Mel Gibson gets BTFO by Seth Rogen
criticizing a denouncement of sexual harassment, is that a good look?
Typical jew
I get Mel is a dinosaur, Seth would be lucky af to even sniff a cameo in a Gibson production.
What a cunt.
Stop making threads about social media you fucking faggots
This shit is disgusting, no one gives a flying fuck about this shit
Can Seth make a sentence without referencing Nazis?
You own nothing goyim
braveheart was shit
Is this the DUDE WEED LMAO feller I keep hearing about or the one that got fatshamed by the frencher lady.
Only if it involves weed
why is Rogan even talking? Is he even relevant outside retarded stoner flicks that people forget about as soon as the credits roll?
No it wasn't, it's the last great epic.
oy vey
The only movie Mel would ever do with Seth is a documentary where he sneaks into his house and beats the shit out of him.
>Sup Forums defends a roided racist has-been over a based canadian who makes kino comedies featuring Hollywood getting murdered, snack orgies and assassinating Kim Jong Un
Kim is /ourguy/.
Stop Seth.
I'd like to be friends, but you're in the wrong here, buddy.
Please take me seriously
fucking weed dicks.
i actually had to ask myself
>who the fuck is seth rogan?
i guess hes becoming more and more irrelevant
Jews aren't a race.
>snack orgies
I'm just gonna take this opportunity to say that Dragged Across Concrete could possibly be movie of the decade. It's the kino we have all wished for.
i didn't know seth rogan posted here
I'm waiting patiently for Seth Rogen to be outed as a sex pest.
>this triggers Sup Forums
A kike sticking it to a fellow kike rapist. Why am I not surprised?
Objectively speaking Seth Rogen is a better artist than Mel Gibson. There's not really much to discuss
>seth rogan is fat and his wife left him
stop hes already dead
To be fair, Mel Gibson was an idiot for even commenting, considering what he's said in the past. Of course it can easily be seen as him talking about Jewish people instead of sexual assault.
Twitter does weird things to people. People who should know better don't know how to keep their damned mouth shut.
For a second I got confused and thought this was about based brooks
>has been
You want more disney shill threads?
I'm just gonna be completely honest that if you hate mel then you simply can't enjoy movies.
Sausage Party, vs. Hacksaw Ridge.
Just get off the internet.
your attempt at baiting is admirable but poor
Go to bed Mr. Connery.
>no one gives a flying fuck about this shit
this thread will get 300+ replies easy
All kikes must die
Do not disrespect Supreme Leader Marshal KimĀ®
> the #2 greatest actor of all time who is several iconic characyers and has never stared in a bad film and always puts his all into a performance
> fat jew who smokes weed and puts his politocal beliefs in all his movies and made one half decent coming of age comedies and a dozen other mediocre peopaganda films
Geee I wonder who is more accomplished
hacksaw ridge > everything rogan ever made
>based canadian
pass me a soylent would ya
>listening to seth rogen
yes? and?
Superbad is better than Hacksaw desu.
I agree with Sean Connery
Mel is the undisputed /ourguy/ of Sup Forums, don't even try it Seth.
Wow why would a Jewish person not like Mel Gibson, it boggles my mind. Oy vey and all.
i wonder how many young people were encouraged to turn to drugs and eventually become addicts thanks to seth rogen.
I don't care for Seth at all but you're a fool to think superbad and pineapple express aren't still watched and known to the day
Seth is upset some Jewish studio heads, actors, directors and agents may lose their careers and goys will replace them
reich means rich
Seth Rogen writes 1.2 hours of film and pisses about for 2 extra months on studio money getting high and improving.
Mel Gibson writes 3 hour films, shoots meticulously for months, demands performances from his actors, then when he cuts the film he keeps only the most kino of takes.
what he means is that
>this shit has no value
but yes the flies will flock
seth lets be reasonable
superbad is good, but the more you watch it the worse it gets (part of this is the weak casting)
it was probably below dodgeball tier
All twitter based threads should be an auto ban
>Objectively speaking Seth Rogen is a better artist than Mel Gibson. There's not really much to discuss
Seth Rogen is worse than Adam Sandler at this point
Nice job Jonah, big gold star for you!
I hope you get raped by a pack of niggers.
lets discuss how you're a faggot with shit opinions who missed quads by one digit
fucking oven dodger :D
>people can't change
>people can only hold one opinion
Sounds pretty "reich" to me
let's not
These guys are in for a shock over the next two decades when all the WW2 vets die and they realize no one gives a fuck anymore
Yes mel gibson is rich. So what, Seth? Are you jealous?
The "snack orgy movie" is literally a film based entirely around the radical denouncement of the Christian god (so typical kike fare).
Hacksaw ridge was one of the worst movies of the decade. The fact you enjoyed the comedic action scenes is a strong sign you have down syndrome.
what some kike spews his anti-white racial hatred like a million other jude star checkmarks on twitter, and that's an own?
Yeah, that movie was the shit.
lel what a kike
and where does that leave all of Rogan's movies? He's still correct that the worst Gibson movie is superior to Rogan's filmography
Gibson warned us about the jew. But we didn't listen. Why didn't we listen?
Pineapple express achieved it's goal of being an actually funny film. Hacksaw ridge failed at being a compelling action film. Gibson is a hack
>Canacuck kike triggered by a man's very existence
Quads confirm
You make one mistake years ago, and people hound you to death for it. What about though, huh? What about all his homophobic jokes?
I don't follow.
The Interview was garbage to work on and to watch, forced humour all the way through.
They were constantly late for set changes because Rogan and Franco were ""improvising"", could smell the fuckers a mile away. They were baked the whole time on shitty stinky weed.
>t. soyboy
Lethal Weapon wasn't shit though. Mad Max wasn't shit. Apocalypto wasn't shit though. Mel has done a lot of kino.
Kill Every Kike Immediately Star The Aryan Nations
> the #2 greatest actor of all time
never reveal your power level
The world's mistake was ever bothering to hide it.
>Cries about racism and sexism
>Sexual harassment charges brought up against him
Witnessed quads of the north star
>Go back to Israel and tell them there that America's daughters and sons are yours no more. Tell them America is free.
"This is a bad dude," says Seth Rogen (The Disaster Artist), 35, adding that he decided after filming 2008's Zack and Miri Make a Porno never to work with Weinstein again. "
So Seth Rogen is Reich too? Why he can criticize Weinstein but Gibson can't? Why did he imply "change" meant some antisemitic intent?
This, too late to go back now. That's why it's necessary to hide it unless you have "fuck you" money and don't care about social ostracization.