Tick tock Sup Forums

How is Sup Forums going to cope when they wake up on Christmas morning and realize they cannot stream or torrent movies, anime and TV anymore because ISPs will have blocked VPN access thanks to poojit pai repealing net neutrality?

Looks like you people will finally have to start spending money to watch movies and TV from next year.

Pro tip: get a job

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lucky for me I don’t even watch tv or movies

Thank god for terrorism.

>implying all Sup Forums users are americlaps

not Sup Forums related

>your isp could maybe do something = isps will do this and more!

majority of Sup Forums isn't american and couldn't care less about net neutrality

>the age of trump witnessed the death of internet freedom
>the amerimutts still applauded him

I'll be fine since i don't live in a cucked nation like America where someone is trying to take away my freedom every 5 fucking seconds.

>mfw no more Americans on Sup Forums

wtf i love the FCC now

Right-wing policies are intended to restore slavery. Their voters are the victims as much as the rest of us.

>waaaaah no more free manchildren stuff
This a good thing for white male society. Put down the free steaming anime and Star Trek reruns and get a life. Fuck a white women and make white children.

No more Sup Forums either so I guess we won’t be seeing you soon

>a Sup Forums free of amerifat Sup Forumssters and Sup Forumsshits
Sounds good to me

>no more free internet
I can’t wait until we can openly kill communists like you.

50,000 anons used to post here now it's a ghost town...

So if this passes, what's stopping me from choosing an ISP that won't do all the retarded shit that repealing makes possible? Is American ISP market cartelized to hell and back?

>implying left-wing policies are any better


w-what will happen to based YIFY?

>no more Sup Forums.
Oh no, how horrible!

>falling for the net neutrality meme
twitter and google are both shilling for net neutrality. what does that tell you?

It's suppression at best and oppression at worst.

>Ameriorcs turn their home country into Mordor and spend their free time confined in the coal mines of Facebook
>the internet knows a new golden age
I'm ready

>has no idea how the internet works
lol, delete this thread you fucking retards

>less feminists and whiny blacks on the internet
>it's a bad thing




That I don't want net neutrality.

>when mommy won't pay the unlimited fee so you can shitpost on the chan

he will return

When is the "Date" this is all meant to be happening?

Am I right in thinking that if Americans are on a contract with their ISP, so even if ISPs can now offer Non net neutral services, contract laws mean they can't just change existing ones to a non net neutral service right?

>Netflix is $11 a month unlimited
>still finds an excuse too stream illegally

It won't be implemented for like 18 months

>netflix has all the latest TV shows and movies that are not region locked

You cannot block VPN traffic, that would mean blocking all IPsec traffic which would be suicide for an ISP.

>spend all year demanding ISPs kick Nazis off the internet
>complain how the ISPs control the internet
what did redditors mean by this?

My ISP is a third world untouchable basednet. Amerimutt """"sanctions"""" will be met with deafening laughter

All the major ISPs are shilling for it

What's your point?

it's not gonna happen at all. stop being an idiot

> Looks like you people will finally have to start spending money to watch movies and TV from last year.


I live for that day

>not having Netflix amazon and Hulu

>he believes it isn't going to go through

ISP's have already done this shit on smaller scales and are incredibly willing to do more legally, they are funneling millions into it. They only need 3 of 5 people, 3 of which have been completely bought already.

It's fucking over for burgers because the ISP's that will enforce it to it's fullest extent, have complete monopolies over them so nobody can do anything about it.

Finally. They said I was a fool for continuing to buy DVDs. Now I’m the best goy and the smart goy. Everything will get better if people pay more money.


>we're not going to do this
>but we need the right to do this, because reasons
>but don't worry, we definitely won't do this

>paying to stream selected shows


t. brainlet

>americans always cry about not wanting to give up their guns
>americans always act like some hardcore warriors
>government literally wants to take their freedom online
>americans do jack shit

who knew, americans are actually hypocritical pussies

> Implying ISP can't segregate.

VPN for companies OK
VPN for leachers NOK

I don't pay shit I don't live in America where ISPs have fucking monopolies in certain areas

LMAOing at Americans every day, land of the free home of the brave.

>data caps
>Net neutrality dead
>$100,000 fine for downloading a music album

>spending all this time thinking of americans

>spend all year demanding ISPs kick Nazis off the internet

A good VPN makes it so an ISP can't tell any difference between your traffic and anyone elses.


5 people decide the fate of ALL american internet traffic? jesus christ, that sounds hilarious. why is your law system so fucking retarded?

>obsessed with america

>he doesn’t know that tor kicked out the daily stormer but left up all the pedo sites
>he doesn’t know about deplatforming

>proceeds to scream about muslims and europe, while sucking on israelite cock

Tell me about Bane

>this mad

tell me about

why does he wear the mask?

what a great argument you provided. you really make a point there, mate

so America will basically turn into a worse version of China? Even in China, you have lots of websites you can normally use having to use a VPN in the West, that's bullshit

It's a thread about America mr 56%.

>implying you understand IPSec.
You clearly don't.

>he doesn’t know that tor kicked out the daily stormer but left up all the pedo sites
>he doesn't know of honeypots

not Sup Forums realted

America has lobbyists with big power unlike in the rest of the civilised world.

wtf i believe in God now


Holy shit, you're dumb.

>thread about America

are you retarded?


No fuck that most shows and movies aren't worth paying for. I'll just go without watching.

>seething britshart

AHAHAHAHAH. You really think ISPs are blind to part of their own traffic ?

>be Sup Forums poster
>make fun of poointheloos
>vote for Trump because le epic pepe memes
>Trump makes pai chairman of FCC
>like a true poointheloo he turns everything into shit
>net neutrality will be gone soon
>Sup Forums posters unable to post

>buys into Russian anti-Jew propaganda while screaming about Russian propaganda

Yes it's absolutely hilarious, you don't even understand how laws work in Britain, the option is all it is talking about, not that if you go on stormfront suddenly you get arrested retard.

American prison sentences are the real joke but we don't even need to get into them with the private prisons.

How triggered are the Pepepedes going to be when Sup Forums gets shut down?

ISP can block any protocol from any source, encrypted or not.

Try harder

yeah but this is pretty much civil war material right there. a law that literally makes people's and smaller companies' lives harder shouldn't be something that is put to the vote by 5 people, no matter how strong the lobby is. why aren't there protests all around america?

c o p e

>not free enough to browse the internet

I could get on Sup Forums just fine before Obama enacted the net neutrality bill, I could get on fine once he did, why exactly would I not be able to once net neutrality no longer exists. I'm not trolling here either, I've never had someone explain it to me.

He laughs as Brits are still able to torrent, stream, and do whatever they want while he begs mommy to pay the $4.99 extra each month for his secret anime club website.


The only one trying to cope is you, you won't even be able to go on Sup Forums soon let alone streaming websites.


>no BLACKED and cunny threads


There were some talk about forbidding britbongs to watch porn at some point. lol.

It would once again feel good to not be an ameritard

I hope you're not implying that I'm from the UK. that pic is pretty stupid but I understand where that shit is coming from. people will say right about anything on the internet and especially in such a time, where the government is scared shitless of some retards killing people, they just take every "threat" seriously, as shitty as it may be. maybe just don't be retarded and special on the internet

Can I get a quick rundown on Net Neutrality?

Again is there any indication or proof whatsoever, aside from that meme pic that keeps getting thrown around here that that'll be the case.

Sup Forums started the poo in loo meme faggit