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Television and Film
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Television and Film #907
Television and Film
Cast a Highlander reboot
LAG ~ Last Airbender General
What was Luke thinking when this happened?
Holy fucking shit
Has a trailer EVER been as hyped as Infinity War?
The Leftovers
How many movies have you watched this year and which one has been the worst by far?
You need to lose hundred pound
ITT: Actors you could probably take in a fight
What am I in for?
Honestly imagine being emma watson
Behold, the world's greatest actress!
Hey, guys. Whats happening?
12 year old boy
Movie satirising the genre goes on to define the genre
What does Sup Forums think of the Lion King live action movie cast?
Here's a challenge for you Sup Forums, find an impersonation of Donald Trump that's actually accurate...
Why aren't you watching the best show on TV?
Why didn't the Harry stop 9/11 from happening?
Looking back at it, this was so fucking retarded
Is artie dead
This kills the soyboy
Why did actual communism produced such vast amount of great cinema but liberal democracies produce nothing but trash?
I really unironically hope he will fall and will have to answer to the disgusting shit he has pulled off
Guilty pleasures thread
First image of Rooney Mara in 'Mary Magdalene' (Joaquin Phoenix as Jesus Christ)
">She's more powerful than me, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Vader, Sheev Palpatine, Yoda, Darth Maul, Count Dooku, Kit Fisto...
I literally haven't watched this flick
In BVS...
Hello Sup Forums, there is a new discord server for discussion of arthouse and experimental cinema...
I'm opening Stargate thread
New Marvel film
Why did it take 6 movies to finally get him right?
Post actors you look like
Saying a sexy older girl having the hots for you is "gross"
If you was the admiral in this scene, how do you survive?
Walk into your room
Sneedposting/groceryposting aside, when did the decline begin?
What superhero role would you cast her in?
Wait, where's the scary part
Cast him in the MCU
32 years old
What are you watching Tonight, Lads?
Give me your best Pleb filter right now you cunt
Biblical Cinematic Universe WHEN???
Why hasn't an Obama movie been made yet?
It's a Brian Redban episode
Explain this shit
Am I a manchild for enjoying pic related?
Can Sup Forums have an unironic conversation about this film?
That's a nice record you have there, Pixar...would be a shame if something happened to it
Woah that movie was so long, i couldnt finish it
When did it jump the shark?
You do know that torrenting TV shows is illegal, right? What are you gonna do when they start arresting people?
*blocks your path*
What was the first movie you remember watching?
Why do people here hate this kid so much?
Did you know: South Park is how Americans view Russians
Mel Gibson gets BTFO by Seth Rogen
Vanity Fair Marvel anniversary shoot
There is a new discord server for discussion of arthouse and experimental cinema, please join in you are interested
Name a better performance by an actress than this
Is this movie actually as bad as everyone said it was?
I think modern art's almost total preoccupation with subjectivism has led to anarchy and sterility in the arts...
What's Sup Forums's honest opinion of Jodelle Ferland? So far she's only had small parts in relatively small TV shows...
Makes dumb decisions and is annoying
Did people still smoke in offices in the 90's?
What’s his best cameo?
Zack Snyder is Losing it
The Last Jedi
This is the most threatening jew Netflix could find
Lady Bird
Boardwalk Empire
He's the best character on the show, right?
Why do you fags keep opposing getting rid of net nuetrality? It’s going to happen, you know it is...
Ruins your tv show
This is a gallon of PCP
Is Black Mirror overrated ?
TLJ Twist
What would the Sup Forums one look like?
I have fallen and I can't get up
Infinity War is the finale to the Marvel Cinematic Universe
Bollywood's answer to Gravity, Interstellar and Martian
Dean we need to talk
ITT characters that made you drop a tv show
*blocks your path*
What could Rey do next?
Fletcher Hanks cinematic universe when?
I want comfy Star Wars back
Wahhhh I don't want to hold a gun because I'm a pussy
He killed millions
Who's the greatest actor of all time?
It's official. The critics are LOVIN this raunchy lil' adventure flick
(DChads get in Here) ITS HAPPENING!!!!!
Who wore it better?
It's out!
Incredible CGI that was nothing short of miraculous at the time of release
Has anyone had the chance of watching this gay kino?
Is this the peak of animation in the east? What about the west? Shrek?
Give me your best Jon Bernthal acting impression
ITT: we thank Jackie Chan
When you suck so many feet and black cocks too hard that your midface collapses inward
Who ready to masturbate to this tonight?
Webms ITT
Post your MOTY
Any other top kinos which accurately portraits the state of mind of one heavily affected by mental issues?
”You know who lives in that apartment?”
What was the power level of the Witch King?
Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering
Why Sup Forums dislikes him so much? You'd think he would be a cult here
Female Lord of the Flies in development at WB
ITT: Forgotten kinos
What's Sup Forums's honest opinion of Cara Delevingne?
Blade, ready to die?
Thoughts on this tushy?
One of these three actresses is a future Oscar winner, can you guess who?
Next time baby
U r a soyboy huehuehuehue
The Sam Hyde-lookalike gets cucked
Heh heh heh... sorry
What is THE most overplayed song in moovies?
Saw this film yesterday and wish I hadn't waited so long
What are some good movies about permanently tainted bloodlines...
Was Tim Curry blacklisted in Hollywood?
What did everyone think of this movie?
What are your opinions on McDonald's Cinematic Universe?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Was it good?
Most overrated movie of the century
Best movie of the year here folks
I understand most of the scenes where Walter makes bad and irrational choices but what was this scene supposed to be...
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle Early Reactions Praise a Fresh and Funny Romp
What went right?
Why did Alejandro put his nuts in Hammond's face?
Who was in the right here?
Sup Forums and Normies BTFO
Is Anne Kendrick a good actress?
Actors you hate
Was he more powerful than Palpatine?
If you have used any of these, unironically kill yourself
What /core/ is this?
Is Scarlett Johansson overrated as an actress?
What are some movies that promote seizing the means of production and overthrowing the status quo?
This is Sup Forums's favorite actor
/stg/ - Sharing Things General
Kino or pretentious tripe?
Itt: fucked/brutal up death scenes. I'll start:
Is Big Bang Theory the defining sitcom of the 2010's?
I hate this bitch and that show so much. why are they everywhere on the Internet
I'm Not Real
What are some great dystopian movies?
Main characters confirmed
Pacific Rim Job 2 Kaiju Boogaloo
1,117 days until Avatar 2
Want a cigarette user?
They're going cheap, aren't they?
Is Bjork fucking crazy or is she telling the truth about LVT?
I enjoyed the walking dead today
The first whisperer reference was in the episode “clear”
Tell me what location from a movie you would like to live in
Tick tock Sup Forums
How accurate is this image?
What is the most beautiful frame you've seen in a film?
Why no biopic yet?
After a hunting expedition 20,000 years ago in Europe during the Upper Paleolithic period goes awry...
Will it be able to beat Lost for the show with the most disappointing series finale?
Any good movies about chad's getting their just desserts?
Now that the dust has settled, what does Sup Forums think of /ourguy/?
What say we have a Black Sails thread, aye lads?
Any movies about fucking with the wrong guy?
What is the worst fandom?
I wonder what's french-canadian for 'i grew up without a mother"
Name one (1) kino or never post here again
I hope you preordered your tickets Sup Forums
Well, Sup Forums?
Who is your favorite Jackie Chan movie?
John Hughes
Why did they not have any kids?
I think it looks delicious
Master and Commander Sequel
Clearly better than drive
He was a fucking Gary Stu and you know it
Hoo hoo hoo hey now hit 'em with the Hein BABA BOOEY
Characters who did nothing wrong
How does one reach his level of sex addiction...
Tough guy walks into bar
Whomst of you did this?
Thoughts on Mackenzie Davis?
You talk the talk,do you walk the walk?
*blocks your path*
Did you buy the super comfy Harry Potter 4k series yet? Are you planning to place it on your Christmas wish list?
Whats next for this cinematic genius?
Shouldn't Superman be weak during night time since the sun isnt present in the sky?
What did they mean by this?
ITT: Redneck-core
I lyk to go to da mobies
Wait, so you "work" for a website but you don't get paid?
Daniel Craig tried to have Sex with Rooney Mara
Film dumbed down for the Marvel audience
Damn! Aunt May looks like that?!
It's a jungle out there
Hi, I'm Louis Theroux and I'm going to smugly condescend on poor, weird and insecure Americans for the next hour
Denis Villeneue defends the blatant sexism in Blade Runner 2049
Habits you've copied from film
What can we expect in the coming years for Jodelles career?
Nothing But Trouble - re:View
Gave this show a second chance. It's not as bad as I remember but it feels so mundane...
Right then...
What are Sup Forums thoughts on these two
When waiting for the good quality torrents to come out so you can watch the 2017 movies
Give it to me
What did she mean by this?
Japanese movie
Only one ticket sir?
Be honest. You liked The Force Awakens
Is One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest a good movie?
Just how much of a shitshow will this end up being?
Can we please have examples of tightly written, cohesive plots?
So did everyone just unaminously agree to stop trying to make good movies after Avatar?
Why doesn't anyone in Hollywood name names?
What is next for Riley's career?
Jared Leto might not return for suicide squad 2
Fire. Fire again
Is it actually not that good?
Anyone else think this movie is shit? What a waste of a download. The music sucked as well
This is some deep-cut cable kino right here boys. Thanks for the recommendation Sup Forums
Haha! You're an idiot not me!
*stares blankly for a few seconds*
MAD men thread?
Main character accidentally "likes" a three year old picture of a girl he stalks on facebook and then decides to double...
Made it about half an hour in before I couldn't take it anymore
The deal has been made. You ready for stage 4?
There is literally no reason for this woman to be depressed. Fuck her
Are there any movie celebrities you boycott for personal reasons?
Why is she a man-hating turbo feminist now?
Is it worth watching if i know the twist?
Main character is a Traditional Christian
Shkreli movie
What are some shows or movies where the bully was right the whole time?
Character goes to order
For me? Its moner
Can't win if you don't play
What went so horribly wrong?
Sir, please, only employees are allowed behind the counter
Why was this not as talked about as much as the last one
How can they fall so far?
Will physical media finally die in 2018?
Has there ever been a worst casting choice then this...
Remember him?
Is there even gonna be a season 2? The ending implied Frank didn't want to...
ITT: Perfect Films
Face the facts, NIGGERS, your race are a failed race because you're a feckless, unruly...
Awards season begins soon
The Great debate
ITT: We post our favorite movie/tv spaceship designs
Will his career ever recover?
Who are your celebrity lookalikes Sup Forums (:
Was Philip Banks the greatest tv dad of all time?
ITT: Movies that exist
Dude just look at art and you can win any battle lmao
Help me fill this image in Sup Forums
Jane Levy, discuss her career, etc. What do you think of evil dead remake and don't breathe?
I'm going to post a fact
Reddit: The Movie
Which age group had the greatest childhood shows and movies?
You remember Jimmy Kimmel is hosting the Oscars next year. Oh god
I knew he was depressed but woah
Someone says anime is art
Thoughts on her butt?
How do we, as a board of whites, stop the nigger menace?
Is Millie Bobby Brown a good actress or just a meme?
It's a moody edgy mary sue teenager btfos cardboard-cutout caricatures and also some babby multiverse time travel
Joe > Q >= Sal >>>> Murr
What's her best film at this point in her Hollywood career?
ITT: soy cinema
What the fuck was his problem?
What can we expect to see next from Sophia Lillis' career?
Sup Forums BTFO
ITT: films/shows for adults and intelligent people
Thor: Ragnarok reaches $790 million worldwide
She's a female comedian
Who was in the right here?
West World
Perfect Day
ITT: Movies you saw or are going to see only for the fap material
How do we fix DC?
/trek/-Jason Alexander Edition
Childhood Faps
Are Youtube critics more trustworthy than mainstream critics?
Kino films
/who/ - Doctor Who General
90 day fiance
Bladerunner 2045
What's Sup Forums's opinion on James' movie tastes and his channel in general?
That time when Michael fake fired Pam and she started crying very sexy
The Prevention of Christ
JUSTice league
Who'd she sleep with to get her roles?
The future is beautiful
ITT: How annoying is this?
Now that the dust has been settled for millennia, what was this "sickness if the soul" that Antony had?
But in time, they will join you in the sun, Kal. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders
How would a 2017 remake of 12 Angry men look like?
/our mommy/
What are some shows that had horrible finales?
This man singlehandedly killed Superman and Batman in the eyes of the public
Is it overrated?
I actually think Daisy is p cute in a sort of boyish way
What the fuck was its problem
What are some essential soyboy kinos?
ITT best Sup Forums memes of 2017
Movie has a jump scare
After the success of IT, what can we expect next from Sophia Lillis?
What are some other Lovecraftian films? Pic highly recommended
Bro look at this dude uhju uhju wait till you see the f- uhhujuJUJUJUUU NO NO NO NO ohhhHOHOo ohh uhhuhhuhh...
How do you fix the DC cinematic universe?
What's happening to Daisy Ridley, Sup Forums?
Best Bond
ITT: Real life kino moments
Well unfortunately Lois, there's just no more room on the schedule...
Almost every one of you is irredeemable filth with sub-humanoid levels of taste in all things, including film...
Files $20 million dollar lawsuit against Dick, former friends and Patreon
Roll and watch
What is some late-90s to mid-00s web kino?
/stg/: Stranger Things General
This is supposed to be satire
JUSTice League
Infinite Jest
Legit Pleb Filter
What's the worst casting in history ?
Webm Thread
What's some good Japanese kino?
ITT: Actors you didn't recognize in different roles
What's the best Disney movie and why is it Emperor's New Groove?
Why does Sup Forums hate this film?
What did it get wrong that TFA got right?
TWD pre-game thread
What was the point of this character in Justice League?
Will Chaos Walking, starring Daisy Ridley & Tom Holland, flop Sup Forums?
Disney Developing Live-Action Remake Of 'The Black Cauldron'
How do you go from this
ITT: Sup Forums in 1980
Lord of the Rings television series
Pick one
What's her ploblem?
Coco box office disaster
He is Scum and Villainy
Black Mirror: Crocodile Trailer
Good comedy movies
Snoke semi-revealed
You know spider-gwen or multiverse movie is inevitable. Cast her!
Cast her Sup Forums
What's your girlfriend's favorite movie?
What did YouTube mean by this?
Someboy at plebbit leaked clips from Infinity War
I finally understand what is wrong with the martha scene. Forget the execution...
In 2007, 2002 movies and TV shows felt very old/dated...
What does Sup Forums think of star wars? Feel free to talk about the old ones or the new ones
Why won't they just leave him alone?
Do Americans really do this?
Twin Peaks is the best tv show this ye-
The soy three
Isn’t she a Weinstein girl?
Your community college study group will never be this fun
Will she be the TIME Person of the Year?
What do you think of The Office (US)?
Tfw you never got to work on Lord of the Rings
Dan "Let me touch your fanny and you get a piece of candy" Schneider
Umm why is every episode SJW now?
Blade Runner 2049 General
Oh the Horror
What are some scenes with similar aesthetics?
Post some good Podcasts
When will the definitive movie about the state of the right in 2017 be made?
What's his name again?
Macbeth (2015)
Law & Order ADAs
Brawl in cell block 99
In a couple of years everybody involved with this retarded show will say "what the fuck was I thinking when I was...
It's just a grilled cheese Jon!
What is the best moustache in film?
Implying Germans were the bad guys in WW1
ITT: Iconic 90's movies
What are some actors you respect for refusing to wear lifts/tiptoe and feel comfortable with themselves despite the...
Wasted potential
Why didnt Harry just call in an airstrike on Voldumbort?
Who will play him in the inevitible biopic?
Blade Runner 2049
What actors do you think and enjoy their work and aren't just in it for the fame/notoriety?
Did they ever fuck?
So did he lose it during the filming of that Andy Kaufman film?
Sophia Lillis
Who are the most beautiful actress and the most beautiful actor ever? You can only pick one per gender
Cosmos general
Sup. I bought a Fire TV Stick and wondered what are some of the best things and apps I can download on it
Soyboy films can't be goo-
ITT: Post scenes that couldn’t be made today
Avengers Infinity War Trailer Leak
The Shining
Why hasn't he been arrested yet?
Are there any other TV shows/films that address the latent homosexual tendencies of those who orally pleasure women?
What kind of hot meal did he buy?
So it's over now, right? They killed their own franchise for nothing basically
Blue Planet Watch Thread
Oliver Reed thread
This has a better streaming selection than Netflix
This is what passes as comedy in the UK
Race mixing is ba-
Comfy Robot Wars Thread
Just let Lynch do all the visual effects himself, it'll be fi-
Let's talk about Riverdale
Sweden YES!
Don't leave me!
Itt: actors who need more horrific death scenes
Was it Autism?
How bad is it going to be?
ITT: post tropes you absolutely DESPISE
I worked in Justice League
Is The Simpsons (golden age) the most important show ever aired?
Is he right, Sup Forums?
What are some movies to watch in christmas season
We're gonna need a bigger vessel
The deuce
Haven't had sex in four months
Movies with this aesthetic?
Murr > Q > Sal > Joe
What was the point of this scene?
When the blood pressure medication kicks in
Deckard raped Rachel
How to achieve prime Brad Pitt?
No girlfriend for a year
ITT: Sup Forums related pictures that make you laugh
How did she not end up crazy after being in her room alone all her teenage years?
Have any infomercials ever worked on you?
For the witcher, brave and bold
It's a walt jr sperging out episode
ITT: movies that made you hate wh*Tes
What the fuck did I just watch?
Would you watch Sup Forums: The Movie
So we've moved on, yeah?
This was shit, even more so than the first one. But what can you expect from something based on a comic book
What did you guys think of this TV documentary?
It's over time to bury DCEU
What is the most Reddit movie in exisistence?
Walk into your room
I bet you feel bad about calling her fat now
Is Famke only eye candy or a good actress? any memorable role?
What do you think of the Hot New Laura Dern character from Disney's™ Star Wars the Last Jedi™ film...coming in december
Meadow from The Sopranos
The Chad Snyder action choreography
Sup Forums BTFO!
Is Ryan Gooseling autistic?
*blocks your path*
1,118 days until Avatar 2
Most moving thing on TV
'The Last Jedi' is a parable about 21st century women in the workplace
BvS/Justice League Illuninati Predictive Programminng
“The reason I’m doing this is because these are dangerous times and we need dangerous shows...
Deathstroke : we are going to need some fire power to neutralize the Superman
Why does Sup Forums hates Sunshine so much ? I, for one, think it's a masterpiece and y'all gay
Yfw faceapp is better at removing cavills mustache
A film directed by Mel Gibson starring Viggo Mortensen, Russel Crowe, Vince Vaughn, Mads Mikkelsen, Christian Bale...
At least Brooklyn Beckham likes her body of work
Television is a profitab-
The Punisher Netflix
Doctor Who General /who/
Is there anthing she can't do?
Original content
Why did they choose such a skinny bitch for the fucking punisher?
Do you have any Star Wars related toys?
Movie theatre has a kids playpen
I like violent movies with good cinematography
TV Trope That Must End: Smart Characters Told to ‘Put it in English”
I didn't have to go easy on you. A different binding agent, a stronger mix... I want you to remember that...
There's more artistic value in a twerking compilation than this movie
Casablanca is 75 years old this weekend
What is it now?
Anything "Mexican" in modern media
Her first bf was young Brad Pitt
Dude I'm so depressed I have to stay in a lavish hotel in Japan while I make millions of dollars doing some shitty...
Ah, Mr. Wilson. I was just celebrating gods return from the grave
Women don’t get arrested for beating m
What are some good nuclear war films?
Why are French actresses so much more open about nudity in film than Americans?
So this Rex is supposed to be the original from the first film, right...
Episode opens with a crazy, totally out of character scene for all involved and appears to show a major character dying
Movies where the good guy loses
Sup Forums weren't memeing when they said Power Rangers RPM was kino
ITT: Times you've been compared to a character by others
No can do
Anyone listen to this podcast? the dick show
18 goddamn heroes appearing in this mess. That's like two Fellowships of the Ring being crammed into one movie...
Even a janitor could answer that
Rian Johnson is a good dir-
Do people actually understand the scientific gibberish that the matrix architect utters...
Damn what a season this show has really come into it's own I think we can finally say that Stan Against Evil > Ash vs...
How do you go from this:
Eye fo tie mite prepair a lil sappah
Is the Last man on Earth worth watching?
Tfw no homies figurine cinematic universe
What kind of roles will Taylor Swift take when she makes the inevitable jump to acting?
Why are directors pushing 'atmospheric' garbage on horror movie so hard?
Wanna know why they call him Dr. Cox?
This was great
*blocks your locker*
Any other actress that isn't a slut?
The only reason Sup Forums hates this film is that everyone here predicted it would flop and now they're still reeling...
What's the best version?
Just finished watching this. Here are my thoughts
ITT actors you could definitely take in a fight
What's next for Angourie Rices career?
Why is this faggot still not in any DC movie?
/stg/ - Stranger Things General
ITT: Good cinematography
Best boobies scene in tv and film? I say Daddario in True Detective
How do we fix Germany?
That god awful dialogue
What does Sup Forums think of Ana De Armas?
Who's her mother?
So is it genius or not?
Why does a terminator need a laser sight?
Muh Books
Just marathoned this
How racist was the empire?
Why is there no footage of Han Solo for The Last Jedi yet?
Redwall Cinematic Universe in the works
Where does he get the funding for his movies...
/lbg/ - Letterboxd General
Who is Sup Forums's favorite Indian actress?
Is this the most depressing segment of television ever made?
Recommend me a kino based on this picture
Digital actors
Even a janitor could solve this
This is England
Does Sup Forums have any movie related ink?
Woke up this morning
Last Jedi potential spoilers
I can't go without my hat I never fly without it. I am a huge fucking cunt without my hat
This show sucks now. its boring
Is Gordon Ramsay actually a good chef or is he just a tv personality? He likes to pretend he knows his shit...
You're a director and have been tasked with making a better superhero film than TDK
So lads there might be a new Middle Eastern vibe kino on the way
This is sad
So, which one Sup Forums?
Doctor Who General /who/
Post em
Will this happen? I want this to happen. This should have been instead of Infinity Wars! Symbiote introduction!
Anyone else think that this guy just has the most simple-minded comprehension of the world around him?
Do you still enjoy things?
Save hi Sup Forums
Changes that will be implemented for the new Lord of the Rings remastered edition
He was the best version of Superman
"Heh, give me a challenge!"
What are the best MGTOW movies that put roasties in their place?
Chuck is a good show
Dont mind me just the greatest documentary series on television
ITT: It happened
Why does she get more serious roles?
Who's hyped for Sicario 2?
What are some movhh- *wipes drool* Sorry about that, What are some movies with the child overtaking the parent
Coworkers start talking about movies
Who was in the wrong here?
What if Luke and Leia fugged before they found out they were related...
Do you think the Shazam Film will flop?
ITT: kino that is adored by weak, ineffectual men
There will never be a better cop show
Explain why a random selfie from meathead astronauts looks like a masterfully composed and lit Kubrick composition
What is the best portrayal of a psychopath in film and why is it pic related?
Why are modern critics so retarded and useless?
The Great Debate
Yeah, I'm thinking he's back
Why didn't they just ask the eagles to fly them to Mount Doom and not mention the ring at all?
Remind me again whats so great about this show?
Your sister is sick because you eat a chocolate bar
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
Are there any documentaries about life in current modern Europe?
What are some kino about illegitimate presidencies?
Oh where the fuck are we coop what is year is this
Thoughts on these shitskin honorary reddotors?
Did he wear black in ROTJ because it was a sign of maturity, or because he was falling to the dark side?
Why is he the only auteur left in cinema today?
Le black man in charge of resistance XD
What do you consider to be the best episode?
Jackie Chan
Hello there
Why was The Hobbit so negatively received? I personally like it more than LOTR 2bh
Was he just misunderstood?
It's a Truman spends all weekend dressing up like a school girl while doing lewd things only to tell his coworkers on...
Replace one word from movie name with "Soy"
I'm so glad this show is back. I forgot how good it was
Was this, dare I say, the greatest moment in reality television history?
Batman V Superman is a gigantic disaster, everyone hates it and it tanks
Why are you still subscribed?
Kirsten Dunst walked by some friends and I once. I don't know why but I yelled "CUNT" at her. She looked upset...
"alone on movie night again user?"
What happened to him?
I've never watched anything by this guy, where should I start?
Would you say he's a soyboy?
Mfw I have never watched a Tarantino movie
fire directors after they have already shot 75% of the film
This is my son, big hoss
Does Sup Forums like the Riddick films?
Justice League Chads Only Discussion
Pretty kino
What is this called?
Legitimately good or just a meme?
Films that left no impact on the publish Zeitgeist
Characters that did nothing wrong
Who is the best comedian?
This is the greatest parody movie, period. Id even go as far as to say the greatest comedy of all time...
Can anyone explain why this is such a phenomenon
Thoughts on the greatest tv show of the 2010s...
Character is shown eating in bed
Name a film with a better closing line
*blocks your path*
I finally caught up on this season of Nathan For You. I forgot how fucking hilarious that show is...
Is he a soyboy?
Was it really THAT bad?
What is some essential netflix and chill core?
Why did she get away with being a homewrecker?
Why do people pretend like he was a bad guy when America pulled the same tactics (and even worse) in WWII?
Give me one good reason why he doesn't deserve an MCU movie
Celebrities and their children
Why can't girls run?
Even a janitor could solve this
Who here /hates capeshit but is hyped for Infinity War/?
Guys, can you recommend me more movies involving cute Jewesses?
Who's the best capeshit Waifu and why is Mantis?
What are some essential submarine movies?
Who are your favorite Latina actresses?
Worth the watch?
Can she be replaced?
Post kino music videos
ITT: actors you miss
A Nigger in Time
Click (2006)
Simon Pegg
Why are there no Hollywood movies about Byzantine Empire?
It's a "black people won't shut the fuck up in the theater" episode
You're gonna go see Godzilla part 2 right user?
/trek/-Tribble Edition
Any recent news on this being revived?
Ash... I'm fucking dying
Post your 80s waifus
Character looses virginity
After watching the new King Kong, and the new Godzilla, I am pretty excited for this
Why are British actors so good at sounding like Americans but American actors are so bad at sounding like British?
Movies to trip
When I move out of my parents' house...
Films that need a remake
Homecoming CGI is ba-
Did your theater cheer?
What is this facial expression attempting to convey?
ITT: Movies that fuck with reality
Is this about right?
ITT: Awful CGI
Awkward scene happens in a movie
Going to be watching this in a few minutes. What am I gonna think of it?
Already the highest grossing film in history in Mexico
Is this gay kino?
Admit it, you like her
What did Maeby Funke mean by this?
Could we get a Kung Fu kino thread going?
Why didn't I like this movie Sup Forums?
What's the point in pretending they aren't paid by studios?
Isabelle Adjani
After the success of IT, what can we expect next from Sophia Lillis?
Should I watch this?
What was the point of this scene?
Tell me 1 (one) positive aspect about Stanley
Why are there so many riley supporters on Sup Forums...
Peggy Olson
Mike did literally nothing wrong
When did it decline?
You all know why, right?
What is the film equivalent of this ?
Is this what the average woman's taste in movies is like these days?
Tfw the new season of Vikings is almost here and no one on Sup Forums is talking about it
Who should be in Luthor's Injustice League?
New Re:View with Rich and Jack
Man escapes best korea, gets shot 5 times
Turn on netflix
Hey Sup Forums, look at this cute dog I found
Continue, previous one hit bump limit
/who/ - Doctor Who General
/stg/ - Stranger Things General
Why is she such a horrible bitch?
Character enters bar
Reminder that young fame is a disease that corrupts your soul and drains your vitality
Would Warhammer 40k media work better as a movie or episodic series?
Hello There
Riley Stearns
Post all leaks we know so far
ITT: Snow kino
What's the point of surrealism?
Not liking the cornetto trilogy
ITT sports kino
Ooh hoo HOO wait till you see the fr-oo HUH HUH huh hoo no no no no OH HO HO HO ohhhHHHHHhhHHH-
ITT: post exactly when you realized the movie you were watching was a masterpiece
We've met before, haven't we?
In your opinion what was the biggest mistake DC committed with Justice League?
I feel like Korean dramas are slowly becoming a thing. Do anybody here watch them or are they strictly a female thing?
How is there not a decent torrent of this yet? I mean, Christ, we got It with moonspeak within a month...
Denis Villeneuve forced to clarify about his female characters
How accurate was the camp liberation scene in Band of Brothers
Lola Grace Consuelos
Cast it
What are you watching tonight?
Is this a nice girl?
What does Sup Forums think of the Netflix original Love...
What's your problem with The Lost World?
How is it?
Movie set in the middle ages
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...