Most annoying blatant agenda-pushing characters in TV, whether it be “diversitee” or “grrrllll power”
I’ll start with this infuriating cow & her constant machismo & being offended at everything.
Are we seriously supposed to like her?
Punisher has been breddy gud aside from her shitty little sideplot.
>watching modern television
Seems like literally every show has to push a lefty agenda, even when leftism is No Longer popular.
Tim Allen’s was the only one not to at all & look what happened to it.
She's got a really weird mouth. Looking like she's always sucking on a warhead.
Reminder that she mishandled evidence, literally lost it and caused Castle's family's death and the attack on Micro.
>Punisher has been breddy gud aside from her shitty little sideplot
She's a Britbong and it's probably her way of holding the accent. It also sounds like she's got a bit of lisp at times.
Shes literally the hottest capeshit girl ever
>she's a britbong
sure looks like a sandnigger to me
Darkies have been embedded in the UK for over 500 years
I don't particularly like her, but I do want to fuck her
nope not even a little bit you revisionist cunt
You can’t be serious
Your bar is ludicrously low m8.
>I’ll start with this infuriating cow & her constant machismo & being offended at everything.
Name one time other than that line 2 minutes into her character introduction where she's offended at anything.
When she’s flirting with Westworld Chad at the bar she says she should be offended at his pussy wetting tactics.
good to hear that your male instincts are still intact
>should be
But she isn't
Nah bro. Her role was that of a broad in over her head. Had the wool pulled over by jigsaw.
She’s a typical woman. Punisher was great.
She reminds me of a city cop I'm with. Fuck her try hard attitude at being taken seriously by her fellow officers was hot as fuck.
that's why I'm asking her to marry me :3
Is this that Brittania show?
I was interested until I seen a nigger.
Instantly dropped.
Glad even the public are shitting all over it for being so blatantly revisionist.
i didn't think she was annoying. she was bullheaded but she never approaches skylar or the daughter from homeland levels of annoying.
The Ninth Legion must have been full of black fathers.
All within character for a woman.
I used to know a black kid who had a Roman name, apparently because his father was really into roman history. Not in a "we wuz Romans" way, but he had an almost autist-like interest in the history of the Roman empire.
Stop drinking milk and you'll have them too
>Glad even the public are shitting all over it for being so blatantly revisionist.
I hope so. People should sense a shift from "we shouldn't judge people based on skin color" to "we need to revise history to make people feel more accepted".
She had the weakest story line, but she never really put me off or made me want to skip ahead. Maybe I wasn't looking hard enough to be offended.
For me, its gotta be Daenerys and her high command of girls in season 7.
god she's beautiful
I agree
The milf was hotter.
>Punisher has been breddy gud aside from her shitty little sideplot
She is the boring main plot. She gets more screen time than Castle. And that's a shame. Retards keep saying that the Punisher is a "one dimensional" character. It's obvious SJW Netflix agreed because they created the most cliche, politically correct main character they could. That bitch. Instead of a Punisher series, they turned it into a knockoff Jason Bourne and knockoff Law and Order SVU show.
Most annoying, agenda pushing characters?
I vote for the lead character on Star Trek discovery.
Didn’t help when I saw half the cast doing a Kaepernick.
nope, literally the hottest
sure her mom is hot as af, but nowhere near as hot as her
Not that one, user.
oh her, yeah she was better in eureka