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No... Hillary was supposed to be the warmongerer... this can't be happening...

Is this real???

Height is genetic, so what the fuck is Trump's problem?

>it's real

he has lived for too long, the bastard

it is

How undignified.

gook manlets btfo

That's so hilarious

It's fucking real, my sides.

Trump is the best thing to happen to the world.

yeah and age is just a social construct

>drumpfkins actually support this

What an amazing timeline. If it isn't punctuated by a nuclear holocaust I'll be disappointed.

This is the president YOU elected America?
Are you proud of this failure?
>has gotten nothing done, no wall no healthcare reform

he's making a lot of friends and when the time is right he will make them all nuke best korea for calling him old

wtf is that tattoo on the guys back?

But... Trump is old.

umm drumpf needs to stop fat shaming my wifes son uses twitter how am i gonna explain this to little jamal?

Right what the fuck

Will you still be saying that when you're drafted and sent to die at the hands of some insane gook because your leader is a retard?

If Kim's height is definitely 1.7m, then he isn't any shorter than P*tin.

i would honestly laugh all my way into a landmine

ITT: Kikes

>this man is the President of the United Sharts of Mexico2



Think its a tree

How is old an insult? He was probably calling Trump wise and experienced.

some illuminati shit

I would be the next Chris Kyle. I've honed my skills for this moment.

Not him but
>borderline high bp
>nearly 30
No draft for me ever, even if they raise the age.

I'm pretty sure he has some Australian blood in him because all he's known for is shitposting.

What the fuck Trump that wasn't necessarily an insult
What's the context here?

Not sure these are the sort of insults the oldest and second fattest president in US history should be going with.

President Shade

You're 70 fucking years Trump. You are old.

Yes, hello fellow pepepede, maga and shadilay, but how is this tv related?

maybe Trump finally looked up 'dotard' in the dictionary

he said they can still be friends, that's good

Who was the fattest?
t. not american

Someone fucking shoot him already. For fucks sake.

Only a woman could've posted something this unfunny.

Yeah haha. It would be so based and the SJW would be so pissed!

It's a clip from the most watched reality TV show this season.

William H. Taft.
Fucker had to be lowered in to his bathtub with a crane.

based mobile poster with pleb taste

>amerimuds cant take the bants

To be fair though being short or fat doesn't really change your ability to run a country. Being a senile old man does.


This is the real world. You're a stupid child for taking this shit so lightly.

>This is the president of the United States of America

It’s still fucking surreal

Not film or Sup Forums related

Puppy posting begins


>Hollywood being purged
>Podestas getting indicted
>2 presidents are shitposting into nuclear holocaust
It's like I'm in a movie



If this was your crazy drunk uncle this would be funny. It’s not, it’s one of the most powerful men in the world, baiting one of the most unstable men in the world, and it’s unsettling as fuck.


Dumb pupper