Let's have a thread devoted to prime mankino, Sup Forums

Let's have a thread devoted to prime mankino, Sup Forums.

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Do the Americans slaughter the Indians after this?

The splitting looks terrible

Craig Zahler is bringing masculinity back.

The soundtrack is GOAT, too.


It wasn't that great

could've cut out 50 minutes of that old guy rambling

although the characters are also severely punished for their masculinity usually with a horrible death

because of course you can't have them come out being victorious like in older movies, because that would totally not jive with the current zeitgeist

In Bone and Brawl, the protagonists end up triumphant though. Just because they die, doesn't mean they didn't end up accomplishing what they set out to do.

"Leavu manu-kino to usso!"

>literally wild west Hills have eyes

They achieve their goals but they die for it (horribly). Yes, that was my point. In Tomahawk, the meekly characters escape, and a similar thing happens in Brawl. Can't have them riding into the sunset because that would set a wrong example.

> say goodbye to my wife , I'll say hello to yours

Man-Kino is defined as films that women will never get, even if they pretend to be intellectual enough, they can never truly understand the truth the films may have about what it means to be a man.

True man-kino includes the genres westerns, samurai, war films, and survival films. All of these films cover the subjects of rugged individualism, comradery, self-sacrifice, honor, and masculine truth. If you are a man and speak ill of any of these genres regardless of specific film, then you are a faggot and need to be cast out like a leper.

The most retarded dialog I have heard in awhile.

> even savage cannibalistic inbred subhumans consider niggers inedible

I just watched this. Would recommend. Vince Vaughn was very surprisingly not shit.

I laughed at this plot point.
>Barbaric cannibals with bone instruments rammed into their throats that live in caves and exclusively inbreed



That's not punishment though, that's sacrifice. It's part of the heroic archetype. Even in the face of death, the protagonists never sway from their goals, which shows how fully committed they are.

It just serves to make them characters we can admire even more.

Small dick compensation: the post.

>"White man" No one here knows how to kill indians as I do
>"Indian man" That's a mighty boast
>"White man" That ain't a boast, that's a fact

Seven samurai
Old boy
Citizen Kane
Inglorious basterds
Saving private Ryan
Taxi driver

This along with Braveheart obviously.

kino no otoko

>prime mankino

The picture's less faggoty than the phrase.

lol my mom loves both of these
tear jerker/romance dramas that are wrapped in war/historical action to appeal to appeal to the guy and girl... they're date movies


This is actually completely misunderstood by most. Main character is psychopathic trainwreck who thinks he's a werewolf. He is the real bad guy in the film. Google what director said if you don't believe this.

>gets killed before killing any indians

No shit thats why we all like and relate to him you cuck.

He also is not the only bad guy in the film the actual bad guys are really bad. He is just also not good.

Soldiers in the 30 Years War used this as a form of torturous execution. They would tie the victims feet to two trees, hanging him upside down. Two soldiers would then saw through him using a two-man saw, starting at the perineum. The victim usually didn't die until the saw reached the upper chest area and was fully conscious.