpriviledged manchildren who think they can act like schoolyard bullies despite running the world. Overfed sociopathic lunatics, ignorant, sadistic, modern day aristocrats. They should all be locked up. Which is better than they deserve.


Lol this is literally why people like him. He turned politics upside down on its head. He makes blunt and crude tweets like this, I mean he is LITERALLY shit posting directly to a dictator. You see the number of likes and retweets it is at right now? It almost has 400k likes, 200k retweets and nearly 100k comments. People love this shit. I know you're shit posting, but to anyone out there who is sincerely questioning why Trump is the President, this is why.

Fat indeed.

Post your chin so we can judge how fat you are

>It almost has 400k likes, 200k retweets and nearly 100k comments. People love this shit. I know you're shit posting, but to anyone out there who is sincerely questioning why Trump is the President, this is why.

The absolute retardation of people nowadays

norks btfo

In other words, all it takes for someone to get 55 million votes is to act edgy and make le epic roasts XD on twitter?

Why do we let millennials and spergs vote again?

It's not shitposting unless every 13 year old girl is also shitposting when they type up virtually word for word the same tweets as the fucking president baka america

>autists first lesson that politics is all theatre

why is he so thicc bros?

And you're perfectly OK with this?

>d-don't make fun of daddy!!!!11


C'mon now, politics have been untouchable by regural people for decades now. No matter who you voted in, nothing would change. To have the slightest touch on things you needed to have a perfect, long rumming career while being financed by various huge corporations.

Trump is making a joke of it all, the impossible important but still never chancing politics.


You do realize you're a millennial as well?

Are you new to Sup Forums, kiddo? Look at which threads and posts get the most responses. That's what shitposting is -- acting like an edgy, retarded, obnoxious faggot to get a lot of attention. It's an artform. --You wouldn't understand.

The alternative is ultra feminism, liberalism, special privileges for people of colour, blatant racism against white people, open borders and welfare acceptance. I would take a hell of a lot worse than Trump over all of those things.

Could be worse for a 70 year old

Not that guy but there are plenty of older people on Sup Forums m8

I'm 25, but I'd imagine an oldfag browsing at 30 would count as gen y today

>gets twice as much room to tweet
>still manages to tweet out this nonsensical bullshit
Hate this guy.

soyboy detected

29 and gen y
fucking a gen Z and its the greatest shit ever. getting old is the shit.

you realized these are photoshopped by the media right? also that's pretty average for an american his age

Post the one where our retard president used the wrong form of "there/they're/their" and then post the one where he criticizes Clinton for a misspelling less than a half an hour later.

South Park had a point