Its scientifically inaccurate on purpose

>Its scientifically inaccurate on purpose
>Muh genetic manipulation

Then how come the velociraptor fossil at the beginning is still like 5x too big?

God put the fossil there to confuse scientists into going to hell

Because it's a movie made for entertaining the masses you person you.

Because there are no velociraptor fossils in North America, you pleb.

that's a montanaraptor

because Michael Crichton fucked up and chose the wrong type of raptor in the book.

Utah raptor wasn't discoverd yet, it got discoverd during filming of the movie
for the book i think they used deinonychus

the problem was velociraptor had such a cool name. Only a Mormon would want to play with a Utahraptor.

This is where Badlands is.

That doesn't look very scary. More like a 6 foot turkey

Leveling here as alliance was suffering


It built character

Retconning. Movies trying to adhere to reality instead of being movies.

>Movies trying to adhere to reality instead of being movies.
This is always a mistake

For 10000000001th time, Jurassic Park was written in a time where deinonychus and utahraptor weren't considered a different species and archeologists thought they were adult velociraptors.

That's not true since Velociraptor are exclusively an Asian dinosaur and Deinonychus was American


And you know that now, the same with dinosaurs having feathers, back in the 70s they didn't.

Because dinosaurs aren't real

Spielberg elevated Jurassic Park from Crichton's typical "science am go too far!" to something whole some and good. The dinosaurs WERE real and they were beautiful animals.
In the book, they were genetic freaks created by a huckster to make money.

Every Jurassic Park movie had a scene where the characters watch the dinosaurs exist naturally while the theme gently plays.
Jurassic World did not and that's another reason why it's shit. The dinosaurs are back to being freaks like in the book and any majesty they had from the previous films are gone.

But in the 70s, Velociraptor was still only found in Asia and Deinonychus only in America

Dinosaurs never existed. It can't be scientifically inaccurate