Hey guys I wrote a quick program to mirror images like in pic related

Hey guys I wrote a quick program to mirror images like in pic related.


Other urls found in this thread:


>running programs from the hacker known as Sup Forums

>has no face

I wonder how many people are about to join your RATnet

appreciate the effort, OP

I can link the source code I don't care

do so



If you can make it work as a website plugin I can host it for you OP.

i don't know if my computer is powerful enough to run this.

nice try asshole

>not using psf constants for string literals

uhh delet this

How does it determine the center of the image? Or does it just take an absolute center? Because that doesn't work if a face, etc, is offcenter. Pretty shitty program, and can be done trivially in a single command line with imagemagick

width/2, I know just the very basics so this is what I could come up with.

guilty as charged


study up, other people have already implemented it for you


Shouldn't you get off Sup Forums and get to your Introduction to Software Engineering lecture, stupid JIT GC object oriented cargo cult retard pajeet?