Nobody ever dies: The TV show

Nobody ever dies: The TV show

Yes, this is getting tiring.

I mean I get it. They're all comic characters and you can't really kill them because it wouldn't make sense. But I was hoping they would surprise me.

Well they killed Ra's al Ghul

>Ras al Gul

Like that will last.

They kill random normal people all the time in the show, it's just the main characters that don't die. The show would be pretty boring if they just had a villain of the week that died every episode and didn't have Penguin or Ridder or anyone like that.

The Riddler has had like 5 chances to kill the Penguin and he just either shoots him on the torso or makes a damn speech before any deus ex machina

Bashir can never die.

fish died thankfully

he clearly knocked up barbara and will be reborn as tahlia al ghul

Butch died

you haven't watched the last few episodes have you?

He just got zombified

She'll probably return when you least expect it

Just like fucking comic books.

I think you're missing a key part of what makes Gotham so fucking fun. It's not about killing the cast off, it's about watching them slowly go insane.


Its gone beyond jumping the shark at this point. The riddler has died three fucking times so far, the most recent of which he was frozen in a giant block of ice for months at a time and then thawed out. Butch is dead? Nah just kidding he's Solomon Grundy. Oh wow what a surprise, Barbara came back to life yet again.

>Series about the early lives of characters who become important 20 years down the line
>None of them die
No shit Sherlock.

It jumped the shark in season 1.

Why do you hate fun? The show is clearly not designed to be serious.

The show completely gave up any attempt at coherence or realism partway through the first season. The episode where Fish Moonie goes to that asylum where Jeffrey Combs gets his head transplanted to a female body was the moment you should have realized that this is not a serious show but a live-action comic book.

Anyone else loves this fella?

he's my favorite character,I hope they don't promote him to a main character, because I think he works best in a minor comedic role and sometimes menacing assassin.

I wish they'd show panties.

I love what they've done with him this season.

He's actually a good actor and has some good comedic timing, the last person I would expect to do comedy in this show and he was so underutilized in the CWshit

Is Jerome dead?

Currently locked up on blackgate and not on arkham for obvious reasons, since he'd easily escape.

Will probably show up sometime later this season as he usually does.